1) Write the “after” part of your story. 2) How do you feel about telling your story to others? 3) How does this affect how you think about evangelism? 4) Write a prayer telling God your feelings after writing out your whole story.
Here are the last fewR9c
1) Write the “before” part of your story. 2) Pray that God would help you remember important parts of your story. 3) Pray also that He will give you courage and boldness when the opportunity comes to tell your story.
Bumble thinks the story can be drawn this way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W8ynRMr59k The 3 Circles Story of God Discuss: 1) What do you think of God’s story? 2) Are there any parts you disagree with, or are there any parts that confuse you? Explain. 3) Do you...
Discuss: 1) What’s the biggest challenge you face in telling your story with someone? 2) If you are a Christ follower, have you ever shared your faith story with someone else? 3) If you’ve done so, how did it go? If you haven’t, why not? 4) Who are three people in...
Discuss: 1) When it comes to providing for your needs, where are all the places you trust God (job, health, bank accounts, etc.)? 2) What are the results? 3) What would it look like for you to courageously trust Him with your finances? 4) Write a prayer to God turning...
Discuss: 1) What debt do you have? What is it doing to the condition of your heart? 2) Why is it important to reduce/eliminate debt completely? 3) What step are you going to take to begin getting out of debt? 4) Write a prayer expressing your desire for debt-free...
Discuss: 1) What is your experience with giving? 2) How are you “blessed to be a blessing”? 3) What gets in the way of you being a regular, faithful giver? 4) Write a prayer expressing your thoughts on giving tithes and offerings. Ask God to work in your heart where...
Discuss: 1) In your mind, what is the difference between an owner and a manager? 2) How have you been acting like an owner? How have you been acting like a manager? 3) What has been your experience with budgets? 4) Write a prayer turning over ownership of your...
Discuss: 1) Look at the Bible verses in today's reading. Note bellow those that challenge or encourage you. 2) How do these verses align with your current view of money? 3) Write a prayer focusing your heart on God and His purpose for your life. Ask for God’s guidance...
Discuss: 1) What are your thoughts about our call to help bring peace—shalom—to our world? Is it overwhelming to you or does it excite you? 2) Thank God for the gift of His peace and love. Ask Him to show you ways you can reach out to people with a heart to bring...
Discuss: 1) What are obstacles to a lifestyle of service that you have experienced? 2) What are things you can do this week in service to someone in your life and/or those living in poverty? 3) Ask God to give you His eyes for those in need. Ask Him to show you...
Discuss: 1) How does this definition of poverty change your view of those in need? 2) What is your reaction when you encounter situations of injustice? 3) Where have you experienced the compassion of God in your life? 4) Where have you experienced the compassion of...
Discuss: 1) Where have you seen Jesus “disguised” as someone in need? What was your response? 2) Were you ever on the receiving end of another person’s help? What did the person’s actions tell you about him or her? 3) Where are you more comfortable serving—in the...
Discuss: 1) Who are the marginalized people and outcasts of society today? 2) Who is your neighbor? 3) Write a prayer asking God to show you your neighbor. Pray for the opportunity to meet their needs and move into a life of service.
Discuss: 1) What are some spiritual gifts you have been given? How can you use these gifts in this season of your life? 2) As you look at your life and the gifts God has given you, what sense do you have of the purpose He has for you and how He wants to use you? 3)...
Discuss: 1) Where in your life do you need the Holy Spirit’s power? 2) What would you like to accomplish through the power of the Holy Spirit? 3) Sit in silence for several minutes asking God to speak to your heart through the Holy Spirit. What did He say? Write a...
Discuss: 1) What are ways you can become involved in the Great Commission? 2) What are your thoughts about being “blessed to be a blessing” when it comes to sharing the Good News? 3) Write a prayer about your role in God’s mission. If this isn’t a desire for you, be...
Discuss: 1) What surprises you about Jesus’ heart? 2) Who are people you know who have hearts like Jesus? What attracts you to them? 3) What does it look like to serve out of your purpose rather than your agenda? 4) Write a prayer thanking Jesus for His heart of...