Dear Friends,
We’re so glad you’ve decided to join us in this special Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil. Maundy Thursday is the day when we remember Jesus’ Last Supper with His friends, the disciples, and the moments leading up to His arrest and crucifixion. The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin word “mandatum,” which means “command,” and where we derive the word “mandate.” It refers to the commandment Jesus gave His disciples to love one another during the Last Supper (John 13:34). The word “Vigil” reflects what happened that night in the garden of Gethsemane too. It is from the Latin “vigilia,” meaning “wakefulness is a period of purposeful sleeplessness, an occasion for devotional watching, or an observance”. It was what Jesus asked His disciples to do, “Could you keep watch with me for an hour?” (Mat. 26:40)
Our purpose for this prayer vigil is to grow closer to God and to each other by spending focused time in prayer, reflecting on the love and sacrifice Jesus demonstrated for us. It’s also a chance for us to connect with the deeper meaning of Easter and to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.
Since an hour is just 12 instances of 5 minutes, this Prayer Vigil Guide is designed to help you pray by going through 12 different sections, each focusing on a specific theme or moment related to Maundy Thursday. Don’t worry if you’re new to this or not familiar with all the terms and stories; the guide will provide you with brief explanations and Bible references to help you understand each section.
Here’s how to use the guide:
- Set aside a quiet hour in your home on Maundy Thursday to pray through this guide.
- Read each section carefully and reflect on the theme or moment described with your bible.
- Use the space provided on each page to write down your thoughts, feelings, and prayers as you go through the guide. Feel free to be as creative or as simple as you like.
- Remember that there’s no right or wrong way to pray. Just talk to God as if you’re speaking to a loving friend or parent and be open to what He may be saying to your heart.
- Additionally, we invite you to tune in to our church’s online stream at 8 pm on Thursday. You can go through this prayer guide while listening to meditative music and watching visual cues that will enhance your experience. This is an excellent opportunity to feel connected to others in our church community as we all pray together. Gather your family around some bread and juice to partake communion too.
We hope this Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil will be a meaningful and enriching experience for you. May you be drawn closer to God and gain a deeper understanding of His love and sacrifice for us during this special time.
Wishing you a blessed Maundy Thursday and Easter season,
-RP Church leadership team
Section 1: Opening Prayer
“An invitation can be viewed as a mandate to consider a particular opportunity.” As we begin this Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil, let’s consider it as God’s invitation and ask Him to open our hearts and minds to the love and sacrifice of Jesus. In this section, we will focus on inviting God’s presence to guide and lead us through this prayer journey.
Take a few moments to quiet your thoughts and become aware of God’s presence. Then, pray that God’s Spirit would lead and guide you through the prayer vigil.
Or consider using the following prayer or a similar one to start your prayer time:
Thank You for this opportunity to spend time in prayer on this Maundy Thursday. As we remember Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples and the events that led to His crucifixion, please open our hearts and minds to truly understand the depth of Your love for us.
Guide us, Holy Spirit, as we reflect on each moment and theme in this prayer guide. Help us to draw closer to You, grow in our faith, and be transformed by the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
We invite Your presence into this prayer time, and we ask that You would lead us every step of the way. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
After praying, take a moment to sit in silence and allow God’s peace to fill your heart. As you move on to the next section, continue to be mindful of God’s presence and guidance throughout your prayer time.
Section 2: The Mandate to Obey
Maundy Thursday started with the preparation for Jesus’ last meal. Jesus commanded His disciples to prepare for the Passover meal, which would be their final meal together before His crucifixion.
Take a moment to read the passage from Luke 22:7-13 and visualize the scenes as Jesus instructs Peter and John to find a place and prepare for the meal. Consider how the disciples may have felt as they followed Jesus’ instructions without fully understanding the reasoning behind them, “What’s with all of this secrecy? (Men don’t usually carry water in a patriarchal society)”, “Why send the top two disciples to prepare dinner for the group? What’re the other guys doing?” Then consider their obedience to what Jesus asked of them.
What about you? What confusion or lack of clarity are you still trying to understand in life? What attitude do you need God to help you with? Are there any baby steps can you follow?
