
Mon. Feb 5, 2024

Discuss: 1) All of us have gone through times of despair or feeling completely alone. In that time, what were your feelings about your situation and about God? 2) What lessons from David’s life can help you through these challenging times? 3) Write a prayer expressing your challenges/despair/confusion/anger about a situation. Your words don’t have to be “churchy” or eloquent. Just be honest. Don’t worry, God can handle it.

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1 year ago

1) My first year of teaching was rough. I was not doing a good job. I was depressed and felt like a failure every waking moment. I didn’t know what God wanted for me because since at a young age I thought being a teacher was my calling, but that first year it didn’t seem like it. I was having anxiety attacks because I was thinking of quitting mid year and changing careers but then was at a loss of where to go next. I was devastated when thinking all that I worked towards was for nothing. During one of my drives to work, I thought about crashing into a tree so I wouldn’t have to go. It was hard to hear God because my inner thoughts were so strong.

2) Our circumstances are not what determines our joy — God is. One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 63 – David writes about a longing for God and praising him even in the middle of being chased by his son Absolom in the wilderness.

“Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

6 On my bed I remember you;
I think of you through the watches of the night.
7 Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.
8 I cling to you;
your right hand upholds me.

God’s love is better than life itself. God is the one who satisfies us. Though it may seem like God is not there, David acknowledges that He is and we are in the shadow of his wings — all we need to do is hold on.

3) Father, right now I struggle with my inner thoughts telling me lies that are not from You. I pray that you help give me wisdom to replace those lies for your truth.

1 year ago

During times of despair or just when I started to think I was alone I felt as though I was frozen. I was stuck with where I put myself. I tried to climb out but I couldn’t. Seeking other things to cope with and maybe fix were all obsolete. I am truly blessed that God continually seeks me out like the lost sheep I can be. I feel a new found confidence now in tough situations, knowing I have the cross on my back.

I think I feel similar to David story at certain times where God just comes out of nowhere when I least expect it. I pray time and time again with know clear answer. Then God delivers. I feel this has to be Gods timing, and understanding that our timing is irrelevant.

God I pray that you will continue to chase us in dark times and call us back to his kingdoms. Give us that feeling of fullness and remind us of it when we start to question you.

1 year ago

1) The answer to this first question would need to be divided into two categories: before I knew Christ, and after I came to know Him. Before I knew Christ, in times of despair and loneliness, I felt resentful of my situation, and as if God did not care much for me. In fact, I determined that I hated God, and that my life was a curse in which I was bound to lose anything I ever came to love about it. But when I came to know Christ, and began to learn about who God really was, my whole perspective slowly began to change. I began to see that God really did love and care for me, and that the suffering I endured over the years had all culminated into the end result of drawing me near to Him! Today, (though I certainly still do not enjoy any type of suffering😏), I have come to realize that God is working all things out for my own good, and for the good of those who love Him. As I develop a more eternal perspective, the senselessness that suffering once seemed to have fades into an intricate pattern of God’s redemptive purpose. This will oftentimes lead to making us uniquely qualified to minister to others who go through the same type of suffering, developing in us a Christlike character, in which we gain greater ability to love as He does.
2) For the sake of brevity, I will just say that I’ve learned from David’s life lessons that giving praise to God is not contingent upon particular circumstances or emotional states! David praises God in the midst of difficulties, and when I do this, it seems to have a corrective impact on my perspective.
3) Heavenly Father, right now I am going through a few different challenges in my life. My immediate response to them is one of frustration, and even some resentment. But as I look to You, and remember all that You have done, I know that You are here with me in them, and will fulfill Your purpose in and through all of these things. I give praise and thanks to You, oh Lord, for Your love runs so much deeper than I can ever imagine!

Dean Nguyen
Dean Nguyen
1 year ago

I am actually going through a bit of a hardship right now. Just recently something happened to me that has me stressed and feeling a bit hopeless. It also makes me question why has this happened to me. Was because I have sinned and this is my punishment, or is it an event that needed to happen to teach me a lesson? Even though the situation I am in is terrible I do not blame God because I believe he has a plan for me and I still put my faith in him. The lesson I’ve learned from David’s life to help me through the challenging times is that just because something tragic may be happening you should still believe in God and that he hasn’t given up on you. By showing your belief and trusting Him he will be there when the time is right. God I pray that you may guide me through these challenging times. I trust that you have a plan for me and I hope I will be able to learn from my mistakes and prosper.

Donald Phan
Donald Phan
1 year ago

1) I just spoke on this very topic yesterday at GLA church, but the text is not 57, but 77, one of the psalm of Asaph. I don’t think it’s coincidence that this topic had been on my mind for a few weeks now. And I am no stranger with difficult situations as well as the feeling of despair, but this time around, through the study and sermon prep, I found myself calmer than usual and trusting God more and trust in the process He has me to go through.
2) Not focus on my problem, but shift my focus on God, His sovereignty, His greatness, and His nature.
3) Lord, thank You for a wake up call this past few weeks, where my health cannot be ignored any longer. I’m so badly out of shape that my siblings all thought I am not going to make it through 2023. I am not afraid to die, but I do have things that I need or want to do for You and Your kingdom. And so, with the intervention of Dr. Hải, the medications, and a couple of weeks getting away on a health retreat, You have put me on the right track to health and vitality. I know that You love me and have a plan for me, and I’m grateful for the chance to stay around to be used by You.

