Knowing Him 11: A Nighttime Look at Jesus

Mon. Mar 14, 2022

Jesus’ display of passion in the temple during the Passover must have raised many eyebrows, but Jesus was then launched onto the stage of popularity in His day. The Bible says, “When he arrived in Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him. They had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, for they also had been there” (John 4:45). But before that, Jesus had a meeting with a man named Nicodemus, who was very religious. He comes to meet Jesus under the cover of darkness because he was deeply concerned with his own reputation and did not want to be seen with Jesus. Take a look.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]
John 3:1-21

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What does this passage tell us about Nicodemus?
  2. What can we learn about Jesus from this passage?
  3. What does this passage tell us about the Kingdom of God?
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Jho, Jeff, Kim, & Amber
Team Jho, Jeff, Kim, & Amber
2 years ago

What does the passage tell us about Nicodemus?

Nicodemus only says 3 things but I think the passage reveals Nicodemus’ lack of faith, hurt and confusion. Nicodemus seemed genuinely curious about Jesus but also reluctant to trust the things that Jesus was saying. It seems like he was trying to understand Jesus but still seeking to clarify the truths that were in his life also.

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

This passage for me showed how good Jesus was at reading people. It’s not the most applicable takeaway, but he knew when to show grace and when to challenge people. In terms of nicodemus, he was a teacher of the law, so Jesus knew that he could handle being challenged. On a more applicable note, it shows how narrow minded nicodemus was, or maybe just how difficult the message of the gospel was to him. Being born again isn’t common sense, and as a teacher, nicodemus probably isn’t used to being on the learning end, or being confused. It’s a good warning that we don’t get complacent in our own understanding of the scriptures and stay open minded.

Charles Lee
Charles Lee
2 years ago

What does this passage tell us about the Kingdom of God?
What it tells me about the Kingdom of God is that it won’t necessarily be scholars and people who may have studied the Bible who we would expect to be in the Kingdom, but it is those who simply believe in Jesus and the good news He shared with us.

Team Hoa
Team Hoa
2 years ago

I thought it was interesting how Nicodemus questioned Jesus a lot and seemed to be a little narrow minded. It also seemed as though Nicodemus didn’t want to be seen in conversation with Jesus when he came to Jesus at night. Jesus enlightens him and shared the good news with him. I think Jesus brings Nicodemus into the light in a figurative and literal sense.

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