Joseph and Mary took the baby Jesus and went to look for family in the Judean Hills of Bethlehem. Remember, this is the land of both their families, which is why they had returned here for the worldwide census, issued by Caesar Augustus. Jesus’ Family was going to settle in and remain in Bethlehem for a while. We know this because when the wise men came they found the child Jesus and not the baby Jesus. They also found Jesus in a house, not a stable (Matt. 2:11). All this you will discover today.
Reading [You can read as much as you can, depending on your availability]
Matthew 2:1-18
Meditating [Use these questions to start your thinking]
- How did Mary and Joseph feel when the wise men came? How many were there? What were the gifts they gave?
- Why would the gifts mentioned be appropriate for a king?
- How do you see the Father’s provision and protection for His Son?
- What other questions do you still have?
Sharing: Text ONE of your answers to the questions above to your team. Each team should post a sharing from a team member in the comments below.
On the night Jesus was born, God the father placed a new star in the sky. This star would eventually lead some wise men from the east to the place where Jesus was living. Can you imagine the preparation that would have gone into taking a journey to a faraway land to visit a newly born king? It must have taken them months to prepare for the journey! Surely in those days they would have brought along servants and guards to protect them, especially when they were carrying such expensive gifts. We can estimate that it took them several months to prepare and make the journey all the way to Bethlehem. We also know that they found Jesus in His home and that He was no longer a baby, but a child. Many suggest that a baby becomes a child when he/she stops breast-feeding. Others believe that it was when a baby turned two. Either way, there is little possibility that the wise men saw Jesus in the stable like many Christmas pictures depict.
Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and myrrh.” (Matt. 2:11)
I wonder why God the Father sent magi from a faraway country? What were these gifts to be used for? Think about it and jot down some thoughts.
How much do you think they were worth? What could they have bought in Jesus’ day? What did Joseph and Mary do with the gifts? Did those specific gifts signify something? Are the gifts still around today in some cave hidden away, or have they been used up? So many questions we don’t know the answers to!
Some have suggested that the gifts were used to make the family trip down to Egypt. After all, how could the family afford to make such an expensive journey to such a distant land? Others have suggested that the gifts were saved by Mary and used slowly during Jesus’ life.
I think it makes the most sense that the gifts were sent by God the Father to be the provision for the family on the journey to Egypt and for their stay there, however long it might have been. But regardless, the thing I don’t want you to miss is the fact that God always provided for His Son Jesus. God always provides for His children. Sometimes the provision comes the night before you will need it, sometimes days before and sometimes as you are walking by faith where God is leading you. One of the great names for God the Father is Jehovah-Jireh — the God who provides.