Knowing Him 21: Fishing For Men Expedition Two (at home to the mass)

Mon. Mar 28, 2022


We are in the process of looking at the first six fishing-for-men expeditions of Jesus. We are doing this for two reasons. Do you remember what they are? His aim was both to train the ministry team and to reach the masses. Although the previous expedition (at the synagogue) was well executed, today’s fishing expedition may surprise you. When we left, Jesus had healed a demon-possessed man of an evil spirit and, immediately, news about Jesus spread into all the surrounding district of Galilee (Mark 1:28). Jesus leaves the synagogue in Capernaum and heads to Peter’s house. Yes, Peter owned a house and he was even married. Check it out.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Luke 4:38-44
Matthew 8:14-17
Mark 1:29-39

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. Where is Jesus fishing?
  2. Who is Jesus fishing for?
  3. What is Jesus modeling about fishing for men in a house setting?
  4. How is Jesus fishing?
  5. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Charles Lee
Charles Lee
2 years ago

Where is Jesus fishing?
Jesus is fishing in the different synagogues of Judea in various cities as well as in the house of his disciple (Peter).

Team Jho, Kim, Jeff & Amber
Team Jho, Kim, Jeff & Amber
2 years ago

“How is Jesus fishing?”

Jesus is fishing by healing others and allowing people to witness the miracles & spreading awareness of Himself. Every healing Jesus made was intentional. Many people were finally starting to believe He was the Messiah & even the demons that he cast out knew Him by name. The more people witnessed Jesus’ miracles, the more people understood that Christ had finally arrived & was alive.

Vivien Do
Vivien Do
2 years ago

Today’s passage was interesting because throughout the whole expedition Jesus maintained energy and not once did he show any kind of burnout. I read that Jesus arrived at Peter’s home on the same day he left the synagogue, I wonder how far in distance were the two places. Regardless, I read that Jesus has gained a lot of attention due to his ability to heal and perform miracles. At one point, I read how some of the demons that were cast out at Jesus’ command shouted that he is the Son of God. But little does anyone know that Jesus is also God.
We see Jesus mirroring a lot of obedience in the next paragraph where right after that day he would leave the next morning to continue preaching the Good News. Jesus is on a mission and even though he might have wanted to stay for the people he had to continue on living out what God had commanded him to do.

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

Jesus fishes where the needed are brought to His attention. For Peter’s mother-in-law, Jesus came and healed her once the disciples told Him of her ailment. Afterwards, they continued to bring to Jesus all who were sick or possessed of demons and Jesus went to heal each and every one that was brought to Him. And when the good work was done, Jesus didn’t stay as He had no reason to since He helped all those who needed and were brought to Him. But the main takeaway here, for me, is that Jesus didn’t start the healing process until it was brought to His attention. Which reminds me of the importance of prayer and appealing to God on ours and others behalf. Though God knows our ailments and difficulties, He wants us to acknowledge His sovereignty and come to Him for our needs. And much like how Peter appealed to Jesus on behalf of his mother-in-law, we need to appeal to God on behalf of those who need Jesus.

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