Discuss: 1) Look at the Bible verses in today’s reading. Note bellow those that challenge or encourage you. 2) How do these verses align with your current view of money? 3) Write a prayer focusing your heart on God and His purpose for your life. Ask for God’s guidance as you align your heart to His will and desires for you.
Knowing Him 50: Obedient Leadership
Introduction Peter leads a large group of disciples to an isolated (perhaps secretive) meeting where Jesus will once again give them their marching orders. Then they make their way back to Jerusalem to await the coming Holy Spirit as the movement switches into its...
(from Roger)
1) I, like don feel that the verses that were challenging are also very encouraging. The verse may not represent a belief I am steadfast in today but it does represent something I want to aspire toward. Many of the verses in fact made me feel this way. I liked this verse “Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD?
Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol
or swear by a false god.” I know the change I need today must come from the heart and not from the mind. This is probably one of my biggest challenges today. To cultivate these beliefs and thoughts in my heart.
2) money has always been an idol of mine since I can remember. I know I still need to temper this belief and desire to accumulate more at all cost. I’ve done well in doing this since I got clean but I have a lot of work to do before I feel my approach is balanced. Money is a means to the end, not the end and I’m still fighting with this everyday.
3) god I come to you as a loyal servant wanting to grow more in the spirit and walk of your son Jesus Christ. Please help me break down the divide that exists in my heart and mind abt how this world should work and my place in it. Allow me to more easily align my thoughts, my wants, my needs, myself in totality to your will for me. Allow me to quiet myself enough so that I can connect with your vision, for you hold the real power, for you hold the plan for us. In Jesus name I pray.
I think the verse that sticks out to me was Matthew 6:25-34. I think in a culture where money determines your success or just being mindful of the future and always hearing that it’s good to save early. I tend to worry about finances pretty often just because I compare myself to people around me and my age. Seeing others have more things than me just automatically means to me that they are smarter with their money and spending wisely. Lord I pray that when I make money I don’t make it an idol in my life I hope I see it as a something to help spread you kingdom.
1) the verse:
You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant…”
— Deuteronomy 8:17-20
I may not say it, but it’s in my heart. With my lips I may say:”it’s by God’s grace.” But in my heart a lot of times, I’ll say that my achievements have come because of my sacrifices and hard work and right decisions. It’s so subtle but ever-present.
2) my current view of money is pretty aligned with those verses..I am aware of its power to replace God on the throne of my heart.
3)”Lord, I pray that you will truly be ‘Lord’ in my heart. Money promises security, identity, satisfaction and pleasure but Holy Spirit, I pray that you will help me to resist the temptation to look to anything else but you for my identity, security, satisfaction and pleasure.”
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops, then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” This verse has resonated deeply in our lives. In the early years of our marriage, we spent money recklessly, dining out frequently, and neglecting to tithe regularly. It wasn’t until a profound encounter with God at the Urbana conference convicted me of our financial habits that we decided to prioritize discipline and tithing, even during lean times like when we were purchasing our first home. Despite the initial challenges, we remained steadfast in our commitment to tithing, increasing our giving as our income grew. From that point on, we witnessed God’s abundant blessings in our finances, a testament to His faithfulness.
Dear God, your promises have never failed us, particularly in this aspect of our lives. Your provision has been evident, and we are grateful for your love and provision. You call us to give back, not only to experience you more deeply but also to extend your blessings to others. Help me overcome my tendency to worry about money and instead trust in your plans for our future. Guide me in using your blessings to serve your kingdom and to care for those in need.
The verse that aligns with me is Luke 6:38. I’m not sure if it’s directly related to my perspective on money, but when I was listening to Pastor Bumble’s preach last night, he emphasized that one of the central aspects of the Christian faith is giving. I realized that giving is something I have been failing lately, and he reminded me of the importance of giving as a Christian. Also, I should remember that money or other possessions are things I cannot bring to Heaven, and those who help and serve people in need will have a rich relationship with God.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your unwavering love and grace. I thank you for having a plan for my life. I kindly ask for your guidance as I align my heart with your will and desires for me. May your peace fill my heart as I walk in obedience to your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
1. All of these verses are encouraging because they remind me to keep trusting the Lord because with God, I lack nothing. However, Matthew 6:25-34 gets very challenging because sometimes I feel like I have to work to get money and for food, and sometimes I doubt God because Idk what He is gonna do to provide the necessities I need to survive.
2. Well these verses to stop trusting in myself to gain the riches of the world but to trust in the Lord because in the Lord, there is a lot more in store than what the world can give. It just reminded me to stop living for money but to start living for God.
3. Dear God, I have a problem of focusing on how much I have when I should be focusing on how much I believe in You. After leaving GLA, I was worried about how my family was gonna make money and be able to provide food on the table, but You have been providing a lot of things for us and I’m sorry for not trusting in You. Please continue to guide me as I align my heart to Your Will and desires for me. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Luke 12:15 stood out for me. In life, we tend to possess many things simply because they can bring you some sense of security. But life is more than owning material things on this earth.
This verse aligns with my current view of money because I really have to be on a watch out. Possession of certain things can give you a false sense of security. But things on earth are temporary. That just shows you don’t trust God enough to provide you with security and you don’t depend on Him. Our father knows what we need and he will provide. Our job is to seek him first and don’t let our greed take over what God wants in our life.
God, thank you for all the blessings you have given me. I ask that you help me focus my heart on you so that I desire what you desire. Help me to not have a greedy heart, but a heart that truly depends on you for my needs
From Cyndi
Encouraging verses: Luke 6:38 and Proverbs 3:9-10. Challenging verses: Matthew 6:25-34
My view of money aligns with me knowing that everything comes from God. God gave me the ability to work to make money and to make ends meet. It is not my own strength and own doing. I honor the Lord with my money by giving what I can when there is a need and tithing to the church. My heart does worry often and I get fixated with planning ahead, getting things done and prepared and thinking about future events. I need to not worry about tomorrow but to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness. I need to Trust and have faith that God will always provide for me no matter what.
Please God help me align my heart with yours. Guide me and my heart to seek after your will and surrender my money finances to you. Help me to be a giver and not worry about tomorrow. I appreciate the blessings you have given me and help me to do the same to bless others with what I have. Amen.
After reading the verses about how God views money, I think it was easy to understand it. My parents have always given me lessons on money and what types of problems it can cause. I view money as an avenue to countless problems in life such as bringing physiological needs and safety needs but I also am scared of it as well. Being greedy is one of the fears I have and I try actively to not be that. Everyone is to some degree greedy and some are more than others. Money changes people’s views on life and can change their moral compass. Many times it can also push people away from God. I pray that God will give me purpose in life and also view money as an avenue to enlightenment and self actualization.
Proverbs 3:9-10 is an encouragement to me because it reminds me that God will take care and bless your those who honor him with their material resources. I am challenged by Matthew 6:25-34 because I tend to over worry and that shows my lack of trusting God to provide for my needs. My view of money is consistent with the verses we read today. I do see money as an instrument and something I need to honor God with, but know I do need to trust God more with his provisions for me and my family. Lord God thank you for all that you have given me. Thank you also for Jesus who shows me the ultimate example of giving. I pray that you would give me a desire for you that is greater than any material possession and that I would use the resources you’ve blessed me with to honor you and to invest in the eternal things.