Discuss: 1) Who are the marginalized people and outcasts of society today? 2) Who is your neighbor? 3) Write a prayer asking God to show you your neighbor. Pray for the opportunity to meet their needs and move into a life of service.
Knowing Him 50: Obedient Leadership
Introduction Peter leads a large group of disciples to an isolated (perhaps secretive) meeting where Jesus will once again give them their marching orders. Then they make their way back to Jerusalem to await the coming Holy Spirit as the movement switches into its...
1) I think that one marginalized people group in our society are people addicted to drugs/alcohol and also those with mental illnesses. Niko’s birth parents struggle with both, resulting in their inability to take care of him.
2) My neighbor is anyone who has a need that I can meet with the resources that God has entrusted me with.
3) Lord Jesus, you moved among us and saw/had compassion for the most marginalized, for those that society looked down upon. Through my family, RP and the clinic, make our hearts ache to love those people as you do, to move out in action to love them. Cause me to remember that we are not the rescuers,…we help because we are the rescued.”
From Cyndi
People of color, homeless, homosexual, disabilities/special needs, and the poor.
People with different views, way of life, and personality. Currently, My special Ed director has been very difficult to work for and with. His lack of leadership and decisions affects the IEP team and the family and students I serve. His status and power are not being used effectively and is not for the people and purpose to serve the students with special needs. It’s been very difficult for me to respect him and working with him.
Dear God please help me to love my special Ed director even though I don’t want to. I know I can’t change him and his work ethic and leadership, but I can change my attitude towards him and continue be a light to make a positive impact towards the students I serve. Also I pray for opportunities to help serve the poor, the homeless, and speak up and stand up for those who are being mistreated because of their skin color. Amen.
1) Who are the marginalized people and outcasts of society today?
It’s very sad to say but marginalized people today I feel are people who have mental illness, people with disabilities, people that don’t look good or people with are poor like homeless people.
2) Who is your neighbor?
I live in a very bad neighborhood so I always run into drug addicts, homelessness, mental people, I myself am not wealthy so I see myself just like one of them. I’m not any better than them but the difference for me is that I know God’s love for me and I’ve been saved. I am reminded to live in humility and gratitude.
3) Dear God oh Heavenly Father, I wake up this morning praising you for an another day of life. Lord, I woke up this morning and I was thinking about a time in my life where I almost gave up on myself and I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to receive your love and for the life I had today, so thank you God. Lord I pray that you guide me to walk in humility and gratitude so I can have a willingness, open mind and open heart with clear eyes to see those around me that are suffering or needs to hear the good news of the gospel or just need some comfort. May you Bless me today so that I can be one to spread your love today to those around me God. I pray all these thing in your precious name. Amen
(from Roger)
1) so much of society today is based upon material possessions. The marginalized would be those lacking in material possessions. Going even further, those close to poverty level but still struggling to make ends meet would be part of the forgotten in my book. In addition to those don spoke abt which are the homeless, the drug addicts, people with mental health issues, even the elderly. These are all examples of marginalized peoples to some extent.
2) as Jesus stated, our neighbor can and is everyone and anyone. Our neighbor is fellow man/woman. Although we may come from different walks and different cultures, at the core we are all part of gods creation and as such, are all neighbors to one another. It’s just too bad that that’s not what is practiced today.
3) Jesus, you’ve made it so, so that I can find you and believe in you. You’ve offered me salvation and tons of undeserved grace. Please change my selfish ways so that I too can be the neighbor that loves unconditional and strives to help others in need. Let that compassion become a part of my heart so that I can give my life to service without hesitation, without agenda. Soften my heart so that I don’t see marginalized people as mere obstacles in my route but as the suffering people that need help just as I once did. Also protect me from abuse or malfeasance when I attempt to do “neighborly” things for others as my experiences with people have often gone awry. I see change occurring in my mind but make it occur in my heart. I pray for the capacity to love others as you have demonstrated. Let me never forget the miracles you have performed in me in such short order and continue to walk this life, as close to you as possible, partners in this journey. In Jesus name I pray.
The marginalized and outcasts of society today could be ones with mental illness or drug addicts. I believe society immediately looks down and walks away from people and doesn’t even think twice about it. My neighbor are people who have yet to hear about the Gospel and those who have not been reached out yet. They are my neighbors because God has called me to love everyone and to bring His Gospel message to the ends of the earth, so everyone who has yet to hear about His word is my neighbor. God, I thank you for how close and real You are to me. You’ve shown me what it is like to be human, to be mocked and not wanted but yet You did overcome all that and even death itself to be the ruler of this earth. I pray that You would empower me with Your strength so that Your name would be heard and Your will be done here, amen.
The outcasts of society would be homeless people. I see them getting treated differently as if they are below everyone else. They are just as human as all of us they just need more guidance and help. We may never know what they have been through. My neighbor is everyone around me. I treat everyone the same and help everywhere whenever I can. It does not matter how much or little I have, I will serve. I pray God shows me my neighbor and for the guidance I will need to help my fellow neighbors.
The marginalized and outcasts these days can be the homeless, the disabled, the mentally ill, people facing prejudice, and many more. My neighbor are the people who are willing to help me when I am in need and the ones I can help that are in need. When I think of God’s servant heart and servant lifestyle makes me think of a question I heard. “When was the last time you inconvenienced yourself to help someone.” Meaning that you serve and help someone even when it doesn’t fit in your schedule or time slot at times. Jesus was willing to put himself out there and serve regardless of the judgement and hardships. Lord please soften my heart and reveal to me who is my neighbor in need. To help to learn to love even when I don’t want to. To not simple serve out of convenience but incorporate it as a lifestyle with God. Amen
1. The people and outcasts of society today are those who don’t have a roof under their head. Those who don’t have money to put food on the table. Even those who can’t afford to read the Bible and are not free to do so. People living in poverty and under Communist rule are the outcasts of this society because no one shows care to them.
2. My neighbor is anyone I see walking on the streets.
3. Dear God, please continue to show me who my neighbor is and give me the courage to help them when they need and share the Gospel to them. Help me to put aside my pride for the sake of You and my neighbors. I pray in Jesus Name, Amen.
I would say those who have certain conditions or disabilities are the marginalized people and outcasts of society today. I remember having a coworker who had epilepsy, often experiencing seizures. This condition would affect his mood, thinking and attitude negatively. It was hard to connect and socialize with him because of his condition, and I recall people not really wanting to talk to him. I tried my best at the time, although it was still difficult. I saw firsthand how this particular condition affected him, even leading him to feel lonely at times. I would say my neighbors in this season of life would be the people I come across at work. They all have a story and could be experiencing a lot in life, and I will do what I can to impact these people’s lives in a positive manner.
Lord, I pray that You would reveal who my neighbors are. Just as the Samaritan showed mercy upon his neighbor, I pray that I may do the same. Continue to develop a servant’s heart in me, and grant me opportunities to meet the needs of others.
The marginalized and outcasts of today’s society can be thought of as the sick, the homeless, the disabled, etc. My neighbors are my Japanese friends and acquaintances. Dear God, I ask you to show me the neighbors you would like me to connect with. And let me as one of them reaffirm the love I have from you.