Knowing Him 18: Jesus, the Truth-Teller

Wed. Mar 23, 2022


It is a big day for Jesus! Today we read that he will appear before the religious leaders in Jerusalem. He is being brought up on two very serious charges.

Charge #1: Jesus broke Sabbath by healing a man and then telling him to carry his mat (do work).

Charge #2: Jesus was claiming that God was His real Father and that He and God the Father were equals. Wow! I hope you can’t wait for the declaration of truth that is coming your way today.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]

John 5:16-47

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What was the primary message of Jesus in this passage (v. 18)?
  2. There are several witnesses that Jesus calls forward to testify on His behalf. Find them and write down the truth they tell about who Jesus is.
  3. What does this discourse by Jesus tell us about His character?
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

It’s a little ironic that the Jews were accusing him of claiming to be the Son of God bc he actually was. But to be fair, his claims were pretty outrageous if you didn’t know he was actually the son of God. He claims to have the power to forgive sins and that the scriptures all point to him. And like Cody said, Jesus has the God card in his back pocket the entire time but still tried to reason with his enemies. This shows immense self control in the face of adversity.

Vivien Do
Vivien Do
2 years ago

Today’s passage was a lot to unpack but was necessary for the leaders and even myself to hear. The primary message of Jesus in this passage was to let the leaders know that they do not believe. Jesus is the living God and yet with little to no faith, they do not see that. Instead, they choose to honor each other and be stubborn in their hearts. I can imagine the frustration that Jesus could be feeling yet instead of acting on his emotions he was meticulous in how he wanted to address the actions. He brought up a lot of witnesses and it still astonishes me to see that they do not recognize. Jesus even brought up Moses, someone the leaders put all their hopes in, talked about Jesus and his written testament aligned to Jesus yet they do not see or believe that.

For me, this whole discourse shows how patient and confident Jesus is. No matter how many times the leaders would infuriate Jesus, rather than acting on His emotions, he thought but also in the way he spoke shows that He is confident in the Lord and His identity. He did not let anyone tarnish Him and continues to remain faithful in His path.

Team Amber, Jeff, Jerry, Kimberly
Team Amber, Jeff, Jerry, Kimberly
2 years ago

The Jewish leaders agreed with the concepts that God continued to work but disagreed with the way Jesus making Himself equal with God. However, Jesus also said “by myself I can do nothing…” this shows Jesus doesn’t operate independently from the Father. He constantly is in touch with the Father. The key here is Jesus is constantly in communication with the Father and being obedience to the Father. We must learn from Jesus how to listen to the Father and follow his instructions. If we do things independently from the Father, we will be powerless and ineffective.

Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

In this discourse I see Jesus proving to the Pharasies who he is. Almost like a court hearing, hes like his own lawyer.

If I took a second to think it over, I saw thru v19-21 in this discourse to be comforting. Comforting to know that Jesus was a blueprint/tool into what God was trying to do for the people he loved.

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