Knowing Him 07: Jesus and God’s Word

Tue. Mar 8, 2022

God the Father opens the heavens and speaks to Jesus, telling Him that He loves Him, identifying Him as His Son and telling Him that He is well pleased with Him. What a moment in Jesus’ life! Immediately following this event, the Bible says that the Spirit of God led Jesus into the wilderness. Why? What for? What would be waiting for Jesus in the wilderness? Take a look.

Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]
Luke 4:1-13
Matthew 4:1-11
Mark 1:12-13

Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]

  1. What is Jesus experiencing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually during the forty days in the desert?
  2. What do you believe was the Father’s purpose for leading Jesus into this wilderness experience?
  3. Why do we often need to go through wilderness experiences? (See Deuteronomy 8)
  4. What other questions do you still have?

Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.

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Team Jho, Amber, Kimberly, Jeff
Team Jho, Amber, Kimberly, Jeff
2 years ago

Why do we often need to go through wilderness experiences?

Referring back to Deuteronomy 8, it’s for us to remember God and how He’s the one leading us, humbling our hearts and redirecting us back to Him. I know for myself I have a tendency to rely on my own power when things are going well, no longer seeking as much guidance from Him as I feel more on autopilot. In the case of being in the wilderness, I need to rely on Him to sustain me, and am reminded to look to Him rather than my own strength, and am able to see His working in even the smallest details

Team Charles
Team Charles
2 years ago

What do you believe was the Father’s purpose for leading Jesus into this wilderness experience?

I think that in order for Jesus to say that He can help us overcome sins, He himself had to experience it first. Jesus had to walk into our shoes. This empowers us because Jesus Himself overcame sins, therefore it is Him who can help us to do the same. He experienced all the levels of sins, from the body to the soul, and to spiritually. He overcame them all. He is able to sympathize with us. That is why God put Jesus into the wilderness for this experience.

Team timmy
Team timmy
2 years ago

I find it really cool that God was pleased with Jesus before he even did anything. He hadn’t overcome the desert temptation, he hadn’t done any miracles or preached yet. But God still showed his love. And I think God put Jesus through the desert bc He knew that Jesus would be prepared with God’s love and spirit backing him. Jesus had to be tempted in order to fully understand the human experience, and this was a good time for it, when he would be most prepared.

2 years ago

Jesus was experiencing physical exhaustion from walking so long, mentally tough in fighting against the temptation, emotionally cautious in response to the tempter’s words, and spiritually connected to his truth during the forty days in the desert. I believe the purpose of this was to give Jesus the power of choice. As humans, we get to decide whether we give into temptations or not, what we like to eat and do, and whether or not we choose to follow and spread the word of God.

Vivien Do
Vivien Do
2 years ago

We often experience the wilderness as a way for God to refine us. He wants to humble and test what’s inside of our hearts. He wants to see if we’re willing to obey Him. Through our obedience, He leads us to “good land”and a better place He has in store for us. He wants us to continue to seek and walk with Him and trust that He’ll continue to provide for us.

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