
Wed. Mar 20, 2024

Discuss: 1) If you have been baptized, describe your experience and the events leading up to it. 2) If you haven’t been baptized, what are your thoughts about it? 3) What are your thoughts about the Lord’s Supper? 4) Write a prayer encompassing your thoughts about the Lord’s Supper and baptism.

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10 months ago

I am baptized. Leading up to it, it was a surreal moment. But I think my faith wasn’t mature enough. Before I got baptized, I had to take a class. I knew all the basics of the Christian faith, acing through the course. But I didn’t have a strong personal relationship with Jesus. But I understood the meaning of baptism, to be baptized with his death and be reborn into a new life. Not until later on do I know more and grow more in my faith in Christ
The Lord’s supper is a great reminder for us about what Christ has done. The actions of eating the bread and drinking the wine remind me of what Jesus did on the cross for us. Not only do you remember what God has done for you, but you also proclaim what He did to others.
Dear God, thank you so much for all the things you did for us. Thank you for giving us ways we can proclaim our faith and be reminded of your blood on the cross for us. Help me to partake communion not as a religious ceremony, but with a true heart to worship you.

10 months ago

(from Roger)
1) I’m excited by my baptism coming up. Sometimes I still find it hard to wrap my head around what it really signifies but for me, but I know full well that there is a power greater than me at work in my life and I choose to call it Jesus Christ and god today. I can also say it makes me think twice before I make decisions that may go against what the gospel says. I’m always asking myself what would god want me to do in tough situations and usually after trying to answer that, I get some clarity on what the correct course of action would be or at least my interpretation of it.
2) tbh, I never really knew what the lords supper was so now I know. In na, often we close out meetings with the 3rd step prayer. Before I knew what the prayer was and was about, it was just a formality. But once I’ve had a chance to understand the words, it has taken on a whole new meaning to me. It’s a simple prayer asking for our higher power to guide us in living our lives clean and free of drugs. It’s simple but powerful. It’s more than just words and I think the lords supper is just that as well. When I used to see people take communion, it was just a ritual, a formality, but there’s so much depth to the symbolism. It’s quite powerful in fact. Next time I’ll be able to take it as well. Can’t wait.
3) god, thank you for the creation of these ceremonies. Thank you for the opportunity to announce that my old self is passing and I can be reborn in your spirit and accept you as my savior. Allow me to continue to be grateful, in my heart, for what you’ve done for us. Thank you for sharing the “lords supper” with us as well. Even in death, you were giving and I must never overlook that. I must come correct “in the heart”. In Jesus name I pray.

James Nguyen
James Nguyen
10 months ago

1. And 2. I have been baptized. Before being baptized, I didn’t really understand what it meant to be baptized. Cause I thought that you had to be clean (without sin) before being baptized, but essentially being baptized is a profession of faith and not the point of your salvation. After I got baptized, I realized that it is by faith I am saved and not by baptism, but because I had faith, I was saved and was baptized.
3. I really think it’s important to remember what Christ has done on the Cross through the Lord’s Supper. His body was broken, and His blood was shed. Whenever I take Communion, I reflect what Jesus has done for me to save me.
4. Dear God, Thank You for the body that was broken and the blood that was shed. The blood of Christ has saved me, and thank you for allowing me to partake in the Lord’s Supper and remember what Christ has done. Thank you for showing me that we are not baptized to be saved, but because we are saved, we are baptized. Thank You for allowing me to profess my faith and be baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

10 months ago

I think when I was getting baptized I was very ready for it but also nervous to tell my parents that I was getting baptized. I also felt nervous just because there were times where I was like questioning myself like if I knew what I was actually doing or was I just following the formality of all of it. The Lord supper is great because it’s a nice reminder of the bread of life and the blood Jesus paid for us to have eternal life.

10 months ago

When I grew up in the church in Vietnam, the norm was to be baptized at the age of 16. While my friends attended the baptism class, I decided not to. I wanted to make my own decision about being baptized rather than following the norm. I was very prideful because I told God that I would not let myself be baptized until I turned 18. When I got baptized, it was like a ceremonial thing. I did it because my family was prominent in the church, and if I didn’t baptize, people would talk about it. I wasn’t genuine about it. For me, partaking in communion reminded me of what the Lord has done for me and what is expected of me. Father Lord, thank you for drawing me to you and bringing me back to your family. If it were up to me, I would never have turned to you because I was too prideful.

jenney ho
jenney ho
10 months ago

I underwent baptism at the age of 16, driven more by the expectation of tradition rather than a deep understanding of its significance. In Vietnamese culture, there’s often a push for teens to be baptized. However, true transformation didn’t take root until later in life when I grasped the meaning of the gospel and experienced the power of God firsthand. Communion holds a special place in my heart—it serves as a reminder of God’s immense love and sacrificial for me. Dear God, As I reflect on the significance of the Lord’s Supper and baptism, I am humbled by your boundless grace and unfailing love. In the breaking of bread and the sharing of the cup, I remember the sacrifice of Jesus who gave his life to redeem us from sin and reconcile us to you. May our participation in these sacred rituals be more than mere tradition, but rather moments of spiritual encounter and transformation. May they continually remind us of your faithfulness, your grace, and your promise of eternal life.

10 months ago

From Cyndi
I was baptized when I was a sophomore in high school at Santa Ana church. I remembered I did it because it was the right thing and time to do it since everyone else in the youth group did it. I was born and raised in a Christian home and believed in God so in obedience to my parents and the church, I got baptized. It was a personal decision, but not sincere. I would say when I hit rock bottom in college and recommitted my life to God again was the real baptism for me.

Baptism is an important part and step to proclaim your faith and to let others know you accept Christ as your personal Savior. But I pray and hope to teach my girls to make sure they understand and accept Christ as their personal Savior because they love God, obey him, and want to follow him. And not get baptized because of me and Eric or the pressure of the church.

When I take communion on Sunday, I am always reminded of the love of God and Jesus and the sacrifice that Jesus had made for me to be rescued from my sins.

These ceremonies are a symbol of celebration of new life and forgiveness of sins.

God thank you for dying on the cross for my sins and allowing me to be reborn again. Help me to continue to remember and celebrate what you have done for me on the cross.

Dean Nguyen
Dean Nguyen
10 months ago

I have never thought of being baptized or planned to and my thoughts on them are pretty interesting, all I know is that they become more believer to God and they will continue to have a stronger relationship with God as they continue to pray, I do not know much information about it but all I know is that you show trust and faith in God. My thoughts about the Lord’s Supper is clueless because I never knew what it is but all I could get a hint is a reminder. I pray God will continue to watch over and guiding people the right path.

An Kida
An Kida
10 months ago

If you are not baptized, what do you think about it? I think to this question it is a wonderful decision by people who have made a hard decision to follow God. And I am also thrilled that people who have not learned about God for a long time or since they were little are being baptized. Regarding the Lord’s Supper, I thought it was an important time and an indication of my faith in God. Dear God, I think it is amazing that I had the opportunity to learn about you and through the community, becoming a Christian like Mimi and become a part of your family. I believe in your love, and I am not afraid of your love.

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