
Tue. Jan 23, 2024

Discuss the book’s questions: 1) What do you learn about God from the creation story? 2) What questions does this account raise for you? 3) How does creation declare the glory of God to you? 4) Write a prayer expressing your thoughts on creation to God.

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Dean Nguyen
Dean Nguyen
1 year ago

I learned that God has created our whole raw living environment. He made the creation so we are able to live in this world. From the story everything he has done I can feel that he has put his love into everything like someone who is very passionate with what they do. It makes me wonder what hasn’t God done yet. It makes me feel blessed and thankful for everything God has given me. He works in many different ways and most of the time we cannot see it but he is constantly work in our lives. I pray he watches over me and everyone and really just showers with his grace. 

Donald Phan
Donald Phan
1 year ago

1) There is an intelligent design and order behind the creation. The created world did not come into existence randomly but with a purpose. The variety of plants and animals also speak of God’s creativity and ingenuity.
2) We now know that the earth is part of a galaxy among other millions galaxies. Why so many? And for what purpose? Or God just created them just because He can?
3) Psalm 8 perfectly describes my thoughts and feelings:
“When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him? And the son of man that You care for him?”
4) Creator God, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! When I behold Your beautiful creation, I am in awe of Your power and creativity, Your tender loving care and productivity, Your wisdom and majesty. I, too, realize that I am also one of Your creation. Help me to reflect Your glory to those around me.

1 year ago

I would say that one thing we learn about God from the creation story is that His creation was good. I think that oftentimes, when we think of God as the Creator, we envision the world we live in today, and that begs the question, why did He create this or that, (all the seemingly bad things in the world)? But the world we live in today is not a true reflection of the world He created, as we see in the creation story from Genesis. It is a world that we are told “God saw that it was good.” I, for one, have a hard time envisioning such a world.😔
My answer to the next question stems from this- the question that this account raises for me is, “what happened to this world?” Of course, the rest of the Bible answers this question, but that is always the first one that arises whenever I read the creation story. Another question that comes to mind for me is, “what did this world look like?” I just have difficulty picturing a world that is perfectly good. We still have a few small glimpses into His perfect creation, here and there I think, but for me, it’s just extremely difficult to imagine a world that is all good!
For me, creation still declares the glory of God in so many ways! There is the complexity and order of biology, the majestic beauty of the mountains and forests, the vastness of the desert, ocean, and space, the multitudes of unique and interesting species, the simultaneous fragility yet perseverance of life, and so much more!
“Heavenly Father, I am so in awe of You as I reflect on all that You have created! Even though the world we live in today is not the world as You first created it, all of creation still shouts of Your glory! You are an awesome God, and I am continually in awe of all that You have done!

Bohan-team Timmy
Bohan-team Timmy
1 year ago

I learned that God’s existence is way beyond time and the creation and He is eternal. He seeks after us way before we seek after Him. God is always the one who take the initiative of everything.

My question is that the Book of Genesis only talks about the creation of human on earth, does that mean there is no other sentient life on other planets? Are we allowed to abandon this planet?

God created a perfect creation in only seven days. Not only it shows how powerful He is with trillions of galaxies in the sky. He created us even though He knew we would question Him, hate Him, and betray Him.

God, thank You for creating such a beautiful world for me to live in. I’m sorry for taking your work for granted. You are the one who seek me first. I pray that I will never forget how powerful You are and how loving You are.

1 year ago

From Christine
1) What do you learn about God from the creation story?

That God had created everything so beautiful for us with so much love and thoughts in it. From dark to light. From land to water to fruits and animals.

2) What questions does this account raise for you?

Why isn’t this world like the one you created? Why is there so much darkness, sin, and those still suffering? Because they do not know God?

3) How does creation declare the glory of God to you?

I’m just so grateful to be able to have clear eyes and peace in my heart to be able to see the beauty of God’s creation. A while back I was stuck in the dark and never was able to experience the beauty in everything I see today. From something so beautiful as the sunset, cotton candy skies, nature, flowers, plants, or even a smile on someone face.

4) Write a prayer expressing your thoughts on creation to God.

Oh Heavenly Father, I’m so grateful for your beautiful creation for us. Thank you for pulling me out of darkness into light so that I may experience the simple things in life that you created that’s so beautiful, now I can see clearly. I pray that you continue to guide my daily to do your will to grant me serenity, peace, hope, faith, and freedom. Amen

1 year ago

(from Thao)
I learned that darkness was there in the beginning. God created light to distinguish day from night.

God created light on the first day, yet it was spoken again of the “light in the vault of the sky” again on day 4…representing sun, moon, and stars. So what is the light of day 1 supposed to be?

Creation declares the glory of God through the vastness of creation down to the microscopic level. God’s very words can create life, and such complexity at that. God uses very selective words when creating life, with the intention of allowing life to reproduce and prosper.

