
Wed. Jan 24, 2024

Discuss the book’s questions: 1) How do you see God’s love and care for you? 2) How does it make you feel to know God has given us the job of caring for the earth? 3) How do you respond to the idea that God wants a relationship with you? 4) How have you seen this played out? 5) Write a prayer expressing your thoughts about God’s complete creation and your role in it. What are you grateful for? What are you sorry for? What are you in awe of when you look at His works?

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Dorian Nguyen-Pamatmat
Dorian Nguyen-Pamatmat
1 year ago
  1. I personally see Gods care and love thought things I want. For example I am a young teen eager to start a relationship with a girl, but through having the girl I want will I still be able to love God after words and put him as the center of my world or will I idolise the girl. Though this I understand God knows I am not ready for a relationship with a girl and thought this I can see he cares and loves me.
  2. Having the job of caring for the world seems heavy to me. I don’t think this job is very easy, but I know we have to pursue this job.
  3. I take this response with open arms. I am glad to have a relationship with the creator of the universe.
  4. How I have seen the relationship with god is thought my faith. I think as my relationship with god grows so does my faith.
  5. Lord, I pray as a thank you, for you decided that the world could use one of me. I am grateful for the blessings you have given me and am grateful for beautiful sights of this world. I pray that you may forgive me and that you make take away my sins. I pray for this amazing world and its beauty. Amen
1 year ago

(from Roger)
Beautiful share thus far. I see gods love and his care for me everyday I wake up clean. It reminds me of his grace and his unconditional love. And when I really take time to ponder my journey to becoming clean today, I see how he has never left my side and always cared for me. I spent so long apart from him and despite his many attempts at reaching me that were rebuked and where I continued to flail in life, he never stopped seeking me, caring about me, loving me when I didn’t love myself. It’s nothing short of amazing. It allows me to walk in true gratitude that he made us all, knows each of us intimately, and wants nothing more but to have a relationship with each of us that he has created. Now, even the hardships I encounter, I look at, in a weird way as a gift from our Heavenly Father. There has been such a cosmic change to the way I view life and god today.
Regarding caring for the earth and that being our duty, it reminds me and shows me how far our world has strayed from this responsibility. But it also, in a way, gives me a greater purpose. Yes I am only one man but we all can make choices that honor gods wishes and we can be communal and share this mandate with one another.
Regarding gods wish to have a relationship with me….what it does to me is that it makes me lean into wanting to develop a greater relationship with him. It literally makes me want to seek him and glorify him. It makes me grateful that he has continued to care abt me, even through all the struggles I’ve had and so many years of neglecting him. Much of what don stated in his share resonates so much with me. His existence, love, grace are undeniable gifts and once I have actually come to understand that, my life has been changed. It has been changed from the inside out. Although much of my external circumstances remain the same, I am a completely different person. My spirit has been awakened. Even 25 years of drugging could not put out the fire that god created within me. In

James Nguyen
James Nguyen
1 year ago
  1. When I see what kind of love God has for me, it makes me realize that He doesn’t love us for what we do, but for who we are. He is always beside me even when I am losing in the race. At the Cru winter retreat (Fastbreak), the speaker, Kevin Young, created an analogy where there is a track runner who is dead last in a race, but his father is yelling and screaming in the stands telling everyone that his son is doing a great job. And that is God to us. Even when we are losing, God is cheering for us because our performance doesn’t matter to Him, but who we are and what we put our faith in matter. Cause living for God is not a skill issue, but it is a faith issue.
  2. When God has given us the job of caring for the whole earth, it makes me feel confident, because it’s a big role, and a big responsibility, and none of us deserve it, but somehow God has given us that responsibility, and it helps me trust in God more when it comes to taking care for the whole earth.
  3. I feel joy and happiness when I know that God wants to have a relationship with me, and it makes me have the desire to be in a relationship with Him. It’s honestly amazing how we don’t need to work for it. We just need to accept it.
  4. In my life, I have been seeing my self grow more desires to seek a relationship with God. Ever since I became President of Cru at FVHS, to be honest, I wanted to quit, I didn’t think I was capable to do the job, but after going to Fastbreak, I realized that it is not by what I do, but who I am. I just needed to put my faith in God in order to do the work that God has called me to do.
  5. Dear God, You have done a lot of things in my life that I couldn’t imagine. You have created me to take care of this world. I am thankful for the grace You have bestowed upon me, and I glorify Your name in all over the earth. I am sorry for all the things I did to trample over the things you have called me to do. Please forgive me, oh God. Thank you, God. I pray all these things in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.
1 year ago