Now, talk to Jesus about what you learn, share with Him your thoughts and feelings, acknowledge any wrongs, and entrust any decision to Him.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide you:
Thank You for the example of obedience demonstrated by Your disciples as they prepared for the Last Supper. It reminds us that sometimes we may not fully understand Your plans, but we should still trust and obey Your guidance.
Help us to cultivate a heart of obedience even when we cannot see the full picture or understand the reasons behind Your instructions. Strengthen our faith and trust in Your wisdom, knowing that You always have our best interests in mind.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
After praying, take some time to reflect on any moments in your life when you had to trust and obey God even when things didn’t make sense to you. Write down below any thoughts or experiences that come to mind and consider how these moments have shaped your faith.
As you move on to the next section, let the story of the Last Supper’s preparation inspire you to remain obedient and faithful, even when faced with uncertainty.
Section 3: The Mandate to Wash Feet
Before supper, Jesus performed an incredible act of humility and service when He washed His disciples’ feet. This was a powerful demonstration of love, service, and leadership that Jesus was modeling for His followers, showing that in true love and humility, you can do whatever is needed even if no one else wants to.
Take a moment to read the passage from John 13:1-17 and visualize the scene as Jesus takes on the role of a servant, washing the feet of His disciples. Imagine their surprise and discomfort as their Master and Teacher humbled Himself in such a way. Consider what they might have thought in their minds, such as “What is Rabbi Jesus doing? Only servants should do that,” “This is totally embarrassing! Only if he knows what my sandals stepped on earlier” and “He could have asked one of us to do it. I would have done it.”
Now, consider your own life. In what area do you often avoid serving even when you know it is needed? Are there any relationships where you need to show humility and love? What might it look like for you to “wash someone’s feet” in your life? Reflect on the insight that in true love and humility, service doesn’t always need to be asked because it comes from within.
Spend some time talking to Jesus about what you’ve learned and share your thoughts and feelings with Him. You can acknowledge your wrongs and entrust to Him your decisions.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide you:
Thank You for the powerful example of humility and service that You demonstrated when You washed Your disciples’ feet. Help me to embrace this kind of selflessness and to put others’ needs before my own.
Teach me to serve others with love and compassion, and give me the strength and courage to follow Your example in my own relationships and interactions, recognizing that true humility and service can come from within.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
After praying, take some time to reflect on any moments in your life when you have chosen to serve others with humility and love, even without a specific call to do so. Write down below any thoughts or experiences that come to mind and consider how these moments have shaped your faith.
As you move on to the next section, let the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet inspire you to embrace a life of service, humility, and love in your own faith journey, recognizing that true service comes from within.
Section 4: The Mandate to Remember
Now the Passover meal is served, and Jesus shared this final meal with His disciples. He instituted Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, for us from here on. You should pause and get yourselves the elements for Communion ready, bread and juice.
Take a moment to read the passages from Matthew 26:20-29 and imagine yourself seated at the table with Jesus and His disciples. Feel the sadness among the disciples as Jesus announced, “One of you will betray me”. Feel the emotions in the room as Jesus breaks bread, shares the cup, and talks about His upcoming sacrifice. If you were there, what would you think? “Was He just breaking bread with the betrayer?” “Why our Rabbi didn’t do anything to Judas, what is He trying to teach us now?” “Jesus seems so certain that this is His last meal.”
We all have Judas in our hearts, and there are many times Jesus both exposing our evilness and offering us goodness. Can you think of the betrayer of Jesus within you? Which specific red words of Jesus would your soul cling to?
Take your time to talk to Jesus about your sins and about His sacrifice mentioned at the Last Supper.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide your reflection:
Thank You for Your gift of love to us sinners, offered at the Last Supper, where Jesus shared the last meal with His disciples. Help me to understand the deep significance of Your grace and the forgiveness of sins You provide for us in the sacrifice of Your Son.
Please strengthen our church community just like the disciples and teach us to love and support one another as we partake in communion. Help us to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and to live our lives in a manner that reflects Your love and grace.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
After praying, you can partake in Communion with bread and juice. Then take some time to reflect on your own experiences with Jesus’ sacrifice and how it has impacted your faith journey. Write down any insights or thoughts that come to mind.
