On a Rescue Mission: Prayer Warriors in Action

Thu. Jun 22, 2023

Attention, Prayer Warriors!

As we touchdown from our final descent into the spiritual battlefield, we’re shifting gears from training to deployment. Having learned the priority of prayer, assembled our prayer squad, and trained with the Nick Fury of prayer, we’re not just here for a leisurely stroll in the park. We’re here for a search and rescue mission, and the stakes couldn’t be higher:

19My dear brothers and sisters, if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back, 20you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back from wandering will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins.

James 5:13–20 (NLT)

The spiritual warfare is real and brutal. The enemy doesn’t play fair, and the casualties can be devastating. Even if you can’t fall off the boat of salvation, you can still fall on the boat, break your neck, and be paralyzed in the Medical Ward for the rest of the trip.

Many of our comrades “wander away from the truth” while they are still within our ranks. They might be sitting next to us in the pews, serving in the ministry, or even leading a Bible study group. But without the support of a prayer squad, they can easily fall prey to the enemy’s tactics. By the time they need to be “brought back”, they have committed “many sins”, The stakes are high. We’re not just talking about a minor scrape or bruise here. We’re talking about “saving a soul from death”, rescuing a comrade who’s more than halfway dead, according to the stages of backsliding based on Hebrews.

The “whoever” James was calling out must be a prayer warrior and need the support of their prayer squad to succeed. We need to be prayed up. We can’t expect to win any battles if we’re not communicating with our Commander. Prayer is our lifeline, our direct line of communication with God. It’s our spiritual radar, helping us detect those who have wandered off and need to be brought back. Prayer is the spiritual armor and weaponry we need to face the enemy and bring our brothers and sisters back from the brink.

Only then, we can move out in gentleness (Galatians 6:1, 2 Timothy 2:24-25), like a shepherd guiding his sheep with a gentle hand (Isaiah 40:11). We then speak truth in love (Ephesians 4:15, 1 Timothy 4:16), like Jesus did when he spoke to the woman at the well (John 4:1-26). And we need to seek to restore them (2 Corinthians 2:5-8) like the father welcoming back his prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).

So, Prayer Warriors, let’s gear up and get ready for the mission. Let’s be prayed up and prepared to show gentleness, speak truth in love, and seek restoration. The spiritual battlefield is a harsh and brutal place, but with prayer as our foundation and the support of our prayer squad, we can succeed in our mission.

How can you apply these rescue strategies in your own life? Who can you pray for and support them in their spiritual journey? Maybe even invite them to Harvest Crusade?

RP will be at Harvest Crusade July 2, 2023 (it’s on the 1st too)
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Tu Truong
Tu Truong
1 year ago

I believe I need to approach my lost brothers or those that have wandered off path with gentleness. This is is definitely something I am still working on since I can be coarse in the way I call out my brothers and others. Partly due to just the nature of the matter in that how could you have wandered off path this far if God has truly changed you and you call yourself a believer in the faith. But I realize that it isn’t the correct approach at all. Anyone is prone to making mistakes and have doubts but it is how they repent and turn back to Christ that shows their changed heart. I pray that God would empower me with gentleness in correcting other brothers and still make sure His name is known amongst them.

1 year ago

I grew up not knowing God until I came to a very dark place in my life and wholeheartedly surrender and cried out for for help. God answered my prayers, he popped up everywhere with little signs. It was so awesome and still amazing relationship today with God. I will continue to pray that Bao can have the same experience and get to know more about God as well as my parents. I am so grateful my heart is filled with joy and peace that I never imagine I would have. I pray that Bao, My mom, and Dad will truly see the light of God through me and want to get to know him more. Amen 🙏🏻

Hai Pham
Hai Pham
1 year ago

The Enemy is cunning and knows exactly which bait to use on each of us..like Turkish delight to lure Edmund in Narnia.
The fleeting, momentary pleasures of sin cover up the rot of decay and death to our souls. Against that, we have prayer, God’s Word of truth with love and the Holy Spirit as our defense and means to rescue brothers and sisters caught up in that death spiral.
As you read this, a massive rescue mission is underway in the Atlantic Ocean for 5 passengers in a submarine that was supposed to tour the wreckage of the Titanic 2 miles below the surface.
It makes me remember that rescue missions for friends in bondage to sin are also best carried out with a community and not as a solo venture

Charles Lee
Charles Lee
1 year ago

I am not sure with whom I could apply these rescue strategies to but they are noteworthy to keep in mind.  I find it difficult to think how I would apply these principles if required.  In the past when I have tried to correct someone who did something which was wrong, it seems my words were taken as a lecture.  I definitely wouldn’t want to lecture someone but it is hard to give “truth in love” and for it to not be taken as something akin to a lecture.  Perhaps if I ever were required to try to rescue someone I would definitely pray to not have my words taken this way and hopefully I can find a better approach.  Also, if I were the one to stray, I would pray that I would be able to receive the message and correct any behavior that would need correcting.

Kimberly Do
Kimberly Do
1 year ago

I want to pray for my family, especially my sisters. One of them is Jehovah Witness and the other doesn’t really attend church anymore. I don’t pray as much for their faith simply because it’s been many years of prayer and I don’t see much progress. However, I need to be persistent and faithful like Elijah. I also need to pray for my non-Christian friends. I fear pushing the Gospel on them after they have rejected or when they believe in other things of the world. But I need to continue to share my values and find opportunities to invite them to.