Knowing Him 34: Leading While Grieving

Thu. Apr 14, 2022


Meanwhile, as the disciples are wandering the countryside having the adventure of a lifetime, something else very exciting was happening in Israel. It was the birthday of King Herod and he was throwing a party for himself that would last for days, if not weeks. At this party something would happen that would launch the movement to a new level at a deep personal cost to Jesus Himself. Read this sad story very carefully.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Matthew 14:1-14
Mark 6:14-34
Luke 9:7-11

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What do these passages tell us about Herod?
  2. What is Herod thinking and feeling? What does he end up doing?
  3. How does Jesus respond to the death of His best friend (Matt. 14:13)?
  4. What emotions must Jesus be experiencing?
  5. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Amber, Jho, Kimberly, Jeff
Team Amber, Jho, Kimberly, Jeff
2 years ago

How does Jesus respond to the death of His best friend (Matt. 14:13)?

Jesus withdrew to a solitary by boat, which better allowed Him to be in solitude as if He were to be out walking, the crowds would’ve much easier followed and overwhelmed Him. While He does spend time with His disciples in solitude, upon reaching land and seeing the crowds, He had compassion on the people and continued on with His own mission to heal and save them. I’m reminded of the importance of timing here – when I am able to have solitude that I should use it to reconnect with God and decompress from my baggage, but when I’m with others and there are opportunities to love, that I should be present

Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

What emotions must Jesus be experiencing?

– I think we see lastly in this passage, Jesus Christ’s readiness to receive all who come to Him. We are told, that when the multitude followed Him into the desert, where He had retired, “he received them, and spoke unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing.” Even as they may have come paraded on his privacy, he responded so kindly. I feel he’s always more ready to give instruction than people were to ask it, and more willing to teach than people were to be taught.

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

Herod doesn’t really think like a ruler here. He’s living in fear and cares way too much about what others think of him. The entire story of him beheading John the Baptist was because he gave in to pressure. And so obviously he’d go see what the fuss around Jesus was about. Like Thomas said it’s probably a mix of jealousy and fear that’s motivating him now. It’s kinda funny though how Jesus hears of this and wants to mourn, but he still can’t catch a break from the crowds. His cousin(iirc) was killed and people are still basically demanding he work. And it’s weird because both Jesus and Herod are giving in to pressure, but the outcomes are very different.

Team hoa Joce tiff and viv
Team hoa Joce tiff and viv
2 years ago

What a sad passage to read through. Similarly to what the girls were sharing, it is difficult to imagine how Jesus must’ve felt. It frustrated me to know that John was beheaded for such a petty reason. Jesus and John were good friends and were even family. As I reflected on John, I am reminded of how good of a leader he was and how he lived such a purposeful life staying true to his identity and not letting temptation steer him from falling with the ways of the world. Even before he was ordered to be beheaded, what stuck out to me was when he confronted Herod for his wrong actions of being unlawful. Knowing the risk he was making, he didn’t let that get in the way of being holy and righteous. He stayed true to his beliefs and I admire his courage.

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