As you move on to the next section, carry the lessons of the Last Supper with you and seek to grow in gratitude for what Jesus has done.
Section 5: The Mandate to a Higher Love
After the Last Supper, Judas left. The band of Twelve disciples now becomes The Eleven. Only then Jesus shared a new commandment with His true followers. This commandment was for a higher love, a foundation for their relationships and their ministry in the world.
Take a moment to read the passage from John 13:27-35 and visualize the scene. See the dark night outside as Judas shut the door. As Jesus speaks to The Eleven, imagine how the disciples might have felt as they listened to Him. “Jesus is leaving us!” “We are called to a higher standard of love for and with each other.” “Our love is what identifies us.”
Now, consider your own life. How can you follow Jesus’ new commandment to love others as He has loved you? In what ways can you demonstrate love and unity to those around you, especially within your church community? Who can you love and how?
Now, talk to Jesus about what you learn, share with Him your thoughts and feelings, acknowledge your shortcomings of love and entrust to Him your desire to act out love.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide you:
Thank You for the new commandment You gave to Your disciples, calling us to love one another as You have loved us. Help me to fully understand and embrace this commandment in my own life, and teach me to love others with the same depth and compassion that You have shown me.
Strengthen my relationships within my church community and in my everyday interactions, so that I may be a true reflection of Your love and unity to the world around me.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
After praying, take some time to reflect on any moments in your life when you have sought to love others as Jesus has loved you. Write down below any thoughts or experiences that come to mind and consider how these moments have shaped your faith.
As you move on to the next section, let Jesus’ new commandment inspire you to embrace a life of love and unity, reflecting His love in all your relationships and interactions.
Section 6: The Mandate to Face Danger
After the Last Supper, Jesus not only predicts that Peter will deny Him, but all of His followers will face hardship. In this section, we will reflect on what Jesus warns us and how He could sustain us.
Take a moment to read the passage from Luke 22:31-38 and visualize the scene. Imagine how Peter and the other disciples must have felt when Jesus warned them about the challenges and trials they would face. You could hear the murmurs among the disciples “How do you think Peter feel when Rabbi said that he will fail?” “The last time He sent us out we didn’t lack anything because people were so welcome.” “So the tide is turning against us now.” “Is that why we need swords to defend ourselves?” “Have you really considered the danger of following Jesus?” “Why was Jesus ‘numbered with the transgressors’?”
Now, think about your own life. How have you faced challenges or hardships in your faith journey? What would Jesus do when you fail? What has helped you to remain steadfast in your faith during these times? Reflect on the ways Jesus can sustain you through difficulties.
Spend some time talking to Jesus about what you’ve learned and share your thoughts and feelings with Him. You can acknowledge your fears, and doubts, and ask for His help and guidance in overcoming challenges in your faith journey.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide you:
Thank You for Your warning to the disciples about the challenges they would face. Help us to understand that following You may not always be easy, but You will sustain us in times of hardship.
Teach us to trust in Your strength and guidance, especially when we face doubts, fear, and trials in our faith journey. Remind us that You are always with us, providing comfort and strength, even when we feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
After praying, take some time to reflect on any moments in your life when you have faced challenges or hardships in your faith journey. Write down below any thoughts or experiences that come to mind and consider how Jesus has sustained you during these times.
As you move on to the next section, let the warnings and promises of Jesus remind you that He is always with you, sustaining you through the challenges and hardships you may face in your faith journey.
Section 7: The Mandate to Pray
After the Last Supper, Jesus and His disciples left the upper room and went to the Garden of Gethsemane. Here, Jesus agonized in prayer, submitting Himself to the Father’s will. He needed the support of His best friends, but they can’t stay awake for an hour, let alone pray with Him. This highlights the importance of spiritual disciplines in our lives to strengthen our spirit over our flesh, otherwise “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”.
Take a moment to read the passage from Matthew 26:36-46 and visualize the scene in Gethsemane. As Jesus prays and the disciples struggle to stay awake, imagine if you could be there and observe that moment. It was amazing that Jesus would “need” us. Was it really for His benefit or for our benefit? On this night, the Father needed the Son to complete His mission and He was able to commit. At the same time, the Son needed His friends to watch and pray and they were unable to come to His aid. Without spiritual disciplines and practices, our spirit cannot easily command our flesh to do what God wants.
