Knowing Him 29: Leadership and Authority

Thu. Apr 7, 2022


After choosing the first leaders for the movement and laying out the Father’s plan for reaching the world, Jesus comes down from the mountain and returns to His home and ministry center in Capernaum. His leaders are now with Him almost 24/7. And who does the Father have waiting in the wings but a Roman centurion? Oh, the humor of our Father in Heaven! How will Jesus model His new leadership style? How will it all play out?

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Luke 7:1-10
Matthew 8:5-13

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What do we know about centurions?
  2. What character qualities do we see in this centurion?
  3. What is this Gentile soldier modeling for us about leadership?
  4. What was Jesus’ response to this centurion? Why?
  5. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Jho, Jeff, Kim & Amber
Team Jho, Jeff, Kim & Amber
2 years ago

“What character qualities do we see in this centurion?”

I see humility and great faith in the centurion. Even someone with a “higher” status trusted in Jesus’ power to heal whether near or from a distance. He believed in Jesus’ authority even though he was an enemy.

Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

Yo !
– What do we know about centurions?
That it would be very unlikely to see one hang with Jewish Leaders. Responsible for 100 army men, hence the name centurion. But because of that, we assume he should be the least trusting of Jesus, being A gentile and a Roman soldier… yet him truly believing his servant would be healed shows two things to me. That one he believed in Jesus, and also that he must have been a good man in the heart to want his servant to be healed

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

The thing that impressed me the most in the story is the faith the centurion has. I feel like in my life it is often easy for me to stress out and feel anxious about every little thing, but seeing how much faith the centurion have is incredible he also even thought he wasn’t worthy enough for Christ to go in his house. I need more faith like the centurion in today’s story.

Team Hoa Vivien Tiff and Joce
Team Hoa Vivien Tiff and Joce
2 years ago

From what I remembered, Romans were considered bad and did not have the best relationship with Jewish people. With centurions, they were a part of the Roman government so maybe they were incredibly against the Jewish culture and teachings. I could be wrong though. So with that in mind, I believe that reading this passage gave me hope knowing that God can reach all kinds of people. Including people who aren’t typically considered an ideal followers. It makes me reflect on how powerful God is and how oftentimes I underestimate that He is able to perform miracles. I really like this passage because the centurion showed such great and humble faith. He recognized where he stood with Jesus. He was not like the Pharisees who thought they were all that but he was coming before God with a realization that he is not worthy. He is someone that we should emulate when we come to God. To recognize how much more God is to us but also fully depend on God like He is the only one who can truly save us.

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