Registration Schedule

Church Registration – complete

Individual Application – complete

Pastoral Approval – ongoing

Payment Due – 12/11/23 (subject to change)


Note that the individual application is NOT complete until payment is collected via the Church Representative. Failure to pay after receiving pastoral approval will result in not getting a spot at winter retreat.

Also note that individual campers will pay their registration fee to the church rep, who will then in turn pay their entire church’s fee in one payment.


Check your email to find out your registration status. (searchable by “podio” or “automation” or “bumble”)

Possible statuses:

– Pending Approval (We got your VAY Winter Retreat 2023 registration)

– Pastor Denied (You are NOT approved to attend VAY Winter Retreat)

– Waiting on Room (You are approved to attend VAY Winter Retreat)

– Room Assigned (Room/Bed update)

– Paid/Complete