Mercy Triumphs over Judgment

Fri. May 12, 2023

Hello, mercy mavens!

In today’s thrilling episode of Christian Life Hacks, we’re exploring the exciting world of mercy and how it triumphs over judgment (James 2:12-13). So, buckle up and let’s dive into this action-packed adventure of inclusional living with mercy leading the way!

12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

James 2:12-13 (NIV)

As followers of Christ, we’re called to show mercy to others just as God shows mercy to us. Now, we know that sometimes it’s tempting to whip out our judgment goggles and start assessing everyone around us. But let’s face it, we’re not professional fruit inspectors – we’re mercy mavens on a mission to spread love and grace!

When we choose mercy over judgment, we’re building a more inclusional community where everyone feels welcome, valued, and loved. It’s like turning our judgment radar off and cranking up the mercy megaphone to broadcast the good news of God’s love for everyone.

One key aspect to keep in mind is that we, too, are being judged and pardoned by God. When we remember this, it becomes easier to extend mercy to others in our judgment. As we receive God’s mercy and forgiveness, we become better equipped to show that same mercy in our daily interactions.

So, what does it look like to live in a world where mercy triumphs over judgment? Picture this: we walk alongside our neighbors, lending a helping hand without expecting anything in return. We give grace when others stumble, knowing we’ve tripped over our own shoelaces more times than we can count. And most importantly, we celebrate the beauty of our diverse, messy, and wonderfully human community.

So, fellow mercy mavens, are you ready to make inclusional living a reality by putting mercy in the driver’s seat? Let’s hit the road together, remembering God’s judgment and mercy in our lives, and watch as mercy triumphs over judgment, transforming our lives and the world around us.

In what areas of your life can you choose mercy over judgment, keeping in mind God’s judgment and mercy towards you, and how will it impact your inclusional journey?

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Christine Ngo
Christine Ngo
1 year ago

I’m am always grateful and thank God for saving me from my darkness and has giving me the life I have today. The opportunity to be the mother to Joshua that I wasn’t able to be for Bao when his was little. I pray daily for wisdom, peace, loving, and forgiveness so I may be able to carry that positivity to those I encounter and that is around me🙏🏻💕 Have a happy Friday y’all.

Charles Lee
Charles Lee
1 year ago

The area in my life where I can choose mercy over judgment is at work.  It can be hard to choose mercy in the workplace because in general we are surrounded by judgment.  I can tend toward judgment as well because we can lose sight of our witness in this situation.  I think by showing mercy in the workplace we can have an opportunity to witness to our coworkers and thus create the more “inclusional” community mentioned in the reading.

An Kida
An Kida
1 year ago

I can choose mercy over judgment at work. Sometimes I see customers who are not nice at my workplace. No matter how badly they behave or how brusque they may be, I always try to serve them cheerfully with a smile on my face. I show them the mercy like this way.

1 year ago

Like I said before, with all the mercy and grace that God has showered on me over the course of my life, most of which I’ve spent in defiance of Him through self will run riot, I’m convinced that I have no right to exclude anyone in sharing the gospel of hope and life thats been so freely given to me. I would have to say, though, that at this time the area of my life that needs the most attention would be as it pertains to my dealings with my kids. I often get frustrated and irritable with them amidst our day to day routines, and know that I need to show them more mercy. Often times, their behavior is a manifestation of deeper issues that they are struggling with, and I feel as though I react in the moment more harshly than I’d like. Of course, there must be discipline for behaviors that are not acceptable, but I need to show them love and grace as well, especially given all they been through, (not to mention that I am the one that put them through some of it😔).
Lord, help me to show my children the same mercy that You’ve shown me in our day to day living, and lead me as I lead them on the path to righteousness in all truth and grace!

Thomas chau
Thomas chau
1 year ago

I have to have the mindset that I have been given mercy as well. Especially in a society where it’s so easy to compare and judge I can practice be cool calm and collected and realizing I need to show mercy to others as God has shown me mercy and I gotta realize that I have no right to judge anyone.