If you reflect on the question “How was Jesus able to obey God’s will in the face of such challenge?” you would come to the answer for another question “How do I keep falling in temptation?” We, like Peter, may have the determination to follow God. But spiritual determination without spiritual disciplines and practices could not help us overcome the flesh. What can you do to strengthen your spirit over your flesh and develop spiritual discipline?
Spend some time talking to Jesus about what you’ve learned and share your thoughts and feelings with Him. Admit your weakness and ask for His guidance to develop spiritual strength so that you can submit to His will more and more in your life.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide you:
Thank You for the example of submission to the Father’s will that You showed us in Gethsemane. Please help me to understand the importance of spiritual disciplines in my life and to develop the strength of spirit needed to submit to Your will in all situations.
Teach me how to rely on You, and guide me in building a deeper relationship with You through prayer, study, and fellowship. Help me to support others in their spiritual journey and be there for them in their times of need.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
After praying, take some time to reflect on your own spiritual disciplines and the moments in your life when you have sought to submit to God’s will. Write down any thoughts or experiences that come to mind and consider how these moments have shaped your faith.
As you move on to the next section, let us develop spiritual strength and allow you to submit to God’s will and be a support to others in their times of need.
Section 8: The Mandate to Restrain
The somber night took a dark turn as Judas arrived with a crowd wielding torches and swords to betray Jesus with a kiss. Chaos ensued, but Jesus stopped the conflict with peace and healing. When adversity cuts deep, the true colors of our hearts bleed through. Where most of us bleed aggression, Jesus bled unwavering compassion. He was then arrested.
Take a moment to read the passage from Luke 22:47-53 and visualize the scene as Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested by the crowd. As you read, try to put yourself in the shoes of the disciples witnessing these events. Can you feel the adrenalin rush of the scene? Hear the shout, “Should we strike our sword?” followed by the scream of injury. People asked; then attacked without waiting. “No more of this,” Jesus answered hurting with healing. “Why then You asked us for the swords?” would be their thought. Bringing swords so that He “was numbered with the transgressors” (Isa53:12d). But sheathing swords so that He “made intercession for the transgressors” (Isa53:12f). Jesus bled Scripture. He bled love.
Reflect on the times when you may have buckled under pressure. When you are squeezed, what bleeds out? How could you gain more wisdom about when to bring the swords and not wield them? Which area of your life needs more restraint for yourself? Consider the consequences of such restraints and how they may have affected your relationship with Jesus and others. Ask yourself, “How can I grow in my commitment to the words of the Lord?”
Spend some time talking to Jesus about what you’ve learned and share your thoughts and feelings with Him. Confess any failings, ask for forgiveness and guidance to move onward.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide you:
Thank You for Your unfailing love and forgiveness, even when we fail You through our thoughts, words, and actions. Help us to recognize the consequences of our fleshly natures and to seek forgiveness and restoration in our relationship with You and others.
Teach us to be faithful followers, committed to Your ways, and to resist the temptations that lead us to react rather than restrain. Strengthen our resolve to walk closely with You and to honor You in all that we do.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
After praying, take some time to reflect on any moments in your life when you have reacted rather than restrained and the lessons you’ve learned from those experiences. Write down any thoughts or insights that come to mind and consider how they have shaped your faith journey.
Let the story of Jesus’ arrest remind us of the importance of our commitment to Jesus. Resolve to grow in your relationship with Him and to seek restoration when needed.
Section 9: The Mandate to Testify
After His arrest, Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish high council. This was an unjust and biased trial, where false witnesses were brought forth to accuse Him. The high priest demanded an answer from Jesus, yet He remained silent until His true identity as the Messiah was directly questioned. He testified to the truth at the cost of His life.
Take a moment to read the passage from Matthew 26:57-68 and visualize the scene. As Jesus stands before the Sanhedrin, imagine the tension in the room and the hostility directed towards Him. “If I was in Peter’s shoes, where would I put myself in the scene?” “Why did Jesus remain silent to most of His accusations?” “Why would Jesus tell them about the future of His return from heaven?”
