After this last fishing expedition, the movement is snowballing. Did you catch how the movement of multiplication is beginning to get out of control? Peter notes that during this time in the ministry, the leper “went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news. As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely place. Yet the people still come to him from everywhere” (Mark 1:45). From the eyewitnesses that he interviewed, Luke notes: “Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses” (Luke 5:15). What will happen next?
Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]
Luke 5:17-26
Matthew 9:1-8
Mark 2:1-13
Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]
- Where is Jesus fishing? What is happening here in this passage?
- What problems are presented in the text?
- Luke 5:20 and Mark 2:5 tells us Jesus “saw their faith.” What does this tell us about faith?
- What lessons were the disciples learning as they watched this event unfold?
- What other questions do you still have?
Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.
This fishing expedition is really a result of the last one. When Jesus healed the leper, He told him to tell no one but to go and show himself to the priest? I think the healing of the man with leprosy was, in fact, Jesus’ creative invitation to the religious leaders to today’s fishing expedition in Capernaum.
On this occasion, Jesus sets up shop for an expedition to the religious leaders. Notice the people who were in this packed house (Luke 5:17). There were Pharisees and teachers of the law from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem. Wow! What a gathering! Having attracted a crowd by cleansing a leper, this was the first time that kind of miracle had happened in a long while. Only God could have done that, right? I think Jesus invited these leaders to continue a discussion that He had with them in Jerusalem a few months back. Remember when they had seen Him last? It was at the Passover, and they had accused Him of saying that He was God’s Son and claiming to be equal with God Himself (John 5:18). Maybe they had come ready for a fight, ready to throw Jesus a curve ball. Or maybe they came with honest questions? The discussion must have centred around Jesus being God and having the same power as God. What power did God alone have? Did you catch it? God alone could forgive sins (Luke 5:21). Yeah, Jesus, you can’t forgive sins, can you?
Some of the religious leaders seemed dead set on proving that Jesus was not God. But they had their hopes crushed as the Father sent four incredible friends, who would not be denied nor would they give up. Instead, they got creative in doing whatever it took to get their friend to Jesus. Do you have any friends like that? Do you love anyone enough to do whatever it takes to get him/her to Jesus? I am not sure how this paralyzed man got four superhero friends who would stop at nothing to get their friend to Jesus. I am also not sure who your superhero friend was that brought you to Jesus, but no one comes to Jesus alone. We all need a friend to call us to “Come and see.” Who do you love enough to tell them that Jesus is the way to God, the only way (John 14:6)?
Notice how they leave this outreach event (Luke 5:26). Wow! That’s right, all of them — the people, the friends, the man and the religious leaders — struck with amazement and glorifying God. The ministry is taking a turn. What will happen next?
Take a few moments and thank God for the person who shared with you the Good News that Jesus is the Messiah. Thank God for giving you a friend that loved you enough that they were willing to take a risk and bring you to Jesus.
Now think of someone you know who needs his/her sins forgiven. Jot their name down. Remember, your friend is spiritually paralyzed. How can you get your friend to Jesus? Spend some time praying and finalizing your fishing expedition plans. It is time to act. Pick one of the fishing expeditions of Jesus and follow His example. Reach out with God’s love to those around you who are spiritual lepers and paralytics.
What lessons were the disciples learning as they watched this event unfold?
– One of the first lessons I feel his disciples learned is one of forgiveness. But also by just watching the events unfold and watching the friends of the paralyzed man, have so much faith to help him find Jesus… I feel the disciples learned that friends who bring each other to Jesus are great friends. And lastly, of course they see first hand that only Jesus has the authority to forgive sins, and even when he is met with questionable responses, he keeps his head high and heals the man.
In these passages the problems that occurred for the men and the paralyzed man were getting to Jesus amongst the crowd and the house. The Pharisees were the other problem for Jesus. He quickly rebukes them with the wisdom of God. Only God can do such things. And He showed the Pharisees and the crowd who He was. I can only imagine the reaction the disciples had while witnessing a crippled man walk and a crowd be struck with the fear of God by the man that you follow. It would fire me up and take away all doubt on whose side I’m on.
I noted the comparisons between the Pharisees and everyone else. The Pharisees although studied the law and were religious leaders were the ones who were called out by Jesus for not having faith. While everyone else who did not have that title had great faith and even went the extra mile to take the tiles off the roof to have a man healed.
I thought it was moving to see that God recognizes people and knows each and every one of their hearts. It makes me evaluate my own heart and if I am following God for the right reasons. Not only that but it helps me to reevaluate where my heart is when I am serving as well. Am I doing it out of pride or am I doing it for God and to serve his people. This passage was very humbling and comforting to me to see that no matter who you are, what only matters to God is if you have faith.
Luke 5:20 and Mark 2:5 tells us Jesus “saw their faith.” What does this tell us about faith?
This tells us that faith is visible and recognizable by others, made alive through actions. We also see that our actions and faith as a group can lead others to healing and faith as well, and that we shouldn’t be ashamed of it as it can lead to others experiencing God