Fellow freedom fighters, assemble!
We started the week with the trio of listening speaking and seething, let’s end with other aspects of Christian life hacking: the blessings that come from living according to God’s Word, the “law of liberty” (James 1:25). So hold onto your faith-filled hats, because we’re about to embark on a freeing adventure!
25But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. 26If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. 27Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
James 1:25–27 (ESV)
James highlights three essential areas where we can unleash these blessings: our vocabulary (v. 26), our charity (v. 27b), and our purity (v. 27b). Let’s take a closer look at each of these life-transforming hacks.
First up, is the vocabulary challenge. If you’ve ever let your tongue do the talking (and who hasn’t?), you know it can get us into all sorts of trouble. But when we choose to use our words to uplift and encourage others, we’re putting our faith into action and breaking free from the chains of negativity. The way we talk will move us to either death or life (Prov. 18:21).
Next, let’s talk charity. We don’t mean just tossing a few coins into a donation jar (though that’s a great start). True charity is about compassion and kindness, reaching out to those in need, and showing the love of Christ through our actions. Embodying Christ-like charity frees us from selfishness, and let’s be honest, it feels pretty great to be a superhero of generosity!
Finally, let’s dive into purity. Now, we’re not talking about scrubbing ourselves with a spiritual bar of soap (tempting, though!). Instead, we’re focusing on living a life that is “unstained by the world’s corruption”. Pursuing holiness frees us from the weight of shame and guilt, freeing us to walk more closely with God.
When we commit to living out these Christian life hacks, we’re not just unlocking blessings for ourselves. We’re also becoming a blessing to others, reflecting God’s love and grace in a world that desperately needs it.
So, are you ready to experience the freedom that comes from living according to the “law of liberty”? Let’s get to it, faith-filled freedom fighters!
What’s one step you can take today to unleash the blessings of the “law of liberty” in your life?
One step I can take today to unlisted the blessings of “law of liberty” is to remember who I am in Christ. A child of God. Representing my Father in heaven so that my words, deeds and purity will run my life of freedom looking to the grace filled cross.
All three areas listed are definitely areas that I have at one time or another focused in my life. But the one area that I have been focusing on lately has been vocabulary. I think our society has definitely become more focused on negativity. I have been trying to be intentional in being more positive and uplifting. It can be hard sometimes because even as a child, negativity was the thing that was primarily modeled to me. Hopefully through our positive words we can not only uplift our brothers and sisters but also be able to witness to unbelievers.
I think one step I can take today to unleash blessings is to focus on charity. As Bumble said, it’s not only about giving money; it’s about having compassion and kindness towards those in need and sharing the love of God through our actions. Learning to move away from selfishness and becoming more generous to people around us can help us experience the blessings of giving.
For me it would be my vocabulary it’s easy to slander people and talk down on others. I can work on my speech by thinking before I speak and speaking only positive comments to encourage others
To answer today’s reflection question, I would have to say that I have much room for improvement to unleash the blessings of the “law of liberty” in all three areas: vocabulary, charity, AND purity. But the one area that stands out the most right now would have to be my vocabulary. I’ve mentioned before, that I tend to be a grumbler😔 This is especially true in the day to day routines with my kids. With them, I often feel as if I’m getting pulled in four different directions at once, and my response is to vocalize my frustration. I will murmur and grumble, sometimes even snap at them. Then, I’ll feel bad about it, realizing that each moment with them is really a gift, and an opportunity to model godly behavior- in which I often fail miserably. I pray that God would grant me patience and humility that I would show them the same grace He shows me.