Knowing Him 23: Fishing For Men Expedition Four (in the slump)

Wed. Mar 30, 2022


As Jesus moves throughout the Galilee of the Gentiles, sharing who He is, He comes across a man covered from head to toe with a fatal disease. What will happen and how will this lead to a teaching experience and a fishing expedition for His team? Let’s dig right in.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Luke 5:12-16
Matthew 8:2-4
Mark 1:40-45

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. Where is Jesus fishing?
  2. Who is Jesus fishing for?
  3. What is Jesus modelling about fishing for men in a city?
  4. How is Jesus fishing?
  5. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

So Jesus is working in the cities now. And as with all cities there’s poor and/or sick people. The thing about leprosy though is that it’s very contagious, so people literally avoided lepers like the plague. This never fazed Jesus though, and he even touches this man to heal him. Jesus shows us that even the people we dehumanize or tend to ignore are still worthy of God’s love. The story also shows the faith this leper had that Jesus could heal him. Lepers were supposed to call out “unclean” when people approached in order for them to avoid him, but he walks up to Jesus and asks to be made clean. Jesus gave him his life back with this.

Team Amber, Jeff, Jenney, and Kimberly
Team Amber, Jeff, Jenney, and Kimberly
2 years ago

How is Jesus fishing?

Jesus is fishing men as He travels from town to town. The man had leprosy and in those times it was very contagious and nobody wanted to touch these people, let alone around them. But Jesus was different. He was willing and did not fear the disease. He touched the man to heal him & make him clean. Jesus in all these stories showed love to those that were unseen and rejected. And Yet again in this story, Jesus tells the man to tell no one. He does his miracle in silence. At the end, Jesus withdrew to a desolate place and prayed. Jesus did this in the last story too. I think it shows His strong relationship with the Father and the importance of hearing from the Father and following His will.

May we be like Jesus, spreading the Gospel & healing with all glory be to God and always make time to sit & hear our Father.

Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

I def want to have the ability to be like Jesus in this situation. I think sometimes I can be judgemental and dismiss people. But here Jesus interacts with this man as if it was nothing. As if there was no disease. He heals him and sends him on his way. I think for me I can take a first step by learning to drop my pride and listen to those I find weird or awkward.

Vivien Do
Vivien Do
2 years ago

I thought today’s passage was pretty cool to dissect. What caught my attention was how the leper instantly knew that Jesus was Lord and that he can heal him from his sickness. This kind of shows that the man had faith but also showed that Jesus was able to heal him because he believed. I realized that I will only recognize God’s goodness and grace if allow God the chance to be in my life and if I accept him. Today’s mission was for Jesus to fish for men and that is what he did through this interaction with the leper. Towards the end, we see how much he prioritized his time with God. It was like God was his only source of energy to fulfill tasks like these but also to speak to God to see what he had planned for him next.

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