I see God’s love and care for me in which he provides me with a great community and a new place to live with my brother. I am grateful for the things he provided in my life and I cannot thank him enough. I think in terms of becoming a steward of the earth, I feel like I have to be responsible for my actions that can affect my surroundings so that my future generations can also being able to enjoy what God has given us.
I respond to the idea that God wants a relationship with me by spending time in God’s words because a relationship goes both ways. I want to hear from God and talk to him everyday so that I can deepen my relationship with Him. I have seen in my life how God slowly changed me and transformed my heart to love people that I might not love. God also helps me to be more patient with people when working or doing ministry with
Dear God, I’m thankful for all the blessings you have given me and the great community you put me in. I ask that you would help me to continue to be rooted in your words everyday and be more intentional so that I can grow more in my spiritual journey with you God

1 year ago

(From Thao)
God put much thought and effort in creating me as a human being. He created me in His image..to have likeness and characteristics like Him. He created me not only as a being that is part of His creation, but He gave me a purpose as an extension of his authority over earth.

When I know that God has tasked me with the job of taking care of earth, it makes me feel more inadequate and ashamed of handling such a big task–especially seeing how humans today have polluted the earth for the sake of convenience and making quick money.

I feel in awe knowing such a big God cares about the feelings and thoughts of someone so insignificant as me. I am but one in a billion of billions of people, and God would care to have a relationship as intimately with me as the billions of people out there.

I have seen God’s love played out when Duy and I were going through a draining time last year. We struggled financially, mentally, emotionally and all we could do was to trust each day to God and pray for God to deliver. Step by step God open doors for us and would remind us that He is there in our valleys so to trust in what He is doing and where He is placing us. He has shown himself to be faithful as we trusted in His care and provision for our needs.

Thank you God for creating me with such a big role to play as part of your creation. Whenever I see newly discovered creatures, I marvel at your creativity and how you have uniquely made each species. You’ve created me for a task that is bigger than myself, yet you lead and guide me to fill that role. Thank you for the community you have put in my life so that we can work together in this beautiful creation. I’m sorry that I have not been faithful in taking care of your creation and have neglected for a time to care for the people whom you’ve placed beside me. I want to do my best to care for others like how You’ve cared for me!

Dean Nguyen
Dean Nguyen
1 year ago

I see God’s love and care for me every day as I walk my path. Every compliment I receive, every person that enters my life and leaves my life is a sign of God showing his love for me. Knowing that God has shown his care for the earth makes me feel even more grateful for what he has created. Given this world that has been designed by a designer shows the perfection and complexity God created. Having a relationship with God makes me feel important and special to him because every person is unique in their own way. Having a unique connection makes the receiver feel more important and loved. I’ve seen this play out in people who have had so much difficult and negative events in their life however once they start giving themselves to God, they see a new light in their life. Immediately their life feels more love and affection from God. This changes their perspective. Im grateful for the people I have in my life and Im sorrowful for those people who experience health problems and negative events. I will be forever in awe of God’s work

