Fellow Bible-reading rockstars,
We are in the 3rd week of the Bible reading schedule. A lot of time, we have no idea the significance of what we are given. For example, we are so used to having a Bible to read. But do you know what work is involved or how long it takes to translate a Bible? Last week, Jenney and I were at a missionaries’ meeting and we heard a testimony that highlight James 1:18,21:
God chose to give birth to us by giving us His true word. And we, out of all creation, became His prized possession… Humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls.
(James 1:18, 21 NLT)
In 1958, a missionary couple from the US embarked on a lifelong journey to bring the Gospel to a tribal group near Banmethuoc, Vietnam. For decades, they dedicated their lives to learning the tribe’s spoken language, developing a written script, and translating the Bible. They gave birth to 4 children and raised them there. Nancy (not her real name) is the oldest daughter, whom we met at the meeting.
She recounted one day she saw a native who worked with her dad on the translation coming from the village, all dressed up. Her mom worried, “O no, he probably comes to resign.” But when they met, he announced “Today is the day I follow Jesus, the person we read about from the sacred text”. God’s Word could save souls! And this is why Nancy’s parents were willing to make sacrifices to ensure that the tribal people could access it.
The work was very slow. By 1975, they only drafted only 2 gospels out of 27 books of the New Testament. Just then, the communist regime took over, the couple had to evacuate and return to the United States. They thought all their work was in vain. But as Nancy grew up and finished college, she felt God’s calling and also became a Bible translator in the Philippines.
In the mid-1990s when Vietnam started to open up, Nancy returned to her birthplace. Under the guise of a foreign worker, she resumed her parents’ work, learning the tribal language, and secretly continuing the translation of the New Testament. The work was challenging due to security reasons, and for several years, she was even barred from entering the country. But she persevered and continue the work from Thailand and Malaysia, wherever she could find traces of this tribal people and their dialects.
The last decade was much better and she was able to work directly with the tribal people again. After more than 60 years and two generations, the New Testament was finally translated for the tribal people. Tragically, her parents passed during the COVID years and did not see the completion of their life’s work. But their legacy lived on since many of the tribal people have become Christian through this work.
As Jenney and I met with these missionaries and hear their life stories, we grasp how far God is willing to go for “His prized possession”. We may not all be called to be translators or missionaries, but we can still dedicate our lives to sharing the Gospel and experiencing the soul-saving power of God’s Word in our own unique ways.
How can you embrace the power of God’s Word to save and transform lives in your own sphere of influence?
Good morning!
Wow, this story brings tears to my eyes. What dedication and sacrifice the family made for the love of this particular tribe God placed in their hearts.
More amazing is how God doesn’t forget those who are not even in the existence of our minds.
This verse come to mind:
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
I tend to shy away from writing scripture on a card for nonbelievers and I tend to glance over it when someone writes the scripture on a card for me bc of familiarity… forgive me Lord. Now I will ask the Holy Spirit for a verse for that particular person when I write a card and read mine with the thankful heart and ask the Holy Spirit to make it alive in my heart.
I can embrace the power of God’s Word by serving in the college group at RP. Because of the power of the Gospel that I felt during this time in my life, I have always felt compelled to serve in this age group. I hope that God can use the college group to help students to maintain their faith and even grow it in this critical time in their lives.
For me, I would have to say that the most obvious way that I can embrace the power of God’s Word to save and transform lives, (other than with my own children first and foremost of course,) is through the program of AA. The entire 12 step process consists of acknowledging our own state of depravity, giving our lives over to God’s saving power through Jesus Christ, striving for godly character, continuing to “grow along spiritual lines” by keeping ourselves open to the work of the Spirit, and sharing the message of hope and life with others in loving service. All of the principles are taken directly from the Word of God. However, I have come to learn that I can be of little help to others in applying these principles if I don’t first apply them into my own daily life😏
I can embrace the power of God’s Word to save and transform lives by daily reflecting in God’s Word and living it out. By doing so, it gives me more confidence to share it with those around me. Sometimes I grow discouraged and if my friends or family chooses to not believe, I just accept that as truth. But I hope that by the way I live my life and by sharing my values, I can share God’s Word with them and help save them.
By hearing, meditating, and doing God’s Word as mentioned in last week’s message, I can embrace its power to save and transform lives around me. I think about those around me at work; I hear some of their life stories and see how much they desperately need God. I always pray that my life would shine a light on them, and if the opportunity presented itself, that I would be able to share the gospel and how much God loves them. I hope to bring God glory this way, while also serving my community of believers. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.