Knowing Him 41: Leadership Multiplication

Mon. Apr 25, 2022


Jesus leaves the Feast of Dedication and travels to the other side of the Jordan River, where John had baptized him three years earlier (John 10:40). Jesus will use this as a base for the next few months, awaiting His final entrance into Jerusalem and His pending death on the cross. What will He do in these last several months to ensure that the movement continues after He is taken up to His Father? What will His final steps be? Let’s look at what this passage says.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Luke 10:1-42

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What are Jesus’ priorities in this passage?
  2. In what ways could Jesus have been distracted from these priorities (like Martha in v. 40)?
  3. Why does Jesus so greatly rejoice in Luke 10:21?
  4. What do you see as the primary lessons in this passage?
  5. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Jho, Jeff, Kim & Amber
Team Jho, Jeff, Kim & Amber
2 years ago

“Why does Jesus so greatly rejoice in Luke 10:21?”

I think Jesus rejoices so greatly because the work that He has been carrying out has been making so much progress. There becomes a greater need for Christ & people around are starting to become more aware & follow God. Jesus’ disciples are multiplying and He gives thanks to the Lord because He knows that this accomplishment comes from Him.

Charles Lee
Charles Lee
2 years ago

What are Jesus’ priorities in this passage?
Jesus’ priorities appear to be to continue building out the network of disciples that he has been establishing. Sending out the 72, we see that Jesus has been successful in reproducing his ministry. One aspect that I noticed and liked a lot was that not only did he send out 72 but Jesus sent them to places that he was going to go himself. In a way, the 72 were like John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus when he would come into the towns that he had sent his disciples. That kind of follow up I think makes an impact on people in showing that you are genuine and that you care.

Team Hoa Joc Vivien and Tiff
Team Hoa Joc Vivien and Tiff
2 years ago

In today’s reading, we’re reminded of many important lessons. The first one being to share the gospel and pray for people, like Jesus sending out the 72. Secondly, we’re encouraged to praise God and continue to obey Him, similar to Jesus embracing God’s will. Third is the greatest commandment-to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind and love our neighbors as ourselves. And lastly, rather than being anxious and troubled about worries of this life spend time with God and be renewed in His word.

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