God, we give praise to you because you have so beautifully and magnificently crafted us and everything around us. Thank you for using your creation to remind us of how wonderfully we are made in your image.

1 year ago

1) God simply spoke about what He wanted to exist in the universe, and He literally created everything beautifully in the correct order.

2) The question I have from today’s reading is this: Nowadays, thousands and millions of creatures exist on the earth, and biologists segregate them. Is it the same as God-created species?

3) The beauty and complexity of nature reflect the glory of God, and His creation is so perfect that it cannot be fully expressed in words.

4) Dear Father, I praise you for creating the world and everything in it so beautifully. Thank you for giving us a new day, a reminder of your enduring grace and the opportunities it brings. May I be reminded of the importance of caring for our planet and striving to make positive changes to benefit our environment. Grant me the wisdom to understand and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the world around me. May I also take on the responsibility to be a caretaker of the blessings given to me. I pray for this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

James Nguyen
James Nguyen
1 year ago

1. I learned that God values His work and treasures it, for He calls His creation “good”, and He delights in what He has made. He delights in us. He calls us beautiful even if we may look ugly.

2. The questions that raise for me is that; Does God still call us “good”, even after we have fallen to sin?

3. Creation shows me that God is the ruler of all things and the master of all things. He commands our utmost respect, and even the things of the natural world like the weather, and this applies to Mark 4:39 where it talks about Jesus calming the storm by just telling the storm to be still. It also proves that every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, and every knee will bow down before Him. Jesus could be chilling, and doing nothing, but we’re already collapsing in fear. That’s how powerful He is.

4. Dear God,

You are marvelous, majestic, and powerful. Thank you for creating me and the whole world. You didn’t have to do it, but out of your own love for us, You did it. Thank you God for everything you have created for us to be able to enjoy and delight in. Thank you, God.

I pray all these things in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

John Nguyen
John Nguyen
1 year ago

As I reread this passage, it really goes to show the beauty of His creation. It didn’t start bad but it good and with love. It is interesting that it started like that then God brought the humans fully knowing the path we would go down. His creation is a representation of how powerful He simply is and the intricacies He placed in creating. It wasn’t simply one and done but there is some much detail behind the creation. Lord I pray to understand more indepth about the creation You have surrounded us with and to appreciate it. Thank you for tonight’s reading.

Hai Pham
Hai Pham
1 year ago

From Kathy Pham:
1. God is a thoughtful Creator. There’s order and purpose in his creation. He takes time to create and delights in his creation…”it is good”. There is peace to His creation.
2. Why did God not create all at once when He had the power to do so?
3. Creation declares the glory of God because it reflects Him: love, power, majesty, beauty, intelligence, thoughtful, purposeful.
4. God you are amazing and all powerful. Thank you for this creation account. I feel so small yet you made me and know and called me by name. You know how many hair I have. You are incredibly powerful and majestic yet so personal. There is a purpose in all of your creation. Open my heart and eyes to see your beauty around me as I rest and delight in Your loving arms.

Steve Hoang
Steve Hoang
1 year ago

The creation story continues to amaze me at how incredibly powerful and creative God is. He authored the vastness of the universe, and at the same time is the creator of the smallest of organisms. His creation is uniquely diverse, beautifully designed, and evokes our deep emotions. When I spend time thinking about creation it’s such a clear witness to God as the great creator. I remember having conversations with a co-worker who didn’t believe in God as creator. At the time we both worked for an airplane manufacturer. One day I asked him if I left a bunch of scrap metal laying around what the chances are of some cosmic explosion assembling those scrap metal into an airplane. There would be zero chance of that. And the universe is infinitely more complex than an airplane.

God I pray that I would not be distracted by the busyness of life and take time to appreciate and be continually amazed at your creation. Help me to see how your creation speaks of your power, your wonder, how truly genius you are.

Daniel Steven Le
Daniel Steven Le
1 year ago

From James:
1. I learned that God values His work and treasures it, for He calls His creation “good”, and He delights in what He has made. He delights in us. He calls us beautiful even if we may look ugly.

2. The questions that raise for me is that; Does God still call us “good”, even after we have fallen to sin?

3. Creation shows me that God is the ruler of all things and the master of all things. He commands our utmost respect, and even the things of the natural world like the weather, and this applies to Mark 4:39 where it talks about Jesus calming the storm by just telling the storm to be still. It also proves that every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, and every knee will bow down before Him. Jesus could be chilling, and doing nothing, but we’re already collapsing in fear. That’s how powerful He is.

4. Dear God,

You are marvelous, majestic, and powerful. Thank you for creating me and the whole world. You didn’t have to do it, but out of your own love for us, You did it. Thank you God for everything you have created for us to be able to enjoy and delight in. Thank you, God.

I pray all these things in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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