Where Do We Find Unconditional Love?

Fri. Sep 22, 2023

As David returned to his hometown, he yearned for the unconditional love Samuel mentioned even more, then he sensed it in The Presence

[David’s Diary Entry]

In the quietude of Bethlehem, I find myself pondering the elusive nature of unconditional love The Prophet mentioned. Even in the home of my youth, where love should be as natural as the air we breathe, I’ve found it conditional, limited. My father’s gaze often seems distant, clouded by the burdens of age and responsibility. My mother, too, is a well of love, but even wells can run dry. It’s a love tinged with human frailty, a love that, while deep, has its boundaries [1].

And so, in the tranquility of the fields, surrounded only by the bleating of sheep and the rustling of the wind, I find myself alone, yet not lonely. For in this solitude, I am met by a Presence far more comforting than any human embrace. It’s as if the very atmosphere around me becomes a sanctuary, filled with a divine intimacy that no earthly setting can offer. My soul is parched, like the arid lands I tread upon, yearning for a love that neither friend nor family can fully provide.

Oh, how I thirst for You, O Living God [2]! My very being longs for Your touch, as if I were a desert wanderer, desperate for a drop of water. I’ve felt Your living presence, Your active hand in my life. You, who delivered me from the claw of the lion and the paw of the bear, are not a distant God but a God who acts, who saves. Your love, O Lord, is like a well that never runs dry. It’s a love that transcends all understanding, a love that fills the caverns of my soul.

I’ve seen Your power and glory in the sanctuary of Your creation. The heavens declare it, the earth proclaims it, and my heart can’t help but echo their eternal song [3]. Your love is better than life itself, and so my lips will glorify You. I will bless You as long as I live; in Your name, I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips, my mouth will praise You.

As I lay on this bed of earth, gazing at the tapestry of stars You’ve woven, I remember You. I meditate on You through the watches of the night. For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings, I sing for joy. Even when the world turns its back on me, even when I can’t find a friend to confide in, You are there. Your right hand upholds me.

And so, I pen these words as a testament to the only love that has never failed me. A love so profound, it turns even the most mundane moments into holy ground. A love so steadfast, that it follows me through every valley and atop every mountain. O God, who else do I have but You?

David wrote in Psalm 63:1–7 (NIV)
You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.
Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

How’s your relationship with God? Share a prayer to God with your friends.

[1] We don’t know much about David’s relationship with his parents, but what he wrote in Psalm 27:10 make us wonder.
[2] Up to this point, the term “living God” only used twice in the Bible in Deuteronomy 5:26 and Joshua 3:10, both in the context of God’s action. It is very plausible that David saw God as a “Living God” (1 Samuel 17:26) since he experienced God rescuing him from the claws of the lion and the the bear (1 Samuel 17:37) emphasizing God’s active, saving power in his life.
[3] David also sees God from nature in Psalms 19:1-6
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Mike Shi
Mike Shi
1 year ago

My relationship with God is exactly like a father-son relationship where He is always looking after me. But I haven’t been very responsive to Him. I should make more time for Him and seek after Him. Now I am on my way of following Him.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unconditional love and support that You have given me. Thank You for Your mercy and kindness. I regret the moments that I chosen worldly things instead of You. And I appreciate that You reminded me how much I need You Lord. I pray that you will continue walk with me in my life and give me the courage to share my faith with my friends from school. So that they can know how great is Your Love. I pray all those things in Jesus’s name, Amen.🙏

Christine Ngo
Christine Ngo
1 year ago

Celeste: My relationship with god today is a complete 360. I am no longer in my dark place with him. He’s given me his mercy, grace and forgiveness because I have been willing and open with him.

I no longer have that resentment with him, I wanted to hate him for taking my mom away and my little brother. But it’s not him , I see that my mom was suffering my her illness of failed kidney and my brother was suffering from his drug addiction , they are now with god and I’d like to think that they are at peace. I had to dig deep to know why they’re taken from me not just from the surface.

I don’t know where I’m
Going with this but god have blessed me with so much in my life and have continued to do so . He’s still working with me even today. I’m at 50 days clean and happier than ever. That’s a freaking miracle .

God please guide me in my recovery and let me have clarity in my daily life. Let me live honestly and give the the courage to be honest and truthful to myself and those around me. Please give me the wisdom I need to amend with my kids.

