Discuss the book’s 3 questions: 1) Is the way of salvation, as it is explained in this chapter, what you had previously thought? If not, how is it different? 2) Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord? If yes, how has that changed you? If you haven’t, what is keeping you from doing it now? 3) If you are ready to accept Jesus as your Savior, write a prayer accepting His gift of forgiveness and asking Him to be the Lord of your life. If you have already asked Jesus into your life, write a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of grace and forgiveness in your life and what it has meant to you.
Knowing Him 50: Obedient Leadership
Introduction Peter leads a large group of disciples to an isolated (perhaps secretive) meeting where Jesus will once again give them their marching orders. Then they make their way back to Jerusalem to await the coming Holy Spirit as the movement switches into its...
(from Charlie)
I’ll try not to write a novel today since it is Friday 🙂.
1) The way to salvation is as I understand it but that’s only after years of reading and puzzling over it. I still find myself sometime trying to distinguish between doing something because of my faith and love for God vs doing something to please God because I thought it might help my salvation. This is especially so when I’m under some stress and start to negotiate with God. I often recognize it as it happens and can stop myself when doing this but sometimes it comes unbidden.
2) Yes, I’ve already accepted His authority and grace. There are so many changes since I’ve come to this decision and I don’t want to write another novel so maybe we just say that I’m more aware of my sins now. I try my best to battle against the urges and when I fail I pray for forgiveness. There is now no more excuses or justifications that I can make. I can’t say anymore that I’m ignorance. I can only admit to my failings and rely on the Father grace for salvation.
Father, I know that I’m deeply flawed. I feel the temptations of sin all the time. I am perfectly aware of those temptations and I war with myself against them. Even knowing them for what they are I still find myself sometime falling into old patterns. I know that there is no way I can succeed on my own. Even when I know what I should do I am unable to do it sometime no matter how much I want to. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Thank you Father for your infinite grace otherwise my path is surely damnation.
the way to salvation is what I had previously thought. I have accepted Jesus into my life and I think it has changed me a lot. Realizing all the gifts and blessings I have seen in my life, but also just how to live life and the out look I should have towards life. Lord before you came into my life I was a broken person just roaming the earth aimlessly, but now that you have shown me your goodness I realize I live a life for you and I thank you for that.
The way of salvation is exactly as I thought it would be. Knowing that you cannot save yourself and accepting that only Jesus can do that is how I believed it to be. I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and it has changed how I feel and see things. He has brought light into my life which now guides me to who I am truly. I thank you Jesus for saving me and forgiving me for all of my sins and I pray that you will be there for me and everyone I love always.
1) My previous thought, regarding salvation, is based on merit. Like the rest of humanity, I thought there was still some measure of goodness in man, depending on one’s upbringing, or religious background, that one can bring something to contribute to one’s own salvation. Not until much later, do I realize that none of my good work is amount to anything; only by what Jesus has done on the cross.
2) Yes, I have (July 22, 1978). I realized that I was the worse sinner, and all of my good works would not be enough to save me. I no longer count on my performance as a good person, going to church, don’t smoke or drink, or lie or cheat, and trying to earn my way to heaven. But I’m grateful that Jesus paid it all on the cross, by dying on my behalf, He took all my sins upon Himself, and saved me from the eternal death. And now, I want to live for Him because of the debt I owe Him.
3) Lord Jesus, thank You for saving me. I don’t deserve Your grace and mercy, and yet You gave without reservation. And I just want to live the rest of my life as an expression of gratitude for what You have done.As long as I live, I want to know You better and to make You known.
1) Is the way of salvation, as it is explained in this chapter, what you had previously thought? If not, how is it different?
I like this “Admit you’re a sinner. Through thought and action, you are separated from God. You are not able to bridge the gap between you and God through your own effort. “Trying harder” is not the answer, but rather acknowledging that you can’t save yourself.” I think I am still guilty of trying harder and doing things to earn God’s approval or to feel closer to God. I am reminded that “when we are powerless, Christ died for us.” It’s all him. He initiates in drawing us back to him, in restoring our relationship with him.
2) Yes, I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord. I know I am not perfect but God’s love and power over death gives me hope and has changed me to be more patient and kind with my words and thoughts.
3) my God my savior. I am so thankful that not only are you our creator, you became our redeemer. Redeeming us back to you by entering into the world to restore us back to you.
In spite of our sin and rebellion, you offer us your son Jesus as the gift of grace and forgiveness. My would life would be filled with so much more hurt and anger without your love, mercy, and hope. You truly saved me from my selfish self and want even more for my life. Thank you everyday for your goodness and mercy. Praise God for Jesus’ saving grace name, Amen.
