What’s Going On Lately?

Mon. Sep 11, 2023

As we start the journey through the Life of David in 1 Samuel 16:1-13, today’s devotional invites you into the home of Jeruziah, David’s sister. Imagine receiving a letter from her father Jesse as he shares his heart and reflections on the momentous event of David’s anointing. May this creative take on a biblical story encourage you to see God’s hand in your own life.

My daughter Jeruziah,

I trust this letter finds you well. How are my favorite grandsons Joab, Abishai, and Asahel? I missed you and them very much. Something big happened so I feel compelled to write to you, my oldest daughter.

A few days ago, we were visited by none other than the prophet Samuel. He arrived with a heifer and told The Elders that God wants us to sacrifice it and eat it. Then Elder Jair ordered us to ritually consecrate ourselves, so we could attend the feast. I was very surprised that The Elders invited our family, since I am not a town elder and do not possess any status that would merit such an honor.

As if that was not enough, Samuel went through each of your brothers, I watched in astonishment as he passed over each one, from Eliab the eldest to the youngest. He was looking for someone and asked if everyone was present. My heart pounded as I admitted that David, the youngest, was still out tending the sheep.

When we had David brought in from the fields, immediately, in the middle of the feast, Samuel anointed him. As the oil flowed over his youthful face, my heart was filled with a mixture of awe, joy, and fear. Our David, the shepherd boy, has been chosen by God for a purpose I can barely fathom! Afterward, Samuel swore everyone into secrecy, so remember to not disclose this to anyone! 

In the midst of our daily struggles, I am reminded of God’s unwavering love. He sees us, my dear Jeruziah, in the midst of our trials and our victories. He knows each one of us and our children and has a plan for all of us. I am humbled and thankful for His love and His divine intervention in our lives.

As you know, being a father to ten children is a blessing that comes with its own set of challenges. The demands of the fields often pulled me away, and I find myself grappling with the guilt of not being able to devote as much time to each child as I would like, especially with you and David. I wish that our family had more wealth, so you all could be more taken care of and did not have to be married off so young, nor for little David to be relegated to the back hillside, tending sheep. Yet, in the midst of these trials, I have witnessed the divine hand of God at work.

As I reflect on this recent event of Samuel anointing David, I am reminded of the Lord’s gracious blessings. His love is a beacon in our lives, guiding us through the darkest nights and into the dawn of His glorious light.

What about you? How have you seen the Lord’s gracious blessings in your life? What recent blessing are you thankful for and want to give Him praise? 

Your father,


That’s it for the devotional reading of today. Since this is the first day, take it easy and just share, “How have you seen the Lord’s gracious blessings in your life? What recent blessing are you thankful for and want to give Him praise?” If you want to know how this competition works, read the rules.

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1 year ago

The Lord has truly blessed me by granting me the privilege of being born into a loving Christian family. Though I was resistant to His love, He was gracious to draw me back to Him. 
When our family left everything behind and started on the journey to the United States, we were struggling and facing many challenges. Yet, we have been deeply grateful for His provision and guidance upon us.

Charlie Nguyen
Charlie Nguyen
1 year ago

This is share with our group from our sister Roselyne:

My most current blessing was during Covid. It was a time when I became isolated and away from friends and family yet that was also a time when I grew in my walk. I came into contact with a friend who is an alcoholic, through that I learned more and more what alcoholism is and the struggles of the disease. Through this, I started to see a world with much more brokenness and saw how I had failed as a Christian to love these people because I had always been so busy being in the church and viewing people differently because of the stigma associated with alcoholism, homelessness, amongst other things.
I went down a deep and dark place as I struggled to come to terms with who I was as a believer and saw how much damage I had done to others because I felt that I was better than them and thought I had the right to judge them or make them feel as though they were not good enough because of the choices they made that I felt wasn’t right. This past year through Gods grace, I’ve started to see my own downfall, sins and saw the wrong I did through this and so I took several steps back. I stepped down from ministry because I didn’t want the title and spent that time reaching out to those who left the church because of people me and admit that I was wrong, asked for their forgiveness and to hear what they have to say. It was a dark place but as I walked through this process it became a great blessing because I was able to apologize, acknowledge my mistakes and rebuild these relationships. There are still people left who I have yet to reach out to but in time and through prayer I will.