Thank you Lord. Amen.

1 year ago

I can actually say that, in all honesty, my relationship with God today is absolutely amazing! I would also have to say that this has nothing to do with me, or what I’ve done, but everything to do with Him😏 “I’m not the man I want to be. I’m not even the man I ought to be. But praise be to God, I’m not the man I used to be!”
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your amazing grace and unconditional love! The more I come to know You, the more I long to know You better still. You have brought life to these dead bones, and given me a life I never dreamed possible! Lord Jesus, by Your own blood You have redeemed me. You took the punishment for my sin and shortcomings upon Yourself at the cross, that I could be forgiven and have eternal life. You died for me so that I can live for You. Bind my heart to You, oh Lord my God. Draw me closer to You day by day, and let my life be a testimony of Your incredible and overwhelming love. I pray for all my brothers here- keep them strong in the faith, cover them in Your grace, and lead them in the way everlasting! Amen.

Ai Tran
Ai Tran
1 year ago

I would say that the relationship between God and me is a one-way relationship. This means that I’m the one who has received everything from God, such as His love, His care, His protection, and more, and sometimes I take it for granted.

Heavenly Father, please forgive me for all of my thoughts and actions that haven’t praised Your Name. I pray that You remind me every day that everything I have is a gift from Your love and mercy, not from my own capability. Lord, teach me daily through Your Word and the Holy Spirit, and always be by my side until the day we meet each other.

Tin Huynh
Tin Huynh
1 year ago

I believe that my relationship with God is close and necessary for me. He is my Father, providing me with my needs and granting everything I desire. He protects me from my enemies, loves me, and blesses me with His mercy.
Dear Father, thank you for choosing me among sinners and for saving me from my sins. You are gracious and compassionate; You have loved me since I was a sinner. I may not know your plan for my life, but please help me walk straight on the path You’ve planned for me. Although I know all your rules, I still sin. Please help me and strengthen my faith in You. Make me better understand Your words and transform my life to be useful for Your plan. Thank you for your unconditional love for me! Amen.

Charlie Nguyen
Charlie Nguyen
1 year ago

Our group actually had some amazing reflections tonight. I wish you could all experience them with me and get to know our sisters inspiring stories. Maybe you can ask them about it yourself (Rose, Becky and Teri). But they are also too personal for me to take liberty with them. So tonight, my inane post will have to do.

In the time of the OT, people relationship with God seems so direct. Many people were able to witness God’s presence and even speak directly with Him and witness His miracles (e.g. water from rock). He even tolerated testing of His powers (e.g. Gideon’s Judges 6:36-40).  Those times are no more and Jesus himself refused to put God to test (Mat 4:5-7).

With these signs He an so easily bring all His creation to him? But now in our time we are asked to “live by faith not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7).

It would be so much easier to have unshakable faith in my walk with the Father if only He would be more presence :-). My walk with Him is a journey of scholarship. I read and try to understand His nature. I study and try to understand His intent. I search for signs. I look for the day-to-day miracles. Live by faith not by sight is fine but faith without insight is not possible for me.

Father please help me understand Your nature and let me come to understand Your will not just so that I can serve You but also that I can strengthen my faith and share that faith with others.

Thomas Chau
Thomas Chau
1 year ago

My relationship with God lately has been getting a lot better. I’ve noticed a sense of dependency on him lately and trying to get in some time with Him everyday. The more time I spend with God the more I need him in my life as I see all the flaws I have and how only God can fix it. Dear lord I praise and love you. Thank for the gift of life on earth and the gift of eternal life with you. I will always fall short in everything I do but you still love me for that. Thanks for correcting and loving me generously. Amen.

1 year ago

My relationship with God is in a steady place. I’ve been trying to seek Him more but it’s been difficult because I’m not sure if I’m hearing from Him. I know God hears my prayers and he sees my heart but I’m really trying to listen to Him and discern but it’s been hard.

Dear God,
Thank you for your word this week. I, too, long for you, Lord. I pray to grow in intimacy with you Lord as I draw nearer to you. I pray to grow in patience as I faithfully wait on you and trust in your perfect plan. I thank you for all the ways you have pursued me time and time again, how you have delivered me, and how you have loved me so graciously. I pray that your love will overflow and pour out into others. May you deliver us from self-deception and keep us grounded in you. Amen