Mon. Apr 1, 2024

How the Resurrection Could Enlarge the Meaning of the Term ‘Gospel’?

[God’s gospel] … concerning his Son, who was descended from the seed of David according to the flesh, and marked out as Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by the resurrection of the dead, Jesus the Messiah our lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the nations for the sake of his name …

Romans 1:3-5

When we dive into the letter of Romans, penned by the Apostle Paul, we find ourselves immersed in a message pulsating with the power of resurrection. It’s as though this letter is soaked through with Easter; peer closely, and you’ll see the light of Easter shining through every word. While many have celebrated Romans for its exploration of faith and justification, it could just as easily have been heralded as the prime letter of resurrection. This isn’t to say that justification by faith isn’t crucial—it absolutely is—but it’s part of a larger, thrilling proclamation.

The traditional focus has been on Romans 1:16–17, where Paul lays out a cornerstone of Christianity: the gospel as God’s power to salvation for all who believe, Jew and Greek alike, because in it God’s righteousness is revealed from faith to faith. Yet, right from the start, in Romans 1:3-5, Paul sets the stage with a declaration that pulses with resurrection life. Here, the gospel isn’t just about being made right with God through faith; it’s about Jesus, the Messiah, and His lordship over all, established and confirmed through His resurrection from the dead.

This good news is more than a theological concept; it’s the announcement of Jesus, born of David’s lineage, now revealed as the world’s true Lord through His victory over death. It’s a story that reshapes the world, challenging even the highest powers of the time. Just as Caesar claimed lordship backed by claims of divinity as ‘son of a god’ and ‘lord of the world’, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead positions Him as the ultimate ruler, the one true ‘son of God’, rendering Caesar’s claims a mere imitation.

What makes Jesus distinct, what marks Him as the Messiah and Son of God, isn’t just His royal lineage but His resurrection. Sure, being a descendant of David was notable, but rising from the dead? That was unprecedented. This wasn’t just a miraculous event; it was a divine declaration. Jesus of Nazareth, a man rooted in history and heritage, was by His resurrection unequivocally confirmed as the Messiah, God’s own Son, and the rightful ruler of the world.

Understanding the gospel in this light expands its meaning far beyond personal salvation to encompass the universal lordship of Jesus. The resurrection is the cornerstone not just of Paul’s message in Romans but of the Christian faith itself. It underpins the gospel of Jesus’ Lordship, critiques worldly powers, and forms the foundation for our understanding of justification and salvation. This is why Paul said that as a carrier of the gospel, he also “bring about the obedience of faith among all the nations for the sake of [Jesus] name” (v.5).

So, when we talk about the gospel according to Romans, we’re talking about something vast and victorious. It’s not just about individual faith leading to personal justification; it’s about Jesus, the resurrected Messiah, claiming His place as Lord over all creation. This revelation demands a response, inviting us into a life lived under His gracious reign, marked by obedience that flows from faith. The resurrection, therefore, doesn’t just change how we view our personal faith journey; it transforms how we see the world and our place in it, under the lordship of Jesus Christ.

[This essay was a paraphrase of N.T. Wright’s “The Resurrection of the Son of God” (p. 241-245)]

How does understanding Jesus as the risen Lord of the world change the way I view my personal struggles and victories? Talk it out as a prayer to the Lord Jesus.

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10 months ago

I would have to say that understanding Jesus as the risen Lord of the world changes the way I view my personal struggles and victories in that it puts them all in their proper perspective. Jesus gives us the promise of eternal life, and life abundant, which has major implications for the here and now. Jesus has already overcome- He has defeated death itself- so that no matter what may happen in this life, it is all a part of a redemptive process that will bear fruit on into eternity for those who love Him! The resurrection becomes a reality of our daily life, in which we can experience the abundant life He has for us in even the most painful or even seemingly mundane moments!
Lord, help me to live my life with a constant awareness of Your Lordship over all things, and experience the power of Your resurrection in my day to day life!!