Today is reserved for private reflection and repentance. You just need to let the group know how the experience was for you without sharing any private details if you don’t want to. 1)Prayerfully review the list below of strongholds and corresponding behaviors. Circle or list any areas of your life where Satan has a foothold or you have allowed patterns of sin to develop. 2) Read the Scripture provided to learn God’s truth and desire for freedom in your life. (A printable PDF is provided on the website too.) below:
The following is a sample prayer of repentance, renouncing strongholds, and claiming freedom:
Father, I come before you in the name of Jesus. I recognize the power You have given me by the shed blood of Jesus to demolish spiritual strongholds in my life. I confess that I have given a foothold to sin and I renounce the stronghold of ________. I claim the truth of ________ by the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. Through Your power, I take back the ground I surrendered to the enemy. I pray You will enable me to trust and obey Your Holy Spirit so that this area of my life will be in conformity to the image of Christ. Amen.
Examples: resentment, hate,
unforgiveness, anger, violence, revenge
Lie: I have power and protection when I don’t forgive others.
2 Corinthians 5:17-19
Examples: manipulation, lack of trust,
worry, seeking recognition
Lie: I can control my own life.
Matthew 16:24-25
Examples: selfishness, greed, apathy,
pride, stubbornness, vanity, materialism
Lie: If I just had a little more, I would be content.
Matthew 6:25-26
Examples: hopelessness, self-pity,
isolation, addictions, self-harm
Lie: Even God has abandoned me.
Psalm 34:17-18
Examples: spitefulness, gossip/slander,
betrayal, critical/judgmental spirit
Lie: I am entitled to all that I have.
1 Chronicles 16:34
Matthew 7:9-11
Examples: lust, seductiveness, fornication, adultery, pornography
Lie: I am free to satisfy all of my desires.
Galatians 5:13-16, 19-21
Genesis 2:22-25
Examples: occult, Ouija board, invoking evil or dead spirits, fortune-telling, astrology, cults
Lie: What I believe to be true is more trustworthy than God.
John 1:1-5
John 14:6-7
Examples: inferiority, inadequacy, timidity, withdrawal, pleasing people/ not God, lack of trust/worry, wrong relationships
Lie: I am less than everyone around me.
Ephesians 2:10
Romans 8:38-39
Examples: seeking acceptance, feeling unworthy, withdrawal, addictions, compulsions
Lie: I am unlovable.
Psalm 139:14
John 3:16
Examples: lying, delusions, rationalizing, wrong doctrine, misuse of Scripture
Lie: My actions are justified if it gets me what I need.
John 8:32
Psalm 23:1
Examples: phobias, compulsions,
perfectionism, fear of failure
Lie: Being afraid keeps me from harm.
2 Chronicles 20:6
Matthew 10:29-31
Examples: controlling, boasting, belittling, taking credit, selfishness, vanity
Lie: I am where I am because of all that I have done.
Matthew 16:24
The experience was pretty refreshing, and it reminded to trust in God more and be confident in Him, because I’ve been insecure about myself a lot, and the verses help me to realize that I am created in Jesus Christ for the good works and that nothing can separate me from the love of God. I’ve recently learned to abide by the truth instead of abiding by lies. For so long I have been lying to myself that I am less than everyone, but now I realize that I am created in the image of God and adopted into His family.
Today’s reading was very helpful in terms of checking where satan has the grip on me. I would say I could have done better on all of these aspects. But the aspect I feel like I need to work on the most is control. After reading Matthew 16:24-25, it reminded me that if I don’t surrender my control to the Lord, I can’t follow Him. It is a constant struggle for me because I am tempted by things around me all the time. God wants me to follow Him on my will, which I want to because of His greatness and never ending love for us.
1)Prayerfully review the list below of strongholds and corresponding behaviors. Circle or list any areas of your life where Satan has a foothold or you have allowed patterns of sin to develop.
Bitterness and despair is something I would say that Satan has a hold of me this week, I have not been feeling like myself life truthfully.
2) Read the Scripture provided to learn God’s truth and desire for freedom in your life.
I pray that God will surround me with the right people to carry me through. Amen
(from Roger)
The experience for me, after reviewing the many examples of Satan’s footholds that may or may not be present in our lives was enlightening. In many of the areas, at first thought, I didn’t think I had issues with but after contemplating, realized how insidious evil is and Satan himself. It was eye opening and tbh, a little disappointing. Almost every one of the categories I notice sins stronghold upon me and I realize how much work I have to do to rebuke it and walk a more godly walk. I literally said out loud the confession and asked for gods strength to help me repel those dark agents and help me walk toward the light, toward healing, toward being the best version of myself I can be. I’m grateful for this rooted group. I’m grateful for the predecessors or those longer in faith (temporal). I’m grateful for gods power to help me in this battle because as the reading talked abt, I can’t do it along. I can however with faith and the Holy Spirit and the likes of you men and women who help me along the journey. I had much to repent for even though I’ve felt as if I’ve turned my actions and my life 180 degrees around already. There is more to do, more to learn, more to grow. Gods grace is undeniable. I feel it more each and everyday. Have a great weekend. Bumble have a good safe trip. Say what up to John for me.
As I was looking over the list and praying with God some of the stronghold that Satan is attack are Bitterness, Control, Despair, Jealousy, Insecurity, Rejection, and fear. At the end of the list I didn’t realize that Satan is actually attacking me on a lot of these. I prayed to God over all of them and asked him to continue protecting me and let me hear out what he what’s me to do. During my prayer I told God everything that was bothering me and everything I was feeling and really poured my soul out seeking forgiveness. I know God is the answer to all my needs.
This was really enjoyable. A lot of reflection for myself and just things I needed to see in myself and be truthful to myself. It’s never easy to see things that are holding you back or things that make you uncomfortable.
Spending time in reflection made me realize how sin creates a foothold for Satan to creep into my life. I realized how serious and significant that foothold could be if I am not careful. I reflected on the different areas in my life and if Satan was making his way into those areas. God reminded me to trust in Him and the importance of surrender and contentment. Those two areas came up for me in this current season that I am in.
I think I should work on bitterness versus forgiveness and fear versus trust in God’s sovereignty, especially the latter half. Because I tend to overthink and become easily overwhelmed by things I want to do or be. I don’t want to share too many details since I want to talk to God first and ask Him for His wisdom and plans He has for me.