Knowing Him 09: A Real Family

Thu. Mar 10, 2022

After you have challenged your family and friends to come and check out Jesus, you must begin to explain to them what the Bible says about Him. You must tell them who He is. There is a lot that the Bible says about who Jesus is, so where do you begin? We learned yesterday that Jesus began where the people were, where they would best understand, and He used the Bible — the Word of God. Let’s see where He goes from there with this first group of “Christ-followers.”

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]
John 2:1-11

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What can we learn about Jesus’ priorities from this passage?
  2. What is unique about this miracle?
  3. Mary stated in v. 5, “‘Do whatever he tells you.’” Why is this great advice from any parent? Do you think Mary was expecting a miracle? Why or why not?
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

Mary stated in v. 5, “‘Do whatever he tells you.’” Why is this great advice from any parent? Do you think Mary was expecting a miracle? Why or why not?
–> I agree with Tu, where following and obeying God’s commands is great advice that any parent could give!
Perhaps at that very moment, she wasn’t expecting a miracle exactly.. but I think for Mary, knowing who Jesus was and knowing his purpose, knew that whatever was to happen next, was the right thing. She had Full faith in Jesus right then.

Team Jho, Amber, Kimberly, Jeff
Team Jho, Amber, Kimberly, Jeff
2 years ago

What can we learn about Jesus’ priorities from this passage?

My takeaway from this passage is that Jesus loves and prioritizes people, because if the wine were to run out, the celebration would end, so He turned water into wine that the wedding would continue. He used this miracle to serve and share the joy and celebration with others, rather than using His power for His own benefit

Team Hoa
Team Hoa
2 years ago

In today’s passage, I thought it was very on par with Jesus’ character to create something miraculous and of good quality, like he did with the wine. The fact that he turned water into good wine, and not just cheap wine, kinda exemplifies that Jesus can go above and beyond. In other miracles, he doesn’t just heal, he instills faith in the people. He doesn’t just split the sea as an escape for the people, he provides a way and a reason for them to believe who he says he is. I think he is shocking to the point that you can’t not believe him! We’re shown time and time again that he truly loves people and wants to serve and provide to the very best of his abilities, which is far greater than any of us could ever do.

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

I think what’s so unique about this miracle is that Jesus didn’t touch anything. He didn’t serve the water that was turned into wine, he simply commanded something and it came to be. I had this realization after reading this that I tend to want God to answer my prayers in a way that makes sense to me instead of Gods way. God will present opportunity to me, but I can’t grasp or I don’t want what he has to offer because I want that reassurance. Basically having more faith.

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