
Sun. Apr 2, 2023

Dear Friends,

We’re so glad you’ve decided to join us in this special Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil. Maundy Thursday is the day when we remember Jesus’ Last Supper with His friends, the disciples, and the moments leading up to His arrest and crucifixion. The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin word “mandatum,” which means “command,” and where we derive the word “mandate.” It refers to the commandment Jesus gave His disciples to love one another during the Last Supper (John 13:34). The word “Vigil” reflects what happened that night in the garden of Gethsemane too. It is from the Latin “vigilia,” meaning “wakefulness is a period of purposeful sleeplessness, an occasion for devotional watching, or an observance”. It was what Jesus asked His disciples to do, “Could you keep watch with me for an hour?” (Mat. 26:40)

Our purpose for this prayer vigil is to grow closer to God and to each other by spending focused time in prayer, reflecting on the love and sacrifice Jesus demonstrated for us. It’s also a chance for us to connect with the deeper meaning of Easter and to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.

Since an hour is just 12 instances of 5 minutes, this Prayer Vigil Guide is designed to help you pray by going through 12 different sections, each focusing on a specific theme or moment related to Maundy Thursday. Don’t worry if you’re new to this or not familiar with all the terms and stories; the guide will provide you with brief explanations and Bible references to help you understand each section.

Here’s how to use the guide:

  1. Set aside a quiet hour in your home on Maundy Thursday to pray through this guide.
  2. Read each section carefully and reflect on the theme or moment described.
  3. Use the space provided on each page to write down your thoughts, feelings, and prayers as you go through the guide. Feel free to be as creative or as simple as you like.
  4. Remember that there’s no right or wrong way to pray. Just talk to God as if you’re speaking to a loving friend or parent and be open to what He may be saying to your heart.
  5. Additionally, we invite you to tune in to our church’s online stream at 8 pm on Thursday. You can go through this prayer guide while listening to meditative music and watching visual cues that will enhance your experience. This is an excellent opportunity to feel connected to others in our church community as we all pray together. Gather your family around some bread and juice to partake in communion too.

We hope this Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil will be a meaningful and enriching experience for you. May you be drawn closer to God and gain a deeper understanding of His love and sacrifice for us during this special time.

Wishing you a blessed Maundy Thursday and Easter season,

-RP Church leadership team