Knowing Him 47: Crucified Leadership

Tue. May 3, 2022


Jesus is identified to the crowd of people who have come to take Him away by Judas, who has come to betray Him. Judas kisses Jesus, and Jesus responds by calling him “Friend” (Matt. 26:50). He was a friend of sinners until the end! Betrayed into the hands of the religious leaders, Jesus is led away to be questioned, lied about, treated unjustly, beaten, whipped, and finally, to be hung on a cross between two criminals.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Luke 23:26-49
Matthew 27:27-56
Mark 15:16-41
John 19:13-30

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. As you read these passages, list all the ways in which Jesus suffered for us.
  2. What is Jesus modeling for us about leadership?
  3. As you reread the crucifixion story, what new insights do you discover?
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

What is Jesus modeling for us about leadership?
Jesus demonstrates that even Him submitted to the Father’s will, no matter how great the cost is. When Jesus took all of our sins for us, it was so big that even God the Father forsaken Him. We are called to follow Jesus: to take up the cross , to die our old life, and to walk with Him everyday. For me, walking with God is never an easy task. I sometimes find myself returning to my old self. Even submitting to God sometimes can be too hard because of all the sacrifices I have to make to follow Him. But I know that in the end, it is worth it do follow God and walk with Him daily. Nothing greater than knowing where will I go in the future when I put my faith and hope in Jesus Christ. I pray that God will help me to become like Him everyday

Team hoa viv tiff and joce
Team hoa viv tiff and joce
2 years ago

In today’s reading, we see Jesus suffered in multiple ways. He was seized and force to carry the cross on His back to bear the physical pain and public humiliation. Then He was nailed and crucified onto the cross. And while hanging there for hours before His death, He was also mocked. He endured so much for us. What does it mean for us to die to ourselves? It’s about putting others first in terms of their needs over our own wants and comfort. It’s about not giving up on people and ministry when things get difficult. It’s about going through the difficult for a greater eternal good/God’s glory. I can only do these things because Jesus first died for my own sins and through His death I have life and strength.

Team Amber, Jeff, Jenney, Kimberly
Team Amber, Jeff, Jenney, Kimberly
2 years ago

As you read these passages, list all the ways in which Jesus suffered for us.

“they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand.”
He carried the weight of the cross.
& as He endured physical pain, He also faced mockery. He was ridiculed by the rulers. Soldiers mocked Him. Others rebukes Him.

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