My view on salvation is basically what this chapter was saying. I believe that we can’t try hard enough, but we have to admit that we can’t do anything, and that is why we put our faith and trust in Jesus.Yes, I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and it has changed me by just helping me realize that I can’t keep depending on myself. For all of my life, I depended on my works and I thought of myself as a good person, but I realized that I am a filthy wretched sinner in need of God’s grace, and that I could do nothing to save me, for I was already condemned. Now I am able to put my full trust and faith in Jesus Christ, and it is not I but Christ who lives in me. Whenever I serve as President of Cru at FVHS, I don’t depend on my strength anymore, because I realized that it is not a skill issue, but a faith issue. Everything that I do doesn’t burden me because God is the one who is giving me the strength to lead Cru, evangelize at FOMO, and etc.Dear God, thank you for loving me enough to die for me and my sins. I have spit in Your face many times, and I have blasphemed against You, but You in Your loving kindness, grace, and mercy have saved me from my sins. Your grace and Your mercy has given me the desire to serve you at Cru, GLA, and FOMO, and I hope that I can keep serving You at RP. Thank You, God. Please continue to help me live by faith and not by skill or works. I pray all these things in Jesus Name, Amen.
From Louise
“Salvation in this chapter is explained as I was taught. Jesus’ death on the cross was necessary to overcome sin and death.
Having Jesus as my Savior and Lord has given me the hope to survive my childhood, teenage years and young adult years. Through the constant struggles of my parents and myself making a living, God provided and I was never without my necessities. I was given clothes, rides, food, a car, jobs etc…through God’s people.
Dear God,
Thank you for your provision and grace over my life and the lives of my loved ones. Thank you for your forgiveness of our sins so that we can be with you now and always. The joy in my life and in my work is because of your goodness. Amen. ”
Powerless we are, sinful we are. We only accomplish so much and even that so much is no match for the Lord. That’s why it took the Lord to come down and be all, the messenger, teacher, spiritual leader, and savior. It took the death of a pure and holy one just so we can recover from the darkness we were hidden in. I’ve understood this and reading this was a great reminder, but it does not change my perspective much. I’ve held this view for some time now.
I have accepted Christ. He’s changed me in more ways than one. He’s grown me in my relationship with him. How much I know him now compared to 4 years ago has been drastic. It’s changed my perspective and approach towards certain situations we face in life. It’s led me to be able to be where I am today, as a man, as a brother, as a nephew, grandson, friend, child, and justice warrior of God.
Thank you Lord, for becoming my salvation. Restoring me and becoming my strength and my song. Thank you for calling me by name, what a sweet and soothing call. It is through your grace, many others and myself have been transformed. You are the great and mighty one. It is through you and only you that things can be done. I pray that your light may shine through me and flow unto the lives of others.
Before I became a Christian, I used to think salvation was earned by getting baptized. But God is so much more gracious and merciful to us. It still blows my mind til this day that we are saved by believing in Him. I got baptized in high school and following Him has changed my life. I am not perfect but the Lord has been working in me and through me. He has redeemed my relationship with my mom and brought me closer to my family and community. God, thank You so much for your abundant grace which we do not deserve. Our sins nailed you to the cross yet you still love us so. Lord, You are my Savior and my redeemer!
I agree that salvation is a gift from God, and we simply need to accept it. However, the fact that we accept it or not also depends on God, as we can’t act without God the Father first drawing us to Jesus and the Holy Spirit opening our hearts. The Bible is clear that no one seeks God, so even when the good news of salvation is presented, we may not want to accept it or may run from it if left to our own decisions. Therefore, I slightly disagree with the book’s conclusion, as its language seems to imply that salvation is dependent on our actions rather than God’s power.
Father God, thank you for your redemptive love for me. Please use me to as your device to share the good news to others.
1) before meeting Jesus, I thought that if there is a god, he’ll just keep a ledger of my good and bad deeds and if my good outweighs then I’m in. I had no idea how hopeless my situation really was, and how completely Jesus’ sacrifice atoned for my sin debt.
2) since receiving Christ as my savior, I am no longer enslaved to trying to earn people’s favor/approval anymore..by grace, I have the approval of the only One who matters. Now I can love people for who they are, not for what they can do for my needy ego.
3) thank you, Lord Jesus, for the forgiveness, redemption and adoption that I have in you…unearned, undeserved, by pure grace. Help me to live out of my new identity with radical love and surrender
From Hai:
1) before meeting Jesus, I thought that if there is a god, he’ll just keep a ledger of my good and bad deeds and if my good outweighs then I’m in. I had no idea how hopeless my situation really was, and how completely Jesus’ sacrifice atoned for my sin debt.
2) since receiving Christ as my savior, I am no longer enslaved to trying to earn people’s favor/approval anymore..by grace, I have the approval of the only One who matters. Now I can love people for who they are, not for what they can do for my needy ego.
3) thank you, Lord Jesus, for the forgiveness, redemption and adoption that I have in you…unearned, undeserved, by pure grace. Help me to live out of my new identity with radical love and surrender