John Nguyen
John Nguyen
1 year ago

I can see God’s love and care through how He continues to give me another day to live in His creation. To enjoy the moments and have the things that I have. It is pretty incredible to know that God has trusted us with the task to care for the Earth. He could have done it so much better and yet He trusted us to take care of it in a Godly way. God desiring to be in a relationship with me is pretty crazy to be honest. A relationship with someone who is broken and sinful and yet He loves and cares for us no matter what. It really shows my value as God’s creation instead of it lying in the worldly things. Lord thank you for allowing me to walk in Your creation and I pray to use as Your vessel. To repent of my sins each day and obey Your words. I am sorry for taking for granted for the things around me and this time You have given me. Sorry for sinning and failing You time and time because I chose to walk without You. I pray and ask for help Lord to overcome my sinfulness and live a life that glorifies You and becomes a role model that represents You. Lord forgive me and I pray for softened heart to surrender myself to You.

Hai Pham
Hai Pham
1 year ago

From Calvin:
1. He created us in His image and gave us the responsibility to care for the earth. Knowing that He gave us such a significant role is a testament to how much He cares and loves us.

2. It’s a big responsibility, to “rule” over these things that God created. But it’s also an honor and a privilege, that we were made in his image to rule over these things. I remember when I was promoted at my job to manage a team. I was a little nervous to be leading a team, to be responsible for the team’s work. But it’s also rewarding too, to have this honor to lead a team to do work that I care a lot about. Likewise, I get nervous whenever I think about my role as a “steward” of the things God has given me in life: family, relationships, money, possessions. It’s a big responsibility to lead over these things, but it’s an honor as well

3. It’s a good feeling, knowing that He cares for me. Again, with the job analogy, it’s like having a big boss who doesn’t necessarily need you, but cares for you enough to give you a job so that you can have purpose.

4. I see it play out in a lot of the day-to-day decisions I make. I feel a real sense of responsibility when dealing with things in life, knowing that God wants good things for me. So whenever making decisions with things like finances, relationships, time, possessions, etc., I have to think if this is going to please God. Of course, I falter at times and will forget. But the question of “Is this good for God?” runs through my mind.

5. I pray that I can remember to be a good “ruler” and steward of all the things God has given me in this life.

Team Amber, Ann, Ciara, Crystal, Mimi, Kimberly
Team Amber, Ann, Ciara, Crystal, Mimi, Kimberly
1 year ago

1) I see God’s love in the way He created, which is “mankind in his own image” (Genesis 1:27), and we share characteristics. I see His care for us because He created us not out of loneliness, nor did He need help, but because He desired a relationship with us.

2) I feel that it is our honor that God gave us such an important role. Still, at the same time, we have considerable responsibility because if we truly take care of the earth, it won’t function the same way God created this universe so incredibly perfect.

3) I love God more than anybody else because He desires to have a relationship with us and reveals Himself first. To express my response, I want to demonstrate my love and compassion for my community.

4) I saw it in a couple from today’s reading. As I mentioned earlier, He didn’t create us to help Him or to avoid loneliness, but for a greater purpose. I think the role that God gave us to take care of the earth is one of the ways God provided for us to maintain the connection between God and us because keeping the earth as God created it is critical, and frequent communication with God is essential.

5) Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for creating the earth, us, and animals so perfectly and beautifully. I promise to take care of the earth even though I have such little power to make a significant impact on the earth to keep it the same way you created it initially. I am grateful that you created me, rescued me, and gave me a role to take care of the earth. I apologize if you have witnessed distractions and darkness that you initially hoped not to see. When I look at your great work, I am in awe of the intricate details and diversity found in nature—the intricacy of every living being and ecosystem, the beauty of a sunrise, and the vastness of the cosmos. May I continue to appreciate and safeguard the precious gift of your creation. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Last edited 1 year ago by Team Amber, Ann, Ciara, Crystal, Mimi, Kimberly
Daniel Lieu
Daniel Lieu
1 year ago

I see God’s love and care for me in my community and family. I see that I’ve been placed in a community that loves God to look up to. It makes me feel good to know God has given us the job to care for earth and want to see things as God’s creation as I look around. It’s warming to know that God wants a relationship with me and be reminded through our devo that he wants a relationship with us and has those traits of personness. God, I thank you for your creation and I pray that I can see creation as a display of your glory. I’m in awe as I see how creative you are.

