‘Sup, spiritual superheroes!
Yesterday, we unlocked the divine cheat code of making prayer a priority. Today, we’re looking at the people, assembling our spiritual Avengers, our prayer squad, as we delve into James 5:14-20. Suit up, because we’re about to dial ‘P’ for power!
14Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. 15Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven. 16Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results… [we will save verse 17-18 for tomorrow] 19…if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back, 20you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back from wandering will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins.
James 5:13–20 (NLT)
In this passage, James highlights the communal aspect of prayer. We’re not lone rangers in this spiritual journey; we’re part of a prayer squad. When one of us is sick, we call in the elders, the spiritual superheroes of our community, to pray over us and help us (James 5:14). This is a tangible expression of faith, an act that reflects our spiritual dependence on God.
But the prayer squad isn’t just for the elders. James encourages all of us to confess our sins to each other and pray for each other (James 5:16). This isn’t just a spiritual group hug. It’s a strategic war room where we lay bare our struggles, take God’s promises to heart, strategize about how to combat sin, and then encourage and support each other in the battle. It’s a place where those cleansed by Christ can acknowledge their sins without fear, experiencing the freedom of the gospel in a powerful, tangible way.
And the power of this prayer squad? It’s enormous! James tells us that the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. That’s some serious prayer power! (More about that tomorrow).
But the mission of the prayer squad doesn’t stop there. The squad launches us into a search and rescue mission (James 5:19-20). We’re not just a defensive team; we’re on the offense, bringing back those who have strayed from the truth. This is the ultimate rescue mission, the spiritual search and rescue operation where we pray for our brothers and sisters who have lost their way, trusting in the power of prayer to bring them back.
So, fellow spiritual superheroes, let’s be the prayer squad. Let’s be the spiritual Avengers who pray for each other, support each other, and lift each other up. Let’s be the community that dials ‘P’ for power and taps into the divine cheat code of prayer. Because when we do, we’ll discover that prayer isn’t just a life hack; it’s a game-changer.
Do you have a prayer squad? Who do you pray together with on a regular basis? How can you strengthen your communal prayer life and support each other more effectively in the battle against sin?
My prayer squad is Joshua who is always there with me when I’m paying. I always turn to my WUC group and I also have a couple that I also come to. Honestly I haven’t really prayed or have a quad that I prayed with until I did this challenge and I love it. I will continue to pray daily with Crystal and Bao after I’m done with challenge and I will continue to have this amazing relationship with my loving God through prayer. 💕🙏🏻
My prayer squad is with my wife. We pray together on a fairly regular basis but I believe we could be better. I think praying together with others is important because you get to see the heart of the people with whom we are praying with. By listening we can also see how God is moving within our community and we can also be encouraged within our own journey. I know I need to be more dependent on prayer in my everyday life.
I do not have either a prayer squad or individuals who pray together on a daily basis. However, I do pray with a group when I have college group. I believe I should find someone with whom I can pray regularly because praying together not only strengthens our faith but also helps us stay on the right path.
(from Brian)
I remember the first time I was asked to pray publicly. I was put on the spot at a house gathering with a charismatic church. I barely became a Christian and somehow they asked if I had ever been baptized. I said no and one thing led to the next, I found myself waist deep in the backyard pool.
Before they dipped me, they asked that i pray. As I was already lost to find the right words to say, it didn’t help that they were charismatically and prayerfully chanting in the background with slew of words crossing like a jigsaw puzzle. Honestly, til this day I don’t even remember what I prayed about. I just remember rising from the water symbolically reborn as a Christian.
I am no longer shy to pray. I read something that forever changed that perspective. It was an online article emphasizing that when we pray, we are blessing other people. At that moment in time, we are that one voice representing that group singing praises, asking for forgiveness and lifting up the community.
As I shared yesterday, I pray with my family each night. Sometimes I pray with my wife especially when it deals with heavier subjects we don’t want the kids to hear. And whenever I can ill pray with other members of the community.
I want to pray for this group. You have been a blessing for me to vent and express my thoughts. God has also used you as an inspiration and I’m glad to get a small glimpse of your life as you share daily. I pray that we can be that light in the darkness and help lead others to Christ. Will be praying for our group tonight with my family. Good night all
I do not have a prayer squad, however at our church we do have a prayer team. Which maybe I should start implementing myself in since it will keep me accountable and I’m intentional about it. On a day to day basis, the people I is usually pray with would be with Daniel or myself. It’s hard to pray everyday and I know I will make a bunch of excuses why but if I really want to improve my relationship with God I should be praying more and make it a lifestyle rather than a once every meal thing. One way I can strengthen my communal prayer life is to join prayer group. Make time and come early to church and pray amongst other believers.