Knowing Him 22: Fishing For Men Expedition Three (at the marketplace)

Tue. Mar 29, 2022


Okay, so far we have Jesus fishing at the synagogue and at the disciple Peter’s house. Where will He go next? One outreach was well planned, the other spontaneous. What kind of event will follow? When we left Jesus yesterday, under the direction of His Father, He had departed with His disciples (or at least most of them) for the surrounding villages to train His young team and go fishing for men. Fishing in the marketplace is where we will find the Master today. Check it out.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Luke 5:1-11

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. Where is Jesus fishing?
  2. What are some of the various emotions Jesus’ disciples were feeling?
  3. Verse 8 says that “When Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at Jesus’ knees …” What was “this”?
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

What are some of the various emotions Jesus’ disciples were feeling?
– They were probably feeling doubt and with commitment issues at the beginning. They probably weren’t fully letting go of everything they had – especially their job as Peter was still out fishing after Jesus called them to follow Him. They also have some doubts in Jesus when He said to put the net into the deep side. But all the doubts and commitment issues that they had were left behind when they caught all the fish. They saw the power of Jesus and turned all of that into trusting in Him. In order to become a fisher of men, we have to take the next step of obedience like what Peter did. For me when taking those steps, it’s hard not to doubt. But seeing the results of what Jesus can do when you obey Him really turn all my doubts into more faith in Christ as I walk with Him everyday.

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

Ok so Jesus is finally fishing at the sea. He calls to Simon where he works as a fisherman, and caters the question to him. He’s essentially saying that what he’s talking Simon to do he already knows or has the skill set for. But before he makes this call he shows proof of his calling with a miracle. And to us it seems impressive, but Simon knew how impossible it really was, being a fisherman and experiencing firsthand a bad fishing day. Honestly the first thing I’d think would be someone along the lines of “man if this guy was a fisherman we’d make bank” but then Jesus calls him to leave his job. And after seeing what Jesus could do it makes sense why he’d be willing to shake his life up so much.

Team Jho, Kim, Jeff & Amber
Team Jho, Kim, Jeff & Amber
2 years ago

“What are some of the various emotions Jesus’ disciples were feeling?”

I can only imagine that they were feeling uncertain, confused and hopeless. Their responses seemed very hesitant, but nonetheless they listened to Jesus anyway. Once they let go & saw Jesus’ truth, all their worries seemed to fade and it was replaced with complete admiration. It’s crazy that sometimes we are so afraid of letting go, but this passage reassures me that Jesus always provides and keeps His promises. When we obey Jesus & align our hearts and plans with His, our doubts will fade and He reveals His glory and goodness!

Team Hoa, Tiffany, Jocelyn, Vivien
Team Hoa, Tiffany, Jocelyn, Vivien
2 years ago

I’m reminded of how much we gain from a life with Jesus. This passage emphasizes how following Jesus will be so much fuller and more abundant than a life on our own accord. I think this translates in so many areas of our life, and when we live like Jesus, we are set apart and it attracts others and makes them wonder what makes us different! It can open opportunities and conversation to share God’s love and light and allow us to fish for other people.

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