1 year ago

From Christine
1) How do you see God’s love and care for you?

I see God as my loving God that cares for me.

2) How does it make you feel to know God has given us the job of caring for the earth?

I need to work on this daily but it makes me feel Responsible, selfless, and need to better myself to spread his love to those around me.

3) How do you respond to the idea that God wants a relationship with you?

Overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, hopeful.

4) How have you seen this played out?

My life and attitude has changed completely once I allowed God’s mercy and grace in my life.

5) Write a prayer expressing your thoughts about God’s complete creation and your role in it. What are you grateful for? What are you sorry for? What are you in awe of when you look at His works?

Oh God I come to you with a heart full of gratitude for your beautiful creation. I’m grateful for the obstacles and challenges that I went through in life so desperate to cry out to know you and ask for you to save me from darkness. Lord, please forgive in my darkest days where I was so blind to see. Please forgive me oh lord for turning away from you, for turning away from my beloved husband Dien when I was stuck in my addiction and stuck in self, please forgive that I have wrong him lord when he was the person you sent to love me, please forgive me oh lord for turning away from my son Dean for my own selfish desires. I cry out to you Lord in awe thank you Lord for allowing me to be part of Dean’s life and to be able to co parent with his dad. I pray that I’m reminded daily how Blessed I am and I pray that you continue to guide me to spread your love to those around me. I pray this all in Jesus name, AMEN 🙏🏻❤️

1 year ago

From Ciara

There are certain things that we may never fully understand. The concept of God and his love for us is one of those things. It is something that can bring comfort and hope to many, yet also cause confusion and doubt in others. The phrase “God loves me” holds a great significance. It is a reminder that no matter what trials or hardships we may face, He is watching over us and loving us unconditionally. It provides a sense of security and peace in an often chaotic and unpredictable world. For God to love us may be an abstract concept, difficult to grasp or explain. Yet, for others, it is a deep and personal experience. It is a feeling of being known and valued for who we are, flaws and all. It is a source of strength and courage during our weakest moments. One of the most beautiful things about God’s love is that it knows no bounds. It is a love that accepts us as we are, without judgment or prejudice. It is a love that sees the goodness within each and every one of us.

Donald Phan
Donald Phan
1 year ago

1) I see God loves and cares for me, not only on the big things, but also in the small and trivia details of my daily life; how He provides food, work, companions from various places. One specific example this week: I had a craving for durian, and someone called and gave me the fruit. Another example: I am not feeling well from a variety of medical reasons, then my brother offered for me to stay at his place in Escondido for a mini-Sabbatical: relaxing, having good, healthy food, exercising, and resting. My body is rejuvenated, my soul is restored, and my spirit is refreshed. I didn’t ask for none of this, I didn’t even pray for it, but God just wants to show me how much He loves me and cares for me.
2) My wife has a green thumb in the family. Anything she planted, is either flourishing or fruitful. I, on the other hand, don’t really care for gardening, due to seasonal allergies. But I join my wife in taking pride of a neat and well-tended garden. And we do enjoy the fruits and vegetables that we grow, especially in the summer.
3) I am honored that the God of the universe wants to have a relationship with me. Sometimes I feel I am not worthy of His love, but I do appreciate that He takes the initiative to pursue me.
4) I grew up in a Christian household; what that means is that I’m no stranger to grace and mercy, love and acceptance; but I also know of the consequences of rebellion and sin. Plenty a time that God could’ve given up on me, but His patience and goodness continue to follow me when I least deserve them.
5) Sovereign Lord, thank You for loving me and not forsaking me. I definitely don’t deserve Your grace and forgiveness; yet You continue to shower me with good things and blessings. I’m sorry for not being a better steward of the earth You have created. I’m grateful for the opportunity to take care of what You’ve entrusted to me. May my life reflect the beauty I witness all around me in nature.

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