Knowing Him 45: Servant Leadership

Fri. Apr 29, 2022


Jesus spends the week teaching at the temple during the day and in prayer, communicating to His Father each evening on the Mount of Olives (Luke 21:37). The things Jesus teaches this week are incredibly significant. They are a study, in and of themselves, full of leadership lessons and truths. The week is coming to a close, and Jesus’ time is short, so He has a few of His disciples make arrangements for a Passover supper in town. Jesus has been eagerly anticipating and preparing for this particular evening. He says, “‘I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God’” (Luke 22:15-16). What will happen on this last Passover night? Take a look.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

John 13:1-38
Luke 22:7-38
Matthew 26:17-29
Mark 14:12-25

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What does this passage (John 13:1-38) tell us that Jesus knew?
  2. What is Jesus modeling for us about leadership?
  3. Did the disciples understand what Jesus was doing? How were they viewing what He was doing?
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

Happiest Friday gentlemen! Hope your week was filled with blessings from our Lord 😃 

What is Jesus modeling for us about leadership? –> John 13 chapter 1 has the much familiar and well-studied passage of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet. Jesus was modeling that in order to become a leader, one must first humble themselves and take on the tasks that nobody else really wants to do. As difficult as it is, the willingness to serve others is the foundation of who we are as Christians. Do that so you can remain in God and once you are in Him, He will be with you and will bless you abundantly.

Team Jho, Jeff, Kim & Amber
Team Jho, Jeff, Kim & Amber
2 years ago

Did the disciples understand what Jesus was doing? How were they viewing what He was doing?

I don’t think the disciples understood what Jesus was doing, but they went along with it because it was Jesus doing it. They viewed it as something they should be doing on Jesus and not the other way around. Yet through the washing of the feet, Jesus teaches them about humility and sacrificial love.

Team Hoa, Tiffany, Jocelyn, Vivien
Team Hoa, Tiffany, Jocelyn, Vivien
2 years ago

Washing each other’s feet is an act of love, humility and grace. Jesus perfectly demonstrates this when he washes His disciples feet, even though He was more powerful and deserving than them. Yet, He demonstrated an act of love towards others and encourages them to do the same. This act of washing each other’s feet can be replicated in so many ways, in our daily lives. When we love each other equally and demonstrate humility, others will follow suit and share that with the people they encounter.

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