Consider your own life. How can you learn from Jesus’ example of courage and integrity when facing opposition or difficult situations? In what ways can you testify for your faith and maintain your integrity, even when it might be easier to remain silent?
Spend some time talking to Jesus about what you’ve learned and share your thoughts and feelings with Him. Ask for His guidance and strength to help you testify about who Jesus is, with courage and integrity, just as He did before the Sanhedrin.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide you:
Thank You for the example of courage and integrity You displayed when facing the Sanhedrin. Help me to learn from Your strength and composure, and guide me in testifying about who you are, even when I face challenges and opposition in life.
Teach me to stand firm in my faith and maintain my integrity, even when it may be difficult or when I face hostility from others. Grant me the wisdom to discern when to speak up and when to remain silent, trusting in Your sovereignty and plan for my life.
As I face trials and tribulations, remind me that You are always with me, providing strength and guidance. Help me to rely on You in all situations, to grow in my faith, and to become a better reflection of Your love and grace in the world.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
Reflect on how Jesus’ example can inspire and encourage you in your daily walk with Him. Let His courage and integrity serve as a guiding light in your life, helping you to face challenges with confidence and faith.
Remember that Jesus endured the unjust trial before the Sanhedrin out of love for us, and His sacrifice on the cross is the ultimate expression of that love. As you walk through life, may you be inspired by His courage, strengthened by His love, and guided by His wisdom.
Section 10: The Mandate to Repent
Out in the courtyard, we witness Peter’s denial of Jesus, which fulfills the prophecy Jesus made a few hours earlier. Peter, who was one of Jesus’ closest disciples, succumbs to fear and denies knowing Jesus three times. We are reminded of the frailty of human nature and the need for God’s grace and forgiveness.
Take a moment to read the passage from Luke 22:54-62 and visualize the scene of Peter’s denial. As you read, put yourself in Peter’s shoes. Feel the fear and uncertainty that grips him, leading to his denial of Jesus. What ran through Peter’s mind as Jesus turned and looked at him? Would he trust in what Jesus have prayed for him? Would he trusted that he could turn back to God?
Think about the times when you may have fallen short in your faith journey and denied Jesus, whether through actions, words, or thoughts. How can you learn from Peter’s experience and seek forgiveness and restoration when you falter? What steps can you take to grow in your faith and be better prepared to face challenging situations in the future?
Spend some time talking to Jesus about what you’ve learned and share your thoughts and feelings with Him. Confess any weaknesses, ask for forgiveness, and seek His guidance and strength to help you grow in your faith and commitment to Him.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide you:
Thank You for Your loving gaze at Peter’s denial and the reminder of our own human frailty. Forgive me for the times when I have denied You, whether through my actions, words, or thoughts. Help me to learn from Peter’s experience and to seek forgiveness and restoration in my relationship with You.
Strengthen my faith, and grant me the courage to stand firm in my convictions, even when I face challenges or opposition. Teach me to rely on Your grace and forgiveness and to be a better reflection of Your love in the world, no matter if I could fall short.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
After praying, take some time to reflect on your own experiences of faltering in your faith and the lessons you’ve learned from those moments. Write down any thoughts or insights that come to mind and consider how they have shaped your faith journey.
As you move forward in your faith journey, remember that Jesus’ love and forgiveness are available to you, even when you stumble. Seek His guidance and strength, and be inspired by His example of courage and commitment, knowing that He is always with you.
Section 11: The Mandate to Behold Our King
The Sanhedrin sent Jesus to the Roman governor, for execution. Here, we see Pilate wrestling with the decision to condemn an innocent man to death. Despite the bloodthirsty crowd, Jesus remained composed, fully aware of the sacrifice He was about to make. Pilate inadvertently calls us to behold Jesus as our King and to worship Him for the truth of His identity and the depth of His love, even as He willingly faced suffering for our sake.
Take a moment to read the passage from John 19:1-16 and visualize the scene of Jesus before Pilate. As you read, put yourself in the shoes of the onlookers observing Jesus’ unwavering resolve and Pilate’s struggle to make a decision. What emotions and thoughts might be stirring within you as you see Jesus, crowned with thorns, standing before us?
