
Mon. Feb 12, 2024

Discuss: 1) What new thoughts do you have about Satan and his kingdom of this world? 2) What comforts do you find in knowing Jesus is victorious now and in the end? 3) Write a prayer expressing your gratefulness for the victory of Jesus over Satan. Pray for God to bring to mind spiritual battles you are currently facing and claim victory through Jesus Christ.

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11 months ago

1) I don’t know that I have any “new” thoughts about Satan and his kingdom of this world, but one of the aspects of this that has really resonated with me lately is the fact he is our real enemy. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Oftentimes we can be misled into thinking and feeling as if other people, or even the world itself is our enemy, but the reality is that those that come against God and His people are really just under the control of a “lower power,” and it is him and his domain that we battle against. This actually helps in the struggle to obey Jesus’ command to “love our enemies,” for we begin to recognize the seemingly “wicked” people of this world are merely under the control of darker spiritual forces.
2) Knowing that Jesus is victorious now and in the end gives me the assurance that absolutely nothing that happens is in vain, nor can it separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Though the battles rage on, the war has been won. As the book I’m reading right now puts it: this fact “is the fear-incinerating, boldness-making, perseverance-producing antidote to everything that would ever trouble us.”
3) Heavenly Father, thank You for the victory over Satan through Christ Jesus! Help me to bear Your ultimate sovereignty and victory in mind as I face trials and temptations, knowing that in Your kingdom, none of it is in vain, but will ultimately be used by You to bring glory to Your name among all the earth! Help me to remember always that “He who is in (us) is greater than he who is in the world!”

Dean Nguyen
Dean Nguyen
11 months ago

I feel like there is a lot of evil and Satan’s work all around this world. I think it is up to use to resist from his temptations and just always seek God. Always hiding the light God shines and we will be strong and saved. It feels great and I always knew God was the all Powerful. He will always win. I pray to God asking for the strength and the light he shines to protect me from evil. I thank God for the victory of Jesus between Satan.

11 months ago

From Amy
1. At times, the devil apparently does put evil thoughts in our head, or even directly incites us to do evil. I think of Judas, for example, who made a secret arrangement to betray Jesus to His enemies. Not all evil thoughts come directly from Satan, however. Often they come from within – from our own sinful hearts.

2. He died for our sin and brought grace to our lives. God is infinitely holy, and God is infinitely mighty. Satan is evil, and Satan is under the all-governing wisdom of God.

3. Lord, protect my mind from all schemes of satan. I’m thankful for our authority in Jesus; satan has no lasting power over my mind! Please break any strongholds in the name of Jesus, bringing healing to my thought life. Please replace satan’s condemning voice with Your own and help me to be able to recognize his lies for what they are. Help me to grow in my knowledge of Your Word, so I can speak Your truth against his falsehoods. Amen

11 months ago

From Cyndi
No new thoughts about Satan and his kingdom. But great reminder that Satan is the ultimate deceiver and how Satan schemes against us daily. I must be watchful and aware of Satan traps and schemes and deception. Must be rooted in God’s Words so I can discern and recognize God’s truth.

I feel protected, reassured, loved, and cared for to know that Jesus has all authority over everything and is victorious now and the end.

God thank you for fighting the battle for me and with me. I pray that you keep me grounded in your word, stand firm, and be watchful and alert and resist the enemy attacks. Give me strength and your power and to walk in your truth so I can overcome deceptions like fear, negative thoughts, pride, anxiety, and stress. Thank you for your power and authority!


John Nguyen
John Nguyen
11 months ago

New thoughts is that, just as God is always present around us, Satan is constantly around us as well. Tempting and distracting us from God. Satan lures us to forget about God and draw to the things of the world. However, even through this journey, we are victorious because God is victorious. I am comforted in knowing that even when we may fail Him in some battles, as long as we keep pursuing, leaning, and submitting to Him, the war will be won. Lord thank you for saving us, for saving me. That I may have a relationship with You and know that we are victorious no matter what. The challenges that come are nothing when we allow You to fight with us. You didn’t need to save since we were Your enemies and yet You did. Amen

