Knowing Him 31: Choosing Leaders

Mon. Apr 11, 2022


It appears that there is a curious Pharisee living in Capernaum, who has been following the ministry of Jesus. He is intrigued enough to risk his reputation and invite Jesus over for a meal with some of his friends. Jesus accepts the invitation and what transpires is nothing less than life transforming. Take a look!

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Luke 7:36-50

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What does this passage tell us about Simon the Pharisee (a religious leader of the day)?
  2. What does this “sinful woman” do that demonstrated real leadership humility?
  3. What were the disciples learning about leadership Jesus-style?
  4. What is this passage telling us about how we should love?
  5. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Amber, Jho, Kimberly, Jeff
Team Amber, Jho, Kimberly, Jeff
2 years ago

What is this passage telling us about how we should love?

This passage is telling us that we should love through the lens of God’s love for us, extending His love to others because He loved us first. When we’re able to adopt that perspective it empowers us to love and give freely to those around us because it doesn’t originate from us but rather we’re an extension of what we’ve experienced and come to know

Charles Lee
Charles Lee
2 years ago

What does this passage tell us about Simon the Pharisee (a religious leader of the day)?
What this passage tells us is that Simon was interested and curious enough about Jesus to invite him to his house to eat. But by the same measure, it seems he did not exactly respect Jesus because Simon did not extend a lot of the Jewish customs which should be extended to a guest. So it seems although Simon maybe wanted to investigate Jesus, he did not seem to extend him a lot of the hospitalities that should be given. I’m not sure if Simon was intentionally trying to disrespect Jesus or perhaps he didn’t think highly enough of Jesus.

Team Hoa Vivien Tiff and Joce
Team Hoa Vivien Tiff and Joce
2 years ago

Today’s passage was a powerful message that reminded me that I am no better than anyone else according to Jesus. I really like the example that Jesus illustrates to confront the difference in how Simon worships Jesus versus the women. No sin is greater and Jesus reassures that through his illustration. However, Jesus takes notice of how we come before Him and rely on Him. I can definitely see myself relating to Simon’s response because there are times when I find myself feeling more deserving because of what I have done or who I am. But in today’s passage, God confronts my heart and tells me to humble myself. I realize that I need to revaluate my mindset and come to Jesus like the woman and also love others like how Jesus did. Love those who are different from me and soften my heart to those who have made me bitter. This is challenging and a lot easier said than done but that is something that Jesus calls us to do.

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

What the passage tells me of Simon the Pharisee is that he was someone who could not look past status to see the person nor the irony. The woman was a sinner and so all Simon could see was someone who sinned, not someone who needed help from sinning. It seems to me that Simon, a religious leader, was more concerned for a person’s status, which reflects his own personal concern based on his response to Jesus’ interaction with a sinner. His concern was about his reputation as a religious leader and how it would be tainted if he were to interact with someone deemed of a lower religious standing than him, which is ironic given what he was preaching. If I learned anything from Simon, is that “preserving” one’s sanctity does nothing but keep one’s sanctity stagnant. If anything, we should be like the woman, who lowered herself further to bring Jesus higher for it’s God who should be receiving the status and the spotlight, not ourselves. Much like a lamp under a basket, a person’s sanctity is useless if it’s hidden from those who need to see and receive it.

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