Knowing Him 42: Unleavened Leadership

Tue. Apr 26, 2022


Jesus continues His teaching over the next several months. We only have time in this study to cover a couple of His lessons on leadership development. These days for Jesus are packed with incredible teaching on the development of leaders. One of the most important teachings that Jesus gives during this time is on being an unleavened leader. Read carefully and digest what Jesus is saying to His disciples about leadership. He is calling for a radically different style of leadership than what they had seen their whole lives from the religious leaders. As you read, ask God to examine your leadership style.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Luke 12:1-12
Matthew 16:1-12

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What is hypocrisy — how would you define it?
  2. List all the results of hypocrisy found in Matthew 23:13-35.
  3. What was the leaven, the yeast, of the leadership in Israel (Luke 12:1; Matt. 16:12)?
  4. What type of hypocrisy did the disciples need to fear?
  5. How do you find hypocrisy creeping into your life?
  6. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

How do you find hypocrisy creeping into your life?
> I find hypocrisy can easily creep into my life when I preach or talk about God’s words to the youth. It’s easy to fall into the trap of preaching but not practicing it or living it out. I noticed recently that I talked about love yet I find it hard to love someone right now and it’s something that I need to work on and rely on God to change me. It’s dangerous because people can observe your life and can see that you’re not living out the Gospel. We are God’s witness in this world for other to see. Therefore, everything I do and say have to reflect God’s glory and point toward Jesus. I ask that God will help me to live out my faith and not just preach hypocrisy.

Team hoa viv tiff and joce
Team hoa viv tiff and joce
2 years ago

It’s easy for church leaders to fall into the trap of hypocrisy because after learning and knowing so much, it’s easy to tell others to do rather than continuously check ourselves. A root cause can be pride where we may feel we’re not as bad as others. We forget that we need Jesus daily just as much. We need His grace. We need to acknowledge Him. We need to check our hearts, minds, and motives regularly. We need to be renewed by God’s Word and our community to hold us accountable. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide and empower us.

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