Knowing Him 15: Without Faith

Fri. Mar 18, 2022

Jesus now moves back to the His hometown of Nazareth, the place where he had grown up. Remember what it had been like for Jesus from your study in Psalms 69:12? Jesus may have suffered here in His youth at the hands of the elders who had constantly discussed what they were going to do with Him and the town drunkards who seemingly made up songs about Him. Now He was returning to teach in their synagogue on the Sabbath. What will happen?

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]
Luke 4:16-30

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What is this passage telling us about the person of Jesus?
  2. Why the anger in His hometown? (from Luke 4:28)
  3. What was their problem? Also see a later visit in Mark 6:1-6
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

What is this passage telling us about the person of Jesus? This passage is the of God
God’s love for humankind. God gave us words that satisfied our needs. That He came to preach the Gospel to the poor and to be there for the blind. I was reminded that every time I encounter rejections, it isn’t my loss but theirs. This is important because whenever I feel afraid to talk to my peers about who Jesus is or my faith, I often shy away because of fear of rejection. But I am comforted by how well Jesus handled the situation.

Team Amber, Jeff, Jerry, Kimberly
Team Amber, Jeff, Jerry, Kimberly
2 years ago

Why the anger in His hometown?
They are angry because Jesus is calling out the people in the synagogue for their lack of faith, comparing them to people during Elijah and Elisha’s time. He preemptively refuses to perform miracles that He did in Capernaum for them because of their disbelief, and they take offense to it because they’re familiar with the scripture He’s referencing

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

I think we learn from the passage that the person of Jesus is someone who is capable of saying “no”, which is an important distinction to realize. This is what differentiates Jesus from a genie that blindly grants wishes, what you want to happen isn’t necessarily going to happen just because you asked or prayed hard enough. We also learn that Jesus is keenly aware of the motivations of our requests and navigates through them accordingly. He understood the intentions of His hometown and knew that their requests stemmed from a place of disbelief and self-approval, which is why He called them out on it. This is relatable for myself as there have been times where I’m turning a blind eye to my selfish intentions by justifying it as beneficial to God. But just because you pretty up a request in God’s favor doesn’t change how the request came about in the first place. So, when I’m denied my requests, I become dissatisfied and wonder why things didn’t work even though I tried to make it seem like it was for God. Rather, I should learn to be satisfied with God’s decision at the end of the day and realize when I’ve been too selfish and/or self-centered.

team hoa vivien tiff and joce
team hoa vivien tiff and joce
2 years ago

I feel sad that people treated Jesus like so and it angers me to read the response of what they did after. When they did not like what they hear, rather than taking a step back they resorted to throwing him down the cliff. It really shows how destructive human nature can be. Today’s passage was only a glimpse of how often we act on our anger. Jesus remained gracious and rather than condemning him with his own wrath he just vanished. I mean he has the power to do so. Another thing that stuck out to me was his addressing to those who were oppressed by society. The fact that Jesus addresses them and has anointed them with the good news, I can’t imagine how hopeful and recognized they must feel yet rather than feeling like that they responded with their wrath.

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