Knowing Him 46: Submissive Leadership

Mon. May 2, 2022


Jesus shared a lot of cool stuff with His disciples that night [of the last supper] in the upper room, besides the fact that He loved them and expected them to lead as servant leaders. He tells them once again that He will be leaving them but not to be afraid, that He is leaving to prepare a place for them. He tells them to remember that He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). He shares what the role of the coming Holy Spirit will be in their lives and much, much more. Come and take a look.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

John 14:1-17:26
Luke 22:39-46
Matthew 26:36-46
Mark 14:32-42

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What do we know about how Jesus prayed in the garden? (Matt. 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46)
  2. What lessons about prayer is Jesus modeling?
  3. How were the disciples responding during this time?
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

What lessons about prayer is Jesus modeling?
We should pray in the times of our distress and to ask God to help us. We also see that when we are facing situations when sin or temptation are near, that we should pray to be able to have the strength to resist those temptations and sin. I’m sure Jesus was tempted to not die on the cross but because of his prayers and God strengthening him, he was able to fulfill the Father’s will on our behalf.

Team Jho, Jeff, Kim & Amber
Team Jho, Jeff, Kim & Amber
2 years ago

How were the disciples responding during this time?

The disciples were tired so they kept falling in and out of sleep. I don’t think the disciples understood the severity of what was happening with Jesus. Their main focus was on staying awake.

Vivien Do
Vivien Do
2 years ago

Today’s passage gave a lot of emphasis on praying to God about our temptation. Jesus directed his followers and urgently told them even when it seemed like they were exhausted from grief. Jesus also prayed for God’s will to be done and it was interested how he asked God because rather than having his request be about his wants, he made sure to have it according to God’s will. I could see the great pain that Jesus went through as he prayed fervently. I wonder what he was praying for but if it is for us then that is major love on his part. You can see the different end results after praying between his disciples and him. It was either they did not trust in God’s power enough or it was too painful for them but only Jesus can handle it. All in all, today’s passage was very interesting to read.

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