Discuss: 1) What’s the biggest challenge you face in telling your story with someone? 2) If you are a Christ follower, have you ever shared your faith story with someone else? 3) If you’ve done so, how did it go? If you haven’t, why not? 4) Who are three people in your life that don’t know Jesus? 5) Ask God to give you opportunities to share your faith with those three people this week.
1. The biggest challenge for me is fear of not having the right answer and also being awkward. I’m also not good at putting my thoughts into words on the spot. That’s why this format of typing up responses has been better for me lol.
2/3. To be honest I don’t remember a time where I’ve officially shared my faith story with someone that was not Christian. (Granted I do have a horrible memory lol) I’ve shared small stories of how God has been working in my life but I think it’s been mainly conversations with other Christians. I think fear and doubt about my abilities usually hinders me. And also when the reading today talked about being in a holy bubble, I feel like my life is a little like that. We naturally surround ourselves with people who are like us, and therefore I tend to be more comfortable around Christians. It is definitely something I am actively working on more this past year.
4. I can only think of 2 people that I am trying to nurture relationships with to be a better witness to: my cousin Caitlyn and Selyna (another mompreneur I met at a market).
5. God, I pray that you give me courage to share your gospel. Please give me the words to speak when I don’t have any. Give me the wisdom to know when and how to speak your truth.
1) I would say that historically, the biggest challenges I’ve faced in telling my story with someone would have to be a sense of awkwardness in spiritual (or any) conversation, as well as a worry about whether my life matched up to “Christian” standards. I will say that these challenges have been overcome for the most part with practice, as today I am much more able to share my story and faith with ease to pretty much anyone that will listen😏 As for the thought of my life matching up to “Christian” standards, this has changed from being a hindrance to sharing my story into what often times becomes the very doorway through which I am able to express my own need for Jesus!
2) I have shared my faith story with many people, and in many ways over the years.
3) How did it go? There have been a wide variety of ways in which people have responded to it, ranging from people affirming their own stories of faith, to curiosity, to disinterest, to, even, on a few occasions, blatant rejection and even hostility.
4) Three people in my life right now that don’t know Jesus are: David, (a self-proclaimed atheist friend of mine,) Adam, (a curious and somewhat open friend struggling with addiction,) and my sister, (who seems to have pretty much rejected the Christian faith- or at least her understanding of it- for a more humanist view).
5) Heavenly Father, thank You for the people that You’ve placed in my life, and the many unique opportunities to share my faith, especially within the 12 step program. Grant me wisdom and grace, that I would share the “truth with love” to those that don’t yet know You, and I pray that You would continue to open those doors, as well as the hearts of those that would receive Your gospel message of hope and life.
I don’t feel challenged to share my story with someone. When I am given the chance, I’m more than thrilled to share my story with others. Sometimes I even share other people’s stories in order for them to relate with.
I have shared my story with my mom, Yuzan, Yuto, and Takuya.
It all went well. They were able to concur with my story. But some people were not willing to follow the same path as I did. I don’t blame them because it is a big commitment to make.
I don’t know if my friends from college know about Jesus because I have not have the chance to talk to them about the subject. My guess is no so I need time to get to know them better.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for making me a part of your amazing story. It is a blessing and honor to be able to share your greatness and love to other people. I pray that you will guide me to the people who do not know you so I can share the story with them. Amen.
for me it’s definitely not being able to answer all the questions. I have shared my testimony to a few people. It’s been a while though, but sometimes my students randomly asked how I came to Christ. It’s gone well studnents are interested just because I bring up cancer but after that they seem not as interested. I think 3 people that don’t know Jesus are my mom, my dad, and my friend Nate.
The biggest challenge is time to build relationships with people. I think I use the excuse I am too busy to invest my time to get know people and naturally find ways to pray for them if they are in need.
Yes, but very few times I’ve shared my faith. Only when a conversation comes up and connects to my old ways, then I’d share how I am changed and forgiven. It’s awkward at first to share about your old ways, but it makes me relatable to them that I am not perfect but forgiven.
Three people that don’t know Jesus are my office manager, a parent and friend of Chloe on the volleyball team (Wayne and Helena). I think it’s more I don’t know if they Jesus about Jesus since I haven’t had any conversation about being a Christian.
Dear God. You reminded me to be bold in my faith. You “actually equipped us perfectly to effectively share our story with others. If you are a Christian, you have a story and God has placed you where you are to share that story for His purpose and plans.” Forgive me for using the easy excuse route of busyness. I hide behind busyness so that it’s an excuse to not get to know people more. Help me to take the time to get to know people beyond the surface level so I have opportunities to know about their needs and then share about my faith and hope in Christ.
1. The biggest challenge I face in telling my story with someone is how I deliver my testimony because I’m not a good speaker, and I know my story, but it’s hard to share it.
2 and 3. From the start of my junior year in high school until now, I’ve seen myself sharing my story and telling people about Jesus more than I ever could. I remember going to FOMO and meeting a guy who believes in “God the Mother,” and it was scary talking to him, but I was able to share my faith and how Christ has changed my life. That guy was so solid in his apologetics, but I went onto asking him about his testimony, and when I shared my testimony, his face was red like he got cooked. I also got to share a bit of my story at Hoi Dong for the outreach project and in front of Cru for a lunch meeting, and it was the scariest moment of my life, but I thank God for the opportunity.
4. Three people in my life who don’t know Jesus are my friends from school named Dylan, Khoi, and Minh.
5. Dear God, I pray for my friends Dylan, Khoi, and Minh. I pray that you give me the courage to preach the Gospel to them, and I pray that You soften their hearts so that they could respond to the Gospel with repentance and faith. I pray all these things in Jesus Name, Amen.
The biggest challenge was being judged. I have an insecurity of judgment when it comes to me due to the conditions I was in being raised in. Growing up I was always being judged by my parents and made me quiet or not want to tell people the full story. It is hard for me to talk a lot about what Is going on inside my head. I am a Christ follower and yes I have shared my story with someone else. It was hard at first because I was worried about how the other person might see me. I slowly started talking about it and it felt good at the end and the other person started to relate with me. It was a great talk that day. There are three friends that are in my circle that one of them knows God but doesn’t really know him. And the others have never thought about him or heard of him. I pray God gives me the opportunity to share my story to my friends and maybe it will click with them and they will be interested.
The biggest challenge I face in telling my story with someone is finding the organic time to tell the story when we haven’t had that conversation before. I have shared my faith story with others, often those that I’ve known for a while that ask about church or with other believers. It goes well typically! For my non Christian friends, they’re intrigued about the culture of Christianity and the difference in living life/perspective when believing in God. Three people that are not Christian are two work friends that i grew close to back when i worked in LA and one of Monica’s PA school friends that we’ve grown close to as they also have a son around the same age as Emma. God, I pray for opportunities to share the gospel and my faith story with others.
haring my story does get more challenging now that I’m older. I think the biggest challenge is the fear of feeling awkward with those who believe differently than us. Don’t want to step on anybody’s toes.
Yes, I’ve shared with new friends & younger girls in high school. These conversations actually all went really well & they all had a genuine curiosity
Jessica, Vivian, Vi
Dear God, You are the light of this world. I pray to step out into boldness and share the good news with people who do not know you. Please help me to be salt and light. Please use me for the glory of your kingdom and lead me into opportunities to share with Jess, Viv, & Vi. Please soften their hearts to receive your good news. Amen.