James Nguyen
James Nguyen
1 year ago

1. During Thanksgiving break, I was broken, and I was alone. It felt like I was experiencing Hell that week. I was struggling with the way that I was living, and I felt bitter towards the people the know and love me. When the news broke out that my dad will stop being the senior pastor of GLA, I was bitter towards everyone and the people at my church. I felt that God wasn’t there. I knew He was but I didn’t feel Him. I wanted to leave church, and I wanted to give up on church, but I listened to a song called “A Prayer” by Kings Kaleidoscope and it reminded me that even through all this fear and emptiness that I was going through, God was still there. He was there, even when I’m not realizing it. 
2. As I meditated on Psalm 57, I was reminded to take refuge in the shadow of God’s wings in the midst of the storm until the disaster has passed. This helped me to trust in God and trust in His power because through everything that has happened in my life, God was still in control. 
3. Dear God, I am struggling. I am struggling on how to live my life right now. I don’t know how to live my life at school the same way I live at church and how to live my life at church the same way I live at school. I don’t even know how to be myself at church. When Brandt was talking about how we should be fully known and fully loved, and I don’t even know if I can be fully known at my church without being hated. I feel like I am wearing a mask and living out a different life at my own church. Oh God, I need You. Please help me tp be myself at church the same why I am myself at Cru and school and help me not to let anyone tell me otherwise. Please continue to remind me that I am Yours, and that I am your child, and that I am who You say I am. I pray in Jesus Name, Amen. 

1 year ago

1) All of us have gone through times of despair or feeling completely alone. In that time, what were your feelings about your situation and about God?

Now that I am living alone and with myself and at times feel sad, I just remind myself that it could be worse. I surrender and turn it over to god, knowing at times it is much easier to do so then to be in my feelings and feeling sad for myself and not do a thing about it.

2) What lessons from David’s life can help you through these challenging times?

Hope. I like this part, “ ability to hope, and hope allowed him to trust god’s plan for his life.” Hope is another way of saying, “ stay tuned. There’s more to the story.”

I hold on to this hope and be patience. I was hopeless before, but now I’m hopeful and have faith in God. For the faith in him leads me to being hopeful and being hopeful leads me to patience to trust in his process for me . Things will come when the time is right. God will align things into my life, if that is his plan for me.

3) Write a prayer expressing your challenges /despair /confusion /anger about a situation. Your words don’t have to be “churchy” or eloquent. Just be honest. Don’t worry, God can handle it.

Oh Heavenly Father, I pray to you today that I will not be sad and angry that my mom and brother is no longer here on this earth. I’m angry and resents the situation that I’m in. You’ve given me hope and faith that things will get better for relationship with the people that I love that I’ve hurt and gave away.  At the core of my addiction in my twenties, I didn’t want anyone around that would stand in the way of my using and my scheming. Then in my thirties, I cheat, lied, and stole, just to get that fix, all while trying to be an adult navigating life. Now hitting my 40s, I finally found you again, and you’ve gave me great comfort that you’ve never given up on me when others have. I’m more serene and peaceful. Thank you Lord, for loving me and giving me hope. Thank you for bringing RP into my life, thank you for my spiritual sisters, for Giving me JHo to help me with my finance and budgeting and teaching me your ways. I pray to always be at your presence and that the Holy Spirit will always be within me and around me for guidance. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hai Pham
Hai Pham
1 year ago

1) About 10 years ago I was sued by a patient who wasn’t diagnosed with maternal diabetes. I got her to the hospital in time to save her life but her baby in the womb died. The parties at fault (her obstetrician, the hospital and the lab) had all already paid millions of dollars and although I wasn’t at fault, her lawyers were trying to get as much money as possible. In the day before the trial, her lawyers called my lawyer and asked for money to settle out of court. I said “no, I didn’t do anything wrong, We’ll see you in court.” They dropped the case so it never went to trial and I was exonerated of any wrong-doing.
For those months, I was wracked with worry and second-guessing my care of my patient. God seemed distant.
2) what I learn from David is to be honest with God with my feelings and to trust that He will ultimately judge fairly and righteously.
3) “Father God, forgive me for my short-sightedness and short-term memory. How quickly I forget that you have always come through for me and vindicated me. You always hear and answer my prayers, in your good timing and plan. Help me to trust in your unfailing love..”

1 year ago

There were times when I felt like people would not understand me and blamed me for things that I didn’t do. There were times when people I called close friends turned their back on me. Throughout those experiences, I knew that there’s only one person who understands me, and it’s Jesus. I would just come to Him and cry out for His help, and as a result, the Holy Spirit always comforted me and somehow helped me to forget and move on very easily. 
Comparing David’s life to mine, it’s so much easier for me because no one was trying to take my life. He had much worse experiences with people, even with his own son. But regardless, he trusted in God and was vindicated by Him. Father Lord, thank you for always being with me when I feel like no one’s with me. Thank you for reminding me that I can always come to you in any season of my life.

1 year ago

When I have felt despair or loneliness, I would simply put God aside. Not lean on Him in times of need instead in things that aren’t of God and temporary. Just push Him away because I didn’t feel He could help me in that moment. Lessons I saw from David is how through his words there was hope. Belief and trust to the Lord held no matter. Reminder that God will pull through for Him similar to how God pull through for many others. For me, maybe the time isn’t now but later. God’s plan, not my plan. In addition, the submission and surrendering to God is another aspect I will implement daily to build my relationship with Him. Lord please help to overcome this drought of sinfulness and loss of direction. Please bring clarity to what it is You have in store for me. Please. I am so sick of being where I am at. Amen

1 year ago

I think when I went through a season of despair & loneliness, I felt like God forgot about me. I didn’t understand why He would allow for bad things to happen even when it feels like we have been obedient.

David took refuge in the Lord and I think that’s a lesson that would help me through challenging times. I hope to find comfort in the Lord and to be with Him until the disaster has passed.

Dear God, your mercies are new each day and your faithfulness remains steadfast. Please help me to trust in you when I have doubts and fears and to seek refuge in You when I face trials

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