The Patience of a Pro

Mon. Jun 12, 2023

Hello there, patience pros!

Today, we’re diving into the deep end of the patience pool. So, grab your floaties, and let’s get going!

7Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen. 8You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near. 9Don’t grumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. For look—the Judge is standing at the door! 10For examples of patience in suffering, dear brothers and sisters, look at the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. 11We give great honor to those who endure under suffering. For instance, you know about Job, a man of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was kind to him at the end, for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy. 12But most of all, my brothers and sisters, never take an oath, by heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no, so that you will not sin and be condemned.

James 5:7–12 (NLT)

James, our trusty life hack guru, kicks off this section with a shout-out to farmers (James 5:7). Now, I don’t know about you, but I can barely wait for my microwave popcorn to pop, let alone for a crop to grow. But that’s exactly the kind of patience James is talking about here. The kind that waits for the uncontrollable, like the autumn and spring rains. The kind that understands good things take time.

Next up, James gives us some real-life examples of patience pros – the prophets (James 5:10). These guys had patience in spades. They faced some serious trials and tribulations, often from people who were as unchangeable as a leopard’s spots. But they hung in there. They knew that the Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

Then, James brings up Job (James 5:11). Now, Job’s story is a masterclass in patience. He faced suffering that was as unexplainable as a platypus. But he remained patient, knowing that the Lord, full of compassion and mercy, was in control. (I owed the triplet uncontrollable, unchangeable, unexplainable to my buddy Allen Parr).

Now, here’s where the first life hack comes in. James tells us to keep our promises simple – a simple “yes” or “no” will do (James 5:12). No need for dramatic oaths or grand gestures. Just straightforward honesty. This is a daily discipline of our speech, where we don’t take shortcuts to gain trust, but let our integrity do the talking.

And let’s not forget about grumbling (James 5:9), our second life hack. Avoiding grumbling is a daily discipline of our attitude, honing our hearts in patience, not just our outward endurance. It’s like a workout for your heart, but instead of lifting weights, you’re lifting your spirit!

So, there you have it, folks. Patience may not be the most glamorous of virtues, but it’s a game-changer. It’s the secret sauce to a faith-filled life. It’s the ultimate life hack for the Christian journey.

So, here’s the million-dollar question: What practical benefits can you gain if you are more patient?

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1 year ago

Happy Monday. Having my mind filled with his Holy Spirit and having faith in the Lord has Blessed me with peace and a life living without fear, that has Blessed me with a lot of patience that I never had before.

Charles Lee
Charles Lee
1 year ago

There are many practical benefits we can gain when we are more patient.  I think we can avoid many needless conflicts when we are patient.  In my experience, a lot of conflicts tend to arise when we are impatient and either jump to conclusions or become needlessly irritable.  When we are able to exercise patience in these situations, I have found a lot of needless conflicts are avoidable.  Patience is one of the things I need to pray for everyday.

1 year ago

(from Maury)
I learned to be very patient with the world around me … Not everyone is at the same page in life… I learned that for a fact especially when I was sitting in a cell life passing me by… Year after year my only comfort came from my relationship with the Lord… As I got older I learned to put myself in the other man’s shoes, mental health, disability, etc The benefit is Now even though I’m free I’m not a prisoner in my heart my mind and love for life…

Ai Tran
Ai Tran
1 year ago

I think being patient brings me a lot of benefits in both my job and family. I can avoid many conflicts by being patient and taking the time to talk and understand each other. In addition, being patient helps me assist people around me more effectively, as I take the time to listen to their needs and thoughts.

1 year ago

Some practical benefits that I would gain if I was more patient include maintaining healthier relationship, being able to have an open perspective, and encouraging respect. I know for me, when I am patient with others, I am slower to anger and show more compassion. When I am not patient, I tend to be super caught up on my own needs that it pushes my loved ones away. Having patient not only is healthier for me but for the other person as well