Knowing Him 27: Leadership Expectations

Tue. Apr 5, 2022


When we left Jesus yesterday He had just announced the appointment of twelve leaders. I am not sure that everyone was happy with the final decision. What about the women disciples? Yes, there were many women who were not just Christ-followers, but also disciples. In Luke 8:1-3 we have a list of several of these women. As Jesus looks into the faces of those not chosen as well as those who were chosen, I am sure He saw many different expressions. Maybe everyone expected Peter, but how about Matthew, the tax collector? Surely some people had a hard time with this selection. After all, Matthew was a traitor to his people and hated — how could Jesus choose him? And how about the fact that eleven of the twelve were from the region of Galilee? As Jesus looks out over this large crowd of disciples he shares the following…

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

Luke 6:20-26

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. As Jesus preaches this “ordination sermon,” who is He looking at (Luke 6:20)? How do you visualize this?
  2. What is Jesus modeling for us about leadership?
  3. What was Jesus saying that leaders should expect from the ministry?
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

What is Jesus modeling for us about leadership?
– For me, Jesus shows the way of evaluating the ministry that I am served in to see if it’s Gospel – centered or not. Hardships and difficulties will happen. What matter is your faith and whether you choose to continue put faith and trust in Jesus through those trials. At the same time, during prosperous period in the ministry, do we still rely on God and give praise to Him for what he did, or do we seek our own glory. Disappointing happened when our expectations entering a ministry don’t match with God’s expectations. Therefore, we need to be always rely on God in whatever ministry we are serving Him, for He is our strength.

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

It sucks but it’s pretty clear that Jesus is preparing the disciples for a rough time ahead of them. He calls them blessed in their differing pains for the sake of the gospel, and we should have the same mindset. And like bumble said on the website, they’d probably get immediate pushback. After all, they weren’t exactly the smartest religiously or most prominent or richest. But either way, Jesus blesses them and also gives a warning with his woes. He warns against a comfortable lifestyle that seeks man’s approval, since that isn’t the way the disciples are to walk.

Vivien Do
Vivien Do
2 years ago

I’ve read the Beatitudes many times but after today’s passage, knowing the background and context I’m seeing it in a new light. It seems as though Jesus was talking to those that were not chosen to be part of the 12. He was using this opportunity to encourage the “have nots.” He wanted to remind them what they do have are rewards and treasures in heaven. In the same way, so often we focus on what we don’t have rather than what we do have and what we do have in Jesus is the most important thing.

Team Amber, Jeff, Jenney, and Kimberly
Team Amber, Jeff, Jenney, and Kimberly
2 years ago

Jesus pronounced a blessing on those people who are poor, hungry, weeping, and hated. there is something radical here.  From the world’s standards those are the very people who are not blessed.  We would say that the rich, full, happy and liked are the ppl who have been blessed. Ultimately, the question is…Will you be happy with the world’s riches or will you hold out for a greater treasure, namely, Jesus Christ?

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