
Sun. Jan 14, 2024

7“lessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. 8He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 17:7–8
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So, what do you think about the 7 rhythms so far? Pastor Bill also preached on this on Sunday as well. Just text back to the group chat and get one person from your team to cut and paste one member’s share into the comment below and you are done with the first day. Easy peasy! See the full rules here.

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Donald Phan
Donald Phan
1 year ago

I learned something new from pastor Bill’s message and from the reading. I always thought there were five practices, but I just learned two more: repentance and share your story.
And I look forward to put them and the other five into practice.
At the winter camp last December, I wrote two letters to my unsaved relatives, and yesterday I got one response back. It was from my brother-in-law, Huy, from Houston, TX. I know that I will be there in the middle of February, so I wrote him a letter, and he texted me that he looked forward of connecting with me. I will definitely practice “share my story” with him then.

1 year ago

(from Roger)
I am extremely excited abt this rooted series and I’m glad it’s starting now. As some of you may know, I am new to faith and the word of god and to be completely honest, a new way of life devoid of drugs and that type of lifestyle. I have embraced a higher power who I choose to call god today and I literally see his works amongst me everyday. From the list of the rhythms, I am most excited to delve deeper into daily devotion, prayer and repentance because those are the 3 I believe I need to practice most so that it becomes ingrained into my more day to day routine. I see that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts but I just feel I need to practice those 3 more to get better rooted in walking and living through god. Although the daily Bible devotions were difficult toward the end, I want to grow stronger in my faith and learn more abt the Bible and how to become more Christ-like. I think this series will help me do that so I’m in it to win it, as I usually am. Thanks guys. Have a great day.

Dean Nguyen
Dean Nguyen
1 year ago

( From Dylan )

The 7 Rhythms for me is an opportunity for growth in my personal life. It’s a chance where I can “root” myself in relationships with family/friends but also my religious beliefs. I believe that the more time I spend practicing these steps, the stronger my belief in God will become leading me to build a stronger foundation in my religion and community participation. 

1 year ago

From Cyndi

In response to the question: I am excited to be rooted in God’s word and learning and deepening my relationship with Him and you ladies in this group.

I want to be a tree that has green leaves to bear fruits and not be a dry root..dead tree. Overall my spiritual life has been okay, but want it to grow deeper and bear fruit.

1 year ago

I am very excited to have signed up and start this 10 weeks Rooted series. For those that have been in our daily Bible challenge with me, I have recently connected with God again. I have really lost sight of my faith and god and though he has never left me, I have left him for a very long time due to the lifestyle I was living and when I was in my active addiction. It would be great for our group to win again but I am here to really have a much deeper understanding of my faith in God and practice these 7 Rhythms in my daily life. Daily devotion, repentance and sacrificial generosity are the three big ones I want to practice. I am hopeful and have faith that this series will get me closer to that. I’m so grateful that I have my spiritual sisters to talk to and to listen to me most of the time.

Nathan Borromero
Nathan Borromero
1 year ago

I am looking forward to starting this new series on being rooted with Christ. Being that we are entering the new year, I think this series is timely for me to remind myself and implement important rhythms in my walk with God. Life has often been a blur and sometimes I forget to spend time with God. I hope that I will be able to fix my eyes on the Lord and learn the rhythms that will honor Him and deepen my relationship with Him. 

1 year ago

(From Daniel)
I’m looking forward to this series and learning more about the rhythms with the theme of rooted. I liked the analogy of plants and the importance of establishing deep roots beyond the surface. The rhythms that pastor Bill preached on remind me of the importance of building a strong foundation and ensuring that they’re implemented in my life. I’m reminded of the importance of daily devotion and prayer especially.

1 year ago

In reviewing the 7 rhythms described in “rooted” (another word for ‘rythms” would be “habits”), I think that all 7 adhered to until they become second nature will transform me in the most fundamental ways in answering questions that I ask myself more frequently than ever:
“How can I become the best version of myself that my wife/family/church/patients/friends need?

Team Amber, Ann, Ciara, Crystal, Kim, Mimi
Team Amber, Ann, Ciara, Crystal, Kim, Mimi
1 year ago

I think the 7 rhythms is really good to keep us grounded in God and our faith. As the text says, this world is full of things that pull us away or distract us from God. I hope these next few weeks will help me to strengthen my foundation on His Word and in Him. I hope to be strengthened daily devotion and prayer.

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