1 year ago

(from Charles)

I have been fortunate enough to see God’s gracious blessings throughout my life. One area that I have been reflecting upon recently is the people that I have been surrounded with throughout my life. Whether it is at RP, my friends from school or family I know that I have constantly been surrounded by people who have either guided or influenced me in one way or another to be the person I am today. I am looking forward to reading through this series on David and seeing what God can teach us through his life.

Christine Ngo
Christine Ngo
1 year ago

Good morning everyone, my name is celeste and I just finished reading todays devotional. For me god/ our lord has given me so much blessings, I’ve recently reconnected with my dad, we have never seen eye to eye but today I can honestly say that I’m happy that my dad is in my life, we’ve lost my only brother and his only son last year, and he’s getting older, I think back to when there’s never a moment or time that he has not been there for me but I just never see it before, he’s staying with me when he’s down in Southern California now and that’s a big step for me. My other blessing is that god has given me the blessings to talk to my ex husband and that I’m able to mend my relationship with our daughter who’s my oldest of my three children. She just turned 20 September 5th and just started cal state Fullerton. I am so grateful that I’m able to be a part of my dad and my oldest daughters life moving forward, I am also working on mending my relationship on my two younger ones who are my oldest half siblings. I am truly blessed 🥲. Thank you for letting me share and I apologize for this really long text. I will cut it short the next reading .

1 year ago

I have seen and experienced God’s unfailing love and gracious blessing in my community at RP. Growing up in a broken and non-Christian family, it was challenging to fully understand what that looked like. Through the different friendships and relationships, I have come to see, know, and experience God’s love, goodness, and provision. He has truly has saved, healed, and redeemed me and I am truly grateful.

One recent blessing I have experienced was witnessing Mimi get baptized yesterday. When she first came to our small group, she didn’t know who God is. It has been such a blessing to see her learn of His unwavering love and accept Jesus into her life.

tu truong
tu truong
1 year ago

When I recount the many blessings the Lord’s given me this past year, though still going thru a dry season with life progress, just like you guys I am thankful to be surrounded with such faithful servants in His kingdom who guide and walk with me daily, who corrects and builds me and shows me God’s unconditional love. Though I am still unsure of what is to come during this next season of life, I am praising God more and more for His mercies are new every day and the reward of knowing Him is far more sufficient than anything this world could offer. I am excited to be going through these next 12 weeks (?) with you gents and knowing more about how the Lord has moved and worked and used you for His glory!

Thomas Chau
Thomas Chau
1 year ago

There’s been a lot of blessings in my life lately. Very thankful for God protecting my sister from a health scare, my relationship with my cousins and family, the brother hood I have with my highschool friends and the guys at rp, and just the opportunity to live life everyday. Also after Nikko’s baptism yesterday it brought me back to the memories of mine and thankful for that God let me see His goodness and made me see my sin and helped me devote my life to Him.

Ai Tran
Ai Tran
1 year ago

I’ve seen God’s gracious blessings ever since He chose me and my family to become believers. This means that I am saved by the love of God, and my sins are paid for by His only Son. I am also thankful for recent blessings in my life: getting to meet my significant other and the opportunities for fellowship and serving our Lord that we have at RP Church.

1 year ago

Personally, I’ve experienced God’s blessings through the community at RP. The people and the church culture at RP is unparalleled as it helped me build bonds with people that I would have never had the opportunity to talk to. My most recent blessing from the Lord was when He had protected my grandma from getting any major symptoms from Covid when she had gone on her trip to Vietnam.