Reflect on the ways you can acknowledge Jesus as your King with all your heart, soul, and mind. Consider the moments in your daily life when you can pause to offer gratitude, adoration, and reverence for who Jesus is and what He has done for you. How can you honor and glorify Him through your thoughts, words, and actions, even in difficult circumstances?
Spend some time offering your adoration and thanksgiving to Jesus for His love and sacrifice for your salvation. Share your thoughts and feelings with Him, asking for His guidance and strength to help you stand firm in your worship of Him as your King and Savior.
Or, consider using the following prayer or a similar one to guide you:
Thank You for Your unfathomable love and sacrifice that You displayed as You stood before Pilate, willingly accepting the path to the cross. I acknowledge You as my King and Savior, and I am in awe of Your grace and mercy towards me.
Help me to worship You in spirit and truth, to offer my life as a living sacrifice, and to honor You in all that I do. Teach me to cultivate a heart of gratitude and adoration, recognizing Your sovereignty over my life and the world around me.
In moments of opposition or difficulty, remind me of Your unwavering resolve and commitment to Your mission. May Your example inspire and strengthen me to stand firm in my faith, even when I face challenges or persecution.
Lord Jesus, I ask for Your guidance and strength as I seek to glorify You in every aspect of my life. Help me to be a reflection of Your love and grace, drawing others to know and worship You as their King.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
After praying, take some time to reflect on the ways you can worship Jesus as your King in your daily life. Consider the moments when you have felt His presence and love, and let those memories inspire and motivate you to grow in your relationship with Him.
As we are closing this Vigil, let the worshipful motif of beholding Jesus as our King permeate our hearts and minds. May it inspire you to seek deeper intimacy with Him, to be transformed by His love, and to share His message of hope and salvation with others.
Section 12: Closing Prayer
As we reach the end of our Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil, let’s take a moment to reflect on the journey we’ve taken together. In this final section, we will thank God for the insights and growth we have experienced and commit ourselves to live out the lessons learned in our daily lives.
Take a few moments to quiet your thoughts once more, becoming aware of God’s presence. Then, offer a closing prayer, expressing gratitude for the time spent in prayer and reflection, and asking for guidance as you seek to apply the lessons learned in your life.
Or consider using the following prayer or a similar one to end your prayer time:
We thank You for guiding us through this Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil. As we remember the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, we are grateful for the depth of Your love and the sacrifice You made for us.
We ask that the lessons and insights we have gained during this time of prayer and reflection would continue to shape our lives and draw us closer to You. Please guide us as we seek to live out these lessons in our daily interactions and relationships, and help us to be a reflection of Your love to those around us.
We thank You for Your presence during this prayer time and for the opportunity to grow closer to You. We commit ourselves to continue seeking You and serving others in Your name.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
After praying, take a moment to sit in silence and allow God’s peace to fill your heart. As you conclude your prayer time, carry the lessons and insights from this Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil with you, seeking to grow in your faith and deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Thank you for joining us in this Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil. We hope that you have been blessed by the time spent in prayer and reflection as we journeyed through the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. Our prayer is that the lessons and insights you’ve gained during this time will continue to shape your life and draw you closer to God.
As we remember the death and burial of Jesus, we invite you to participate in the “Burial Ceremony” at Bumble’s house on Friday at 6:30 PM. This ceremony is a unique opportunity for us to come together as a community and continue to reflect on the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice for our salvation. Please bring your written prayers on sheet(s) of paper to the ceremony. We will provide envelopes and tapes for you to seal your prayers, which will then be buried as a time capsule in Bumble’s yard. Next year, we will dig it up and see how we have grown together in faith over time.
Following the “Burial Ceremony,” we encourage you to join us for the Good Friday service at Beachpoint at 7 PM. May the lessons from this prayer vigil inspire you to grow in your faith and deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ. Let us carry these insights with us as we continue to seek God’s guidance in our daily lives and serve others in His name.
Once again, thank you for participating in this Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil. May God’s grace and peace be with you as we journey together toward the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.