James Nguyen
James Nguyen
11 months ago

1. I know now that Satan is very real, and he is always trying to stop and prevent people from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, because he knows if everyone in this world believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, he’s cooked. It’s over for him, and he is gonna try to tempt people to sin and sin and sin and sin. This is why it’s so important to evangelize because sin is growing more and more each day, and Satan is tempting people more and more. 
2. Knowing that Jesus has already won and He is gonna win in the end gives me hope for another day because the amount of sin in this world is making me stressed out and anxious about tomorrow. 
3. Dear God, You are mighty, powerful, and majestic. You will reign forever, and let Your glory fill all over the earth. You have defeated the grave, and have conquered sin and death. You’ve already Won. Please continue to help me win in the spiritual battles I’m facing like in the transition to a different church and being Cru President. Help me to walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil. Please be with me. Comfort me with Your rod and staff. I pray all these things in Jesus Name Amen.

Daniel Dam
Daniel Dam
11 months ago

A new perspective I have is that this world belongs to Satan. This is his kingdom, this is where he rules. And it makes sense but it didn’t click until now. I would always see those NOTW stickers on peoples’ cars and think “I guess” but never considered that being a part of the world is to be a part of Satan’s kingdom. Despite this, however, it’s comforting to know that Jesus will win out in the end. This means that whatever transpires here on earth will eventually be won over by God. So, whatever regret or despair I face I know that there’s a light at the end and that God is in control. Because sometimes it’s hard to realize that God is in control when it feels like there’s worldly pressures and influence bombarding us day by day and all according to Satan’s will, but it’s a comfort to know that God can spin it for our benefit. My prayer tonight is for continued relief from Christ Jesus to help with the spiritual battle waging on in my heart and mind. I pray that these words I write aren’t just words but are actualized in my actions and beliefs. I pray to keep the faith. Amen.

Khoi Quach
Khoi Quach
11 months ago

I don’t have new thoughts…this is more of a reminder that God has already won the battle. I am thankful that I understand what it means to know that God has won the battle already. I used to be scared of Satan but not anymore. I know the battle has been won and God is to come again.

There is honestly so much comfort knowing that Jesus has already won. I used to try so hard in a lot of things that I do but since understanding God’s power and what he has done. It has been very peaceful. I also seem to find comfort in relationships, trials, good and the bad..etc. 
Thank you Lord for your Power winning the battle and continuing to be with us as well and not leaving us alone. We do not deserve your defending but I thank you for helping us. Your power is shown in my weakness and all I have is your. In Jesus name, Amen

11 months ago

I’m thinking about how delusional Satan must be to think that He can even compete with God. Don’t compete where you can’t compare. The Creator vs the created. It is also a very sad situation – a war of good & evil. Unfortunately, many people have been deceived by Satan & we are not exempt.

It’s comforting to know the Lord is sovereign over all & He is in control from the beginning into eternity. Although we may be at war against the evil one, I find comfort in knowing we have victory with Christ.

Dear God, You are wonderful & sovereign even during times when we may feel at war. Thank You for sending Jesus Christ to rescue us from sin & to reconcile us with You.

Hai Pham
Hai Pham
11 months ago

From Junjie:
1. I used to think that people make bad decisions because of their own sinful nature. I learned today that Satan is the one who controls the whole world and deceives people.

2. It helps me to understand when tragedy happens, it’s not the end of the world, instead Jesus will make it right eventually.

3. I thank Jesus for fighting against Satan and for helping me fighting in this ongoing spiritual war. Help me to discern when Satan deceives me.

Donald Phan
Donald Phan
11 months ago

1) I don’t have any new thoughts about Satan, but I do see him and his schemes of attacking me and trying to deceive me in more places than before; whether messing up my spiritual characters (instead of humility, pride when I did good; instead of trusting, discouragement when I did bad), or sabotaging God’s plan and/or purpose for my life.
2) Whenever I am discouraged or frustrated because I fell to his tricks time and again, the reading today reminds me that “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (I John 4:4). I am comforted with the fact that I was never alone, but God is with me and He is fighting the battle for me.
3) Lord, You are the Mighty God. You are the King of kings who conquered Satan and death and now reign victoriously and gloriously. The battle belongs to You, Lord. Thank You for the victory that can only be found in Jesus. Please help me to recognize the spiritual battles within me and around me, and help me to continue to lean